


Postal Reform Update: Next Steps for Saving the Postal Service

Get the Latest at SavingThePostalService.com WASHINGTON- Today the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, the US Postal Service, and Labor Policy reported out on a 8-5 vote HR 2309, the Issa-Ross Postal Reform Act of 2011, with changes that bring the total mandatory minimum savings for USPS in the bill to .7 billion annually. The bill will be heard at a full committee markup before heading to the floor. The bill was introduced in June by Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Subcommittee Chairman Dennis Ross, R-Fla. The bill is the only postal reform legislation introduced this Congress that would restore the postal service to solvency and prevent a multi-billion dollar taxpayer funded bailout. “Getting to a profitable situation with the core business is our requirement, and that is all I am dedicated to,” Issa said. “The status quo for the Postal Service is no longer sustainable and reform is urgently needed,” said Ross, who chaired the markup. “I thank my colleagues for being here today and look forward to working with them to ensure postal services are available to all Americans for the next 200 years.” The legislation moves forward several cost-cutting structural reforms that would allow the postal service to right-size operations and reduce workforce cost. Seven amendments designed to eliminate reforms in the legislation or change its intent were defeated. Find more information on the Issa-Ross Postal Reform Act

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  1. mikeadamsii916 says:

    Maybe if the usps would stop “losing” packages, actually they are stealing the good stuff and mailing the useless stuff, maybe people would use them more. Just stop stealing. Its a felony and I hope all the dishonest people get caught

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