


Your GreenGov Ideas

Some of the top clean energy ideas submitted during the GreenGov Challenge are presented to the Steering Committee on Federal Sustainability. November 5, 2009. (Public Domain)
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  1. 2xtream says:

    How does one get one of these jobs thinking about Green Bull Shzzz… Oh yeah they are the perks for voting Obama and working on his campaign… That’s who has these Green Jobs with a 6 figure incomes. They don’t know a thing about global warming. But there they are.
    This government is broken and Obama is on the top of the pile of stinking BS

    Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Obama = One Huge Con Man/

  2. bobgnote1 says:

    Legalize POT, for 25,000 CO2-neutral or negative applications, like Henry Ford wanted to, or wait for the Chinese to tell us to, AFTER they make all our cars for us and establish 1400s White Fleet evidence, against your riot and illegal churning, in your own courts, pigs. Chingadero THIS: Move Rudi G., Jenna Dewd, Jon bon Jovi, and Matt Lauer back to Texas, dump them in a ditch, and bury them with the dead, OR YOU ARE SO STUPID, YOU WILL NEVER FIGURE ETHIOPIA IS THE LAND OF ORIGIN, Isaiah 20:5.

  3. brumagemm says:

    I’m sorry, your spelling is just too big a distraction too ignore…

    (on the other hand, if he looks like a fool, he’ll convert less people to craziness!)

    …never mind, go about your business

  4. 2xtream says:

    brumagemm: The fact that so many will sell there sole because of previous believed false hoods. They can not admit there being fooled and will Waller in the very LIES that now hold them hostage. Only they can accept they have been fooled, and admit it and get on with the change America needs to be focusing on. Like Impeaching Obama. and getting rid of the Fed !

    Don’t fight the truth it always wins, so wake-up.

  5. Voltegasproductions says:

    Taking 5 minute less showers, using evironmental friendly products do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The real problem is those which we can’t control is the goverments job to fix ( cars, factories, those things ) But they won’t actually do anything.

  6. brumagemm says:

    10,000 think it’s a hoax

    The sheer holes in your argument are laughable.

  7. ActsOfFreedom says:

    Global warming a hoax?
    On what planet?

    You might take a little trip to Greenland to see for yourself the consequences of pollution on the environment. Or rent a dog sled and visit the Alaskan coastal villages where centuries old towns are falling into the ocean.

    Watch the news, because almost yearly another huge chunk of the Antarctic breaks off.

    But– if we can create a sustainable society why in the world should we continue to use up earth’s limited natural resources?

  8. justplayman says:

    1 Please tell the truth MR. WHITEHOUSE / POPE / 4TH VOW JESUIT GENERAL

    2 Tell the people the US is a FOREIGN CORPORATION and isn’t a government

    3 Tell the people you tricked the Amrican mothers into signing their children over as CITIZEN by way of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, hijacked the free Nations’ governents and turned them into CITIZEN SLAVE PRISONER CORPORATIONS.


    5 Help the united states of America / and other hijacked Nations

  9. justplayman says:

    1. Please tell the truth MR. WHITEHOUSE / POPE

    2. Tell the people that the UNITED STATES is a FOREIGN CORPORATION and is not a gonernment.

    3. Tell the people that you tricked the Amrican mothers into signing their children over as CITIZEN SLAVES by way of the BIRTHCERTIFICATE.

    4. Please MR. WHITEHOUSE,….tell the people the truth,….make the good stand.

    5. You can do it MR. WHITEHOUSE / POPE…

    6. We are counting on your helping America.

  10. voyeurdug says:

    Transportation subsidies were used by DoD back in the 1980′s and 1990′s for uniformed military, and it was extended to civilians only after Y2K, and then first in and around the beltway. DoD and DOT working together… what a concept!
    Beneficial Suggestion and Bright Ideas programs in the government (in my experience), usually go begging, because management only give it lip service.

  11. 2xtream says:

    My mistake there are 31 Thousand Scientist that say Global Warming is a Hoax…. See it for yourself.


  12. 2xtream says:

    Global warming is a Hoax one where only a few will profit Trillions of Dollars on nothing more then a LIE!
    The 2500 Scientist Obama refers to are all government employees that do not Hold Any Certificate or Background in the field of Geothermal, Astronomy, or any of the foundational study’s concerning Global Warming or Climate Change. Where on the other hand. 10 Thousand Scientist that DO have those credentials all say Global Warming is a HOAX put in place by the whitehouse.

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