


How New York Office Space Can Transform Your Business

How New York Office Space Can Transform Your Business

Let’s imagine this. Your business is ready for the next step. Ready to make that big move forward. Ready to land those big clients, those whale sized accounts that turn your business into a runaway success, ready for your business to become yet another example of the great American success story. When you imagine this, imagine your office. Imagine you sitting behind a large mahogany desk with the Manhattan skyline behind you, framed by the large window. That’s right. Manhattan. Imagine your business in some prime New York office space.

Okay, back to reality. That was fun, right? But ask yourself this. What was so absurd or over the top about what you just imagined? It wasn’t the wild success of your business. You already know your business can be successful. It wasn’t the bigger clients or even the large mahogany desk, either, right? This, if not already a reality for you, is in the realm of possibility for your business. You’re good at what you do, after all, and a desk is just a desk. So what was it? It was the Manhattan skyline, right? That’s what makes this whole daydream absurd, isn’t it? The first thing that most likely came to your mind was the price tag; New York office space isn’t cheap. That alone makes this whole excise a fantasy.


But what if New York office space was possible, even for your modest-sized business? How incredible would that be to have a mid-town Manhattan address on your letterhead? Imagine how much legitimacy your business gains overnight just with that address, with that office overlooking Gothem’s skyline. It was John Lennon that once said America is the Roman Empire and New York is Rome itself. It’s the center of the business universe, and the good news for you is that it’s never been a better time to make your move.

Due to the financial meltdown that hit the U.S. economy hard starting in 2008, commercial real estate in the Big Apple took a dive. While this wasn’t good news for the economy, it’s made it much more affordable for some to find affordable real estate in Manhattan, whether it’s for purchase or for lease.

But what if you’re thinking this: Okay, prices are down but I still can’t afford a midtown price tag. Well, there’s still good news for you. There are office services that can provide you with the most important benefits of having a high-end office suite, but without the complete costs. For example, what if you just wanted the Manhattan address but didn’t really need to work out of Manhattan? Some office services can provide you with an address and forward all of your mail to you. But what if you needed a conference room occasionally for those special clients? Well, some office services can provide you with a conference room when you need it. But what if you wanted the Manhattan address but you don’t want your entire staff to work out of it, so just needed a single suite, with some sort of staff support, and occasional access to a conference room? Well, again, some office services can provide you with just that.

So now that you know about these options, let’s go back and play pretend again. Imagine your business with a Manhattan mailing address. Imagine giving your sales pitch to a huge client in a midtown conference room. Imagine that mahogany desk and the skyline behind you. Not such an absurd thought anymore, is it? The fact is, New York office space is possible even for modest-sized businesses. Office suites are now scalable and are designed to fit specific needs.

Sandy Winslow is a writer that shares ideas about transforming your business. Nothing raises the legitimacy bar quite like New York office space


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