


Postmentalism by Alvo Stockman

www.world-of-magic.co.uk Postmentalism is impossible to film a standard demo for. The impact hits when your friend is sitting at home! So what I did was I told a handful of working pros (Tom Krzystof, Oz Pearlman, Paul Draper and Morgan Strebler) about the effect, what happens and then I gave them 24 hours to think of a method. Then I gave them a call the next day to chat. The following reactions are from those calls… Before a major event (football game, election, etc), you offer to make a prediction to one of your friends. However in the interest of security, you don’t want to hold on to the prediction yourself, nor do you want your friend to. You offer to mail the prediction in the form of a letter to your spectator’s house, using the US Postal Service. In this way, it would be a felony to tamper with it! You write the prediction, put it in an envelope, address it, put a stamp on it, and hand it to your friend. You then invite him to put the letter in any mailbox in town. The following day (or whenever the letter happens to arrive), alone at home, your friend’s brain will slowly disassemble itself and finally shut down, trying to figure out how you knew. YES. It’s as clean and straight-forward as it sounds. There’s absolutely nothing misleading in this description. Get ready to be talked about, this is a reputation maker.
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