


Smooth Move: How to Make One

Smooth Move: How to Make One

Buying a new house or starting a new job can be stressful; add moving to that scenario and you may feel you have more stress than you can handle. While there is no such thing as a stress-free move, careful planning and packing can make your family’s move less stressful and more pleasant for everyone. A few simple strategies can save you time, worry, and money when relocating.

A month before moving day

If you know you’ll need to move in the next few months, start collecting important documents, including bills, insurance documents, and cards from family and friends; you’ll want to send out a change of address notice to these people once you’ve moved. Utility bills will be especially helpful later, when you arrange to have your service transferred or cancelled. Make a checklist, including doctors, dentists, school offices, and other service providers. This will help in getting records transferred upon arrival in your new home.

Stock up on boxes. Often you can get moving boxes for free at your local supermarket or department store, but you may also want some heavy-duty boxes for transporting fragile or important items.

Start packing early. If you have children, have them select a few toys that they want to play with, and help them pack the rest of their toys away into clearly labeled boxes. For younger children, it can be helpful to let them decorate their boxes with brightly colored crayons or markers; this can give them some sense of control about the move, and reduce their stress levels accordingly. Adults should pack all nonessential items, and label each box with its contents, not just its owner’s name. This will help with prioritizing the unpacking at your new home, and save you time and stress on your back and your nerves.


Make arrangements with a moving company or moving van rental. Shop around for the best deals; moving vans, for instance, are usually cheaper to rent and have better selection on weekdays than on weekends, when most people plan to move. If you need to have your car transported to your new home, now is the time to schedule that, as well.

Two weeks from moving day

Notify utilities and cable companies of your move. It’s usually best to set a shut-off date a couple of days after you intend to vacate to allow for any last-minute changes in plan. Providing your utility companies and your cable television company with your new address will ensure your final bills arrive and are taken care of promptly.

File a change of address with the post office. It’s also time to send those change of address forms to family members and friends, banks, credit card companies, insurance agents, and all the other businesses and individuals who send you mail regularly.

The day before you move

Finish packing. At this point, you should have packed everything except the bare essentials, and have boxes ready for the last few things. A duffel bag, gym bag, or small piece of carry-on luggage can hold necessities on the way to your new home, and is conveniently sized to take with you on your journey.

Confirm your reservation with your moving company or van rental. If friends are helping you move, call to confirm that they are still coming; offering bribes of food is also appropriate at this juncture. Since all your dishes should be packed, buy paper plates and take-out food to celebrate your last night in your old home.

If you follow these strategies, moving day should take care of itself. Proper planning and organization will allow you to relax and be certain that everything has been thought of in advance. Reducing your stress about moving will allow you and your family to concentrate on the task at hand and look forward to your future in your new home.

Joe Cline writes articles for Austin Texas real estate. Other articles written by the author related to Austin Texas Realtor blog and Rollingwood real estate can be found on the net.

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