


The Evolving Checklist

The Evolving Checklist

Preparing for a move? You better make a checklist.

The traditional checklist, a long, handwritten list of tasks, has evolved along with new technologies. In the past, we would relish in the act of crossing off each task as it’s completed. But in today’s technology-driven world, the checklist takes on a new form. Today’s checklist is probably typed into a computer or a Day Planner, and the emotional “cross off” has been transformed to the harsh tapping of the delete key. Despite technology, regardless of where you are moving, a checklist will be needed to help you get there.

Your new checklist will include traditional tasks ranging from canceling utilities and forwarding mail to returning library books, updating magazine subscriptions and placing important items such as passports, medications and plane tickets in your carry-on luggage.

But the checklist has evolved. You’ll still have to cancel your gas and electric service at your current address, but in today’s world, you may also have to update your satellite radio service and cable TV package. You may stop using these services but until they are canceled, you may still be charged for them. When you forward your snail mail, you will likely do it online. And don’t forget your e-mail. What about returning books to the library? Chances are, you bought your books online. No need for a trip to the library.

What about the list of items you place in your carry-on? It’s very likely that your plane ticket is now an e-Ticket, but you still may need to print a hard copy with a “bar code,” that is if you want to check in quickly and avoid those long check-in lines at the airport (which don’t seem to be progressing with technology). And you better add a few items to your carry-on list. You’ll need your mobile phone, Blackberry and PC chargers and don’t forget your Day Planner and your iPod.


Forwarding Your E-mail You’ll need to find out if your email account can be serviced from your new location. If not, you will need to establish a new e-mail account as soon as possible and alert all of your business contacts, online magazine and newsletter subscriptions as well as friends and family. You may want to set a forwarding option up with your current email provider so your current contacts can reach you automatically.

Virtual Banking Research your online banking service provider. If you need to open a new bank account, you may have to re-establish your online banking program. If you move more than once in a short period of time, your bank may require address changes to be made in writing. So much for high technology.

Get Shredding As you prepare for your move, you may have piles of documents ready for the trash, but who knows who might go through it and what they might find. Identify theft is a serious and growing issue. Shred and destroy old paperwork with personal information on it.

Dial it Up In addition to arranging for a home phone, you may need to arrange for a new mobile phone number from a provider in your new location. While your home phone probably does not have a contract in place, your mobile phone might. Canceling or suspending your service may be inevitable.

The new virtual checklist may not provide the thrill of the “cross off,” but it will provide a real-time, organized approach to managing the “modern move.” No matter how you organize your checklist, either on your digital day planner or with a pen and pad, it is the planning phase that will help to ensure a less-stressful, more-enjoyable relocation.

Chris Draeger, Group Vice President, Crown Relocations

Crown Relocations has been providing international moving and relocation services since 1965. With 200 offices in 50 countries, Crown has “people on the ground” in all the major Expat communities around the world. Crown provides a range of services to help Expats and their families move and settle into their new home ranging from Orientation Tours, Home finding, School Search and more. Crown also organizes Expat Clubs with regular events to help people meet and socialize with other Expats.

We also serve corporate clients as they develop and manage the relocation policies and employee benefit programs for the staff moving overseas. Services include expense management, program development, policy counseling, customized online reporting and full departure and destination services for the employees.

Crown is a private organization headquartered in Hong Kong, with European HQ in London and Americas HQ in Los Angeles California.

Crown provides free moving quotations on its website at http://www.crownrelo.com

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