


General Knowledge Pt.- VIII

General Knowledge Pt.- VIII


Why is the olive branch used as a symbol of peace?

The origins of using olive branch as a symbol of peace lie in ancient Greek culture. In ancient Rome too, the defeated during a war used to hold an olive branch to indicate that they were pleading for peace. According to Christian mythology, during the great flood, the dove sent in search of land by Noah, returned with an olive leaf. This was seen as a sign that God had stopped his war on mankind, the flood was receding, and land was in sight. According to some, an olive branch signifies peace because olive trees, because of their slow growth, are not cultivated during war time and therefore considered as peace-time trees.

Who was the first un secretary general?

Trgvy Halvadan Lie of Norway was the first secretary general of the UN. He held the post from 1946 to 1952. He’s credited with acquiring the current UN headquarters from John D Rockerfeller Jr. However, he was criticised for his failure to swiftly bring about an end to the Korean War. He resigned shortly after taking up the second term of office in 1952, when the Soviet Union refused to accept him as the secretary general and the then US President, Joseph MacCarthy, accused him of working with disloyal Americans. Today, South Korean candidate Ban Ki Moon seems all set to take over from the current secretary general, Ghana’s Kofi Annan.

Who was the first un secretary general?

With reference to the answer to ‘Who was the first UN secretary general?’ (Oct. 8), Joseph McCarthy was never the US President. He became famous for his anti-Communist witch-hunt. Harry S Truman was the US President when McCarthyism was at its peak. Trygvy Lie was a Finn, not Norwegian. Lie served two terms but was criticised often by the Soviets for favouring the West in cases like the Korean War.

Why is world human rights day celebrated on december 10?

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a universal standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on December 10, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration. It is celebrated around the globe that All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms’.

How did the dove become a symbol of peace?

The dove has been a symbol of peace and love for a long time. In Greek I mythology Aphrodite, the goddess of love, kept a dove as a pet. The dove became a symbol for love. Later, Christians believed that the dove symbolised the Holy Spirit coming to establish a loving relationship with us. At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a dove and hence God was communicating peace to people. According to Robert A. Schuller, the dove became the symbol of peace when Noah let a dove out of the Ark after the flood and it returned with a leafy twig and thus God made peace with humanity. More recently, artist Pablo Picasso used doves to symbolise peace. His painting of a single dove became famous all over the world when it was used on a poster for the World Peace Congress in 1949.

What does the united nations organisation do to-maintain peace in the world?

THE primary objective of the United Nations is the mainte| nance of international peace and security. This is achieved through its organ, the United National Security Council. If there is a dispute between two^ countries that may threaten international peace and security, the Security Council may investigate the dispute and can make recommendations, for its peaceful settlement. The Council may require members of the United Nations to apply economic sanctions against any state found guilty of a threat to peace or breach of peace. If your sanctions do not achieve the desired objective, the Council may recommend action by air, sea and land forces.

What does the united nations organisation do to maintain peace in the world?

THE primary objective of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security. This is achieved through its organ, the United National Security Council. If there is a dispute ‘ between two countries that may ‘threaten international peace and security, the Security Council may investigate the dispute and can make recommendations, for its peaceful settlement. The Council may require members of the United Nations to apply economic sanctions against any state found guilty of a threat to peace or breach of peace. If your sanctions do not achieve the desired objective, the Council may recommend action by air, sea and land forces.

When was amnesty international founded?

Founded in 1961, Amnesty International seeks to promote human rights It camPaigns for the release of prisoners of conscience, fair trials for political prisoners and an end to torture, extrajudicial executions, disappearances” and the death penalty It also organises fact finding missioms and human rights educationft won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 and now has over 1 million members and supporters in more than 160 countries. It plays a vital role in bringing about the 1984 Convention against Torture and also campaigned for the 1997 treaty banning anti-personnel landmines. It also joined other NGO at the UN Conference in Rome in July 1998 that led to the treaty to establish a permanent international criminal court to try those who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.

What is meant by united nations?

UNITED Nations is an international organisation, established by charter on October 24,1945, with the object of maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations on the basis of equal rights, self-determination and encouraging international co-operation in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems.

What is the intellipedia?

Similar to the open source online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, intellipedia is a product for the espionage community, which was unveiled by John Negroponte, widely known as the US intelligence czar. It will allow officials and intelligence analysts to add and edit content, much like users do with Wikipedia, on the US government’s Intelink Web. Since its launch on April 17, 2006, intellipedia has about 3,600 registered users.

What is credit card skimming?

Skimming is the unauthorized copying of information stored on the magnetic strip of a credit card. This information is used to create a cloned card, which is then used for fraudulent transactions in retail outlets or on the internet. The stolen details can also be used for identity theft. Credit card skimming occurs when someone uses a hand-held device called a skimmer, which resembles an ATM keyboard. The credit card is swiped through the device, and the device reads the magnetic strips on your credit cards. Now the thief has the information needed to make a counterfeit card.

What are greenfield projects?

A greenfield project is one which is not constrained by prior work. It is constructing on unused land where there is no need to remodel or demolish an existing structure. Such projects are often coveted by engineers. Some examples of greenfield projects are new factories, power plants or airports which are built from scratch. Those facilities which are modified/ upgraded are called brownfield projects.

Which is the most valuable diamond?

In 2000, De Beers and the Steinmetz iffloup unveiled The Millennium Star, a 203.4 carat, D-colour, internally and externally flawless pear-shaped diamond, arguably the most valuable diamond in the world. It is currently exhibited at the Millennium Dome in London. Nicky Oppenheimer, diairman, De Beers, did not put any value on the diamond but ‘The London Evening Star’ insured ‘The Millennium Star’ for 100 million pounds. Even this is believed to be just a fraction of its price.

Who is the first aircraft hijacker?

The first aircraft to be hijacked was a Pan-Am Fokker F7 aircraft carrying mail. On February 21,1931, the plane, while on the ground in Peru, was seized by armed Peruvian revolutionaries. They wanted to be taken to Lima so that they could drop their propaganda leaflets over it. The pilot refused and the deadlock in their negotiation lasted for ten days, after which the hijackers released the plane declaring that their revolution was a success.

What are the miraflores locks in the panama canal?

This is the first set of locks situated at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal. The locomotives manoeuvre the ships through the locks prior to being raised or lowered 27 feet per chamber. About 26 million gallons of water are transferred in only seven minutes and it’s all done by gravity. Apart from Miraflores, there are two other sets of locks in the Panama Canal. They are Pedro Miquel and Gatun Locks.

Who hosted the first miss universe pageant?

Long Beach, California was the first city to host the Miss Universe pageant, way back in 1952. That year, Armi Kuusela from Finland became the very first Miss Universe title holder. Since then it has been held in several cities across the globe. This year’s Miss Universe pageant will once again be held in California, in Los Angeles’ Shrine Auditorium.

Why is vanuatu the happiest place?

According to the Happy Planet Index, Vanuatu is the happiest place on earth. This index measures the quality of life against environmental impact. It views happiness in terms of what we put in (resources), and what comes out (human lives of different length and happiness). It has been designed jointly by the New Economics Foundation and green campaign group Friends of the Earth, both of the United Kingdom. Of Asian countries, Vietnam was ranked at 12; India came in at 62.

What is ‘blank verse’ in literature?

Blank verse in literature is unrhymed poetry. It is a dominant verse form of English dramatic and narrative poetry Since the mid 16th century, blank verse was adapted by Italian Renaissance writers. From Italy, blank verse was brought into literature by poet Henry Howard. Rabindranath Tagore was a great exponent of this form and his poem ‘Upagupta’ is a fine example.

What is the full form of bmw?

BMW is the acronym for Bayerische Motoren Werke AG or in English, Bavarian Motor Works. It’s an independent German company and manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles. It’s the world’s largest premium carmaker and is the parent company of the BMW Mini, and Rolls Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover. It was founded in 1913 by Karl Friedrich Rapp in Munich (Germany).

Who designed the eiffel tower?

The Eiffel Tower in Paris was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the famous French engineer and designer. He started building this humongous tower in 1889. It is located on the banks of the river Siene, in the Champ de Mars. At 324 meters, it’s the tallest structure in Europe. It is considered the most famous landmark in France and receives 5.5 million visitors every year.

How is a mole different from a spy?

All moles are spies, but all spies are not moles. A mole is a spy who works for a particular agency, but divulges vital information to a rival agency. A spy, on the other hand, tries to extract information from a rival agency by pretending to be one of them. The fictional James Bond, for instance, is a spy. Moles have been in the news recently, thanks to Jaswant Singh’s new book which talks of a mole in the Prime Minister’s Office during P V Narasimha Rao’s tenure.

What are tail brands in liquor?

In the life cycle of a product, its brand equity goes up, hits a plateau and then goes into a decline depending on the nature of the product and its environment. In Japan, for instance a brand’s life cycle is typically thought to be 18 months. Before it starts going into a decline, companies often introduce a successor brand of the same product. This new brand is called the tail brand. Another school of thought believes that a tail brand is the laggard in a clutch of brands in the same product range.

Why do people say ‘cheers!’ before drinking?

When many persons join together to celebrate, they raise a toast or cheer to show their oneness of feelings and to express that they are in it together. Another point of view is that in order to enjoy an experience wholly one would use all senses. When enjoying a drink or two one can see it feels it, taste it and smell it but can’t hear it. By clinking the glasses and saying cheers, we complete the experience. Or so the legend goes!

Why do people say ‘cheers’ before drinking?

The custom of saying ‘cheers’ before drinking especially when many persons join together is one of the oldest customs in the West. In olden days, alcohol was considered to have some bad spirits in it. Glasses were clinked to rid the alcohol of bad spirits. Over the years it grew into-a popular custom and gradually spread to the other parts of the world.

Who was the first dalai lama?

The first Dalai Lama of Tibet was Gendun Dupa. He is perhaps one of the classic examples of the mobility of the Tibetan spiritual hierarchy, especially within the Kadam and new Kadam sects. Born in a cowshed in 1391 in a nomadic tribe, he was one of the most distinguished disciples of Tsong Khapa, the famous Lama who founded the Gelukpa order as a synthesis of all older sects. When he was seven, his father passed away. His mother, unable to support him, admitted him into the Nartang Monastery. After completing his studies at Nartang, he left for Central Tibet where he studied and meditated for twelve years. He died in 1474. The title of Dalai Lama was not assumed until 200 years later.

Which is the longest telephone call ever made?

On July 20, 1969, US President Richard Nixon placed the world’s longest phone call, in terms of distance, to Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong at Tranquility Base on the moon. This would have been a distance of about 385,000 km. The longest telephone call that can be made from the US would be from Bay Area, California, to Adelaide, Australia, routed through New York and London, a distance of about 18,000 miles. We could not find any record for the world’s longest telephone call as far as time goes, but are pretty certain that at least one housewife was involved!

Who is known as the father of the english language?

Geoffrey Chaucer. He was born in London sometime between 1340 and 1344. He was an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat (courtier), and diplomat. He is also referred to as the father of English Literature. Although he wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative ‘The Canterbury Tales’. He is sometimes credited with being the first author to demonstrate the artistic legitimacy of the vernacular English language, rather than French or Latin.

Which is the hottest place in the us?

Death Valley is the hottest place in the US and one of the hottest in the world. It is situated near California’s eastern border with Nevada. Death Valley is 140 miles long and 282 feet below sea level. The highest temperature recorded here was on July 10,1913 with the mercury touching 134 degrees Fahrenheit (56.67 degrees Celsius). It remained a world record temperature till 1922, when a weather station in the Sanara desert at Azizia (Libya) recorded 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.78 degrees Celsius), a record that still stands.

Where’s the secret formula of coca-cola?

One of the most popular soft drinks, Coca-Cola has been zealously guarding its original formula. It’s reportedly stored in an Atlanta bank vault. Recently, the secret formula was in the news in India. The Supreme Court asked cola companies to reveal their formulas to ascertain the chemical composition, in the aftermath of the study which found high levels of pesticide residue in the drinks.

What is the origin of the word ‘moolah’?

Moolah is a Fijian word meaning ‘money’. This word may be the origin of the English slang for ‘money’.

When was the first atm setup in the world? When did india get one?

The use of ATM magstripe cards is said to have been made in 1969 when Docutel installed its Docuteller machine at New Yorks Chemical Bank.This is the first recorded use of magnetically encoded plastic. Donald C Wetzel is given credit for developing the machine for Docutel. Docutel was the first to apply for a patent and is credited by the Smithsonian Museum as inventor of the ATM. In 1987, India get one when the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation introduces the ATM concept in India in 1987.

How did the see-saw get its name?

The dictionary meaning of see-saw is a backward & forward or up & down movement. The movement of a see-saw resembles that of a saw which is backward and forward. It also gets its name from a sawyer’s jingle called ‘See Saw sack a down’.

When was the big ben installed?

The four bell of Great Clock of Westminster- known worldwide as Big Ben – is the most famous bell ever cast at Whitechapel. It was cast on April 10, 1958; the clock Denison designed was built by Messrs E.J. Dent & Co., and completed in 1854. The tower was not ready until 1859, so the clock was kept on test at Dent’s works for almost five years and then installed there.

When was cirque du soleil set up?

Cirque du Soleil (French for ‘Circus of the Sun’) is an entertainment empire based in Montreal, Canada and founded in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy Lalibert and Daniel Gauthier. It was an answer to a call by Commissariat General aux Celebrations (1534-1984) of the Quebec government for the 450th anniversary celebrations of the discovery of Canada by French explorer Jacques Cartier. Gauthier, who left the company in 2001, now owns the ski area Le Massif, on the St Lawrence River in Quebec. Cirque du Soleil is now guided by Guy Lalibert.

Who designed the indian flag?

The Indian national flag was designed in 1916 by Pingali Venkayya from Machilipatnam. The tricolour flag designed by him, with a charkha in the centre was adopted by the Congress committee in 1931 at Karachi. On July 22,1947, during an ad hoc meeting of the Constituent Assembly, it was approved as the National Flag of India with suitable modifications, wherein the Ashok Chakra was adopted in place of the charkha.

Who designed the indian parliament?

Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker, who were responsible for the planning and construction of New Delhi too, designed the Indian Parliament building. The Duke of Connaught laid the foundation stone of the Parliament House on February 12, 1921. The construction of the building took six years and the opening ceremony was performed on January 18, 1927 by the then Governor-General of India, Lord Irwin. The cost of construction was Rs 83 lakh.

Who created the first map of the world?

The Greeks are credited with putting map making on a sound mathematical footing. The earliest Greek known to have made a map of the world was Anaximander. In 6th century BC, he drew a map of the then known world, assuming that the earth was cylindrical. The first Greek to draw a world map using the assumption of a spherical earth was Eratosthenes. Ptolomey first drew maps of the world using latitudes and longitudes and conic projection. In 150 AD he produced a six-volume atlas called Geographia containing several maps of the world known during his time.

When was the first skilift built?

The history of the first known chairlift depends on definition. Miners were using a mining tram in Kennecott, Alaska, to ski in the 1920s. There were other non-ski chairlifts in British Columbia at the turn of the century; Grass Valley, California, in 1896; Aspen, Colorado in 1890; and British Columbia earlier yet in 1874. The first known chairlift was created for the ski resort in Sun Valley, Idaho in 1936.

How did the barbie doll get its name?

Barbie’s creator Ruth Handler named the doll after her daughter Barbara. It made its debut at the New York International American Toy Fair on March 9,1959, which is widely celebrated as Barbie’s birthday. Handler fashioned Barbie after she noticed that her daughter quite enjoyed playing with adult-looking dolls rather than then-prevalent models of dolls made to resemble infants. Her husband Elliot Handler was the co-founder of the Mattel toy company

Why is only the second saturday, not the others, a holiday?

According to the book of Genesis in the Bible, the world was created in six days and the seventh day (Saturday) was a day of rest and worship. The ancient Egyptians also considered this day a day of rest and play Saturday is the Sabbath among the Jews and the only day named after a Roman God, Saturn. In support of this historical belief, across cultures, most employers give their workers either a half day or a full holiday on this day. Saturn is the second-largest planet in the solar system and hence second Saturday is a holiday


What is obiter dictum?

Obiter dictum is a term used in legal parlance. It is the Latin term for ‘something said in passing’. Obiter dictum is an observation made by a judge which, though included in the judgement, does not form part of the decision of the court. It can be an opinion of the judge which is not in line with the reasoning leading to the judgment.

What is the difference between a cookie and a biscuit?

Both are essentially tea-time snacks. It depends whether you speak American or British English and you can’t use a biscuit to identify a web user.

Who made the first wind chime?

The wind chime is a product of many cultures and times. The ancient civilisations of Asia can claim the creation of wind chimes as their own. The Chinese were casting bells by 1100 BC and they created the wind bell that they call fengling. Wind chimes were considered religious objects which could attract kind spirits and drive away evil ones. The Buddhists especially revered wind bells and hung them by the hundreds from the eaves of shrines, pagodas, temples and in caves.

What is the real story behind saying ‘touch wood’?

Touch wood’ and ‘knock on wood’ are used as a charm to bring good luck or to avoid ‘tempting fate’ after making a boastful statement. Some believe it has to do with knocking on the wooden cross. Another explanation stems from the pagan belief that spirits lived in trees and that knocking on wood would prevent the spirit from hearing the boastful words. The superstition has not been traced beyond the 19th century children’s tag games.

Which is the largest burger in the world?

A Pennsylvania restaurant put a 15-pound burger on its menu, claiming it to be the largest burger available. Dennis Liegey, the owner of Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, 120 kms northeast of Pittsburgh, named it the ‘Beer Barrel Belly Buster’ which comprises 10 pounds of meat moulded into a 20-inch patty on a specially baked 17-inch bun. The remaining weight comes from 25 slices of cheese, a head of lettuce, three tomatoes, two onions, plus copious quantities of mayo, ketchup, relish, mustard, and peppers.

What is a turnkey project?

One of the special modes of carrying out international business is a turnkey project. It is a contract under which a firm agrees to fully design, construct and equip a manufacturing/ business/ service facility and turn the project over to the purchaser when it is ready for operation for remuneration.

What is 3 pl, 4 pl and 5 pl business? Why are they called so?

A third-party logistics provider (abbreviated 3PL) is a firm that provides outsourced or ‘third party’ logistics services to companies for part or sometimes all of their supply chain management function. Fourth party logistics is an integrator that assembles the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organisation and other organisations to design, build and run comprehensive supply chain solutions. Since the advent of the 4PL service, the international logistics industry has been researching on the development of the fifth-party logistics service i.e. the realisation of full-scale operation of e-procurement. A key function of the 5PL is to aggregate the demands of the 3PL into a bulky volume for negotiating more favourable rates with airlines and shipping companies regardless of which generation of logistics solution belongs to all.

What is the origin of the word quiz?

It is not known for sure where it comes from. It was first recorded in the late 1700s, in the sense of an odd or eccentric person. Later it became another word for a joke or a witticism and only during the mid-nineteenth century did it take on the modern meaning, which is to question or a formal set of questions. However, there is a famous tale about a Dublin theatre manager named James Daly, who accepted a bet that he could create a new word without any meaning and have everybody in the city guess its meaning and use it within 24 hours. He is said to have employed a large number of urchins to go around the city and write the word quiz on every surface they could find. This had everybody asking what this word meant, the next day. The story is best viewed through the bottom of a glass of something Irish.

What’s the origin of the phrase —a bull in a china shop’?

It refers to a situation where a person finds himself out of place and deals too roughly with a delicate problem. It is widely believed that the phrase came about from reallife situations, when cattle were brought to the market in London in the 17th century. The beasts would stray into nearby china shops and played havoc with the items. The earliest recorded use is in Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘Jacob Faithful’ (1834).

What’s the origin of the expression ‘hip hip hooray’?

The old fanciful explanation of the origin of this cry is that ‘hip’ is a notarikon, composed of the initials Hierosolyma est perdita, and that when German knights headed a Jew-hunt in the Middle Ages, they ran shouting ‘Hip! Hip!’, as much as to say: ‘Jerusalem is destroyed’. ‘Hurrah’ was similarly fancifully derived from Slavonic hu-raj (‘to paradise’), so that ‘Hip! Hip! Hurrah!’ would mean ‘Jerusalem is lost to the infidel, and we are on the road to Paradise’. ‘Hip’ is actually of unknown origin, but ‘hurrah’ or ‘hooray’ are alterations of ‘huzzah’ itself said by the 17th century writers to be a sailor’s cheer.

How did clapping of hands originate as a gesture of appreciation?

In public performances like concerts and during sports events, the audience and spectators have always needed some way of communicating their appreciation to the performers. The communication should be loud enough to reach the performers, the sound should be easy to produce, and it should be language independent. Clapping satisfies these requirements. In fact, it is the easiest way of producing a non-verbal loud sound with the human body, and hence crowds must have resorted to it to convey their approval even in ancient times. Clapping at public performances must have also been inspired by the fact that in musical concerts, clapping was used sometimes as a substitute for percussion instruments. Further, the act of expressing joy through clapping is partly instinctive to human beings, as seen in excited children.

Which country issued the world’s largest stamp?

The world’s largest stamp is the Err Mail stamp measuring a whopping 10 ft by 16 ft. This stamp can be viewed at Matthews Memory Lane Motors at the intersection of S.E. 26th and Holgate in Portland, Oregon, USA. The stamp went on display on May 23,1995. It’s is the largest stamp ever issued — real or faux.

When was berlin established?

The first written mention of towns in the area of present-day Berlin dates from the late 12th and early 13th century Spandau is first mentioned in 1197, and Kopenick in 1209, though these areas did not become part of Berlin until 1920. The central part of Berlin can be traced back to two towns: Cvlln (on the Fisher Island) is first mentioned in a 1237 document, and Berlin (across the Spree in what is now called the Nikolaiviertel) in one from 1244. Over time, the twin cities came to be known simply as Berlin.

What’s the origin of the term ‘banana republic’?

The economy of some small and island caribbean and latin American countries depends by and large on only one factor i.e. the cultivation of banana and other fruits. Though these countries are republics established by their respective constitutions, ultimately the economy and hence politics and political policies revolve around the production of banana and they enjoy little political independence. This is why they are called ‘banana republics’.

What is the origin of rangoli?

Rangoli may have originated in India even before the origin of the Hindu epics, because rangoli is mentioned in the epics. Today, rangolis are made on floors and walls for decorating houses during festivals and other joyous occasions like marriages. The religious significance is that gods get attracted towards rangoli and hence while inviting a god into a house, the house should be decorated with rangoli. Chitra Lakshana, an early treatise on Indian painting, attributed the idea of rangoli to Lord Brahma.

How are whirlpools caused?

Whirlpools are a threat to small boats. The whirlpools between Sicily and mainland Italy, named Scylla and Charybdis, were once thought to be the lairs of sea monsters that swallowed ships. Whirlpools are often caused when strong currents are confined between rocks or when two currents meet.

Has a woman ever run for the presidency of the us?

No, but Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for President in 1872. Interestingly, she was running for President even before women got the right to vote in the United States. Unfortunately, what she had to contend with was personal slander about her morality. Currently, it looks like Hillary Rodham Clinton is all set to run for President in the 2008 elections.

How was the mirror invented?

Water was the first mirror. People saw their faces reflected in ponds and rivers. Another early mirror was shiny black stone called obsidian. But these didn’t give a clear reflection. When people learnt how to polish metal to a shiny surface, they used bronze mirrors. Mirrors today are made of glass coated with silver. In 1508, glass makers of Venice, Italy invented a mirror made of glass. They coated the back of a sheet of glass with tin and mercury, which made it shiny and reflected images perfectly.

What is bentham’s dog law?

Jeremy Bentham was a liberal reformer of the 19th century in the United Kingdom. He was a great critic of criminal laws prevalent in England. Bentham popularized the view that the primary aim of the criminal law was deterrence. He called the criminal laws as dog law because it condemned the offenders after the event has taken place in much the same way that owners punish their dogs after they have erred. Bentham believed that such laws do not have any deterrent value.

When did ballet dancing originate and where?

Ballet first appeared in the Roman Pantomime. The earliest precursors to ballets were lavish entertainment spectacles in the courts of Renaissance Italy These elaborate spectacles, which united painting, poetry, music and dancing, took place in large halls which were also used for banquets and balls. The Italian court ballets were further developed in France. Le Ballet Comique de la Reine (The Ballet Comedy), the first ballet for which a complete score survived was performed in Paris in 1581. It was staged by Balthazar de Beaujoyeux.

Who are the yeoman warders?

The Yeoman Warders patrol the Tower of London by the river Thames and form a major tourist attraction in the UK. They are also known as the Beefeaters for they were given meat rations during the mediaeval ages. The Tower recently broke with tradition to keep with the times and hired a female Yeoman Warder.

Why is hindi india’s national language?

Neither the Constitution nor the laws of India accord the status of national language to any language in India. Indian law states that no language will be made the national language unless and until all the constituent states of the Union of India accept it. Of the 28 states and seven Union Territories, only ten states and three Union Territories have Hindi as the principal official language. However, Article 343 of the Indian Constitution states that the official language of the Union (India) shall be Hindi in Devanagari script.

Who is the first virtual millionaire?

Ailin Graef, better known as Anshe Chung, is the world’s first virtual millionaire. This virtual real estate dealer has made her first million by buying and selling virtual property in the online game Second Life. Her initial investment was .95.

Why are only ‘x’ marks used for wrong answers and tick marks for correct ones?

A tick (or check mark or check) is used to indicate ‘yes’. Its opposite is the cross ‘x’ though it can also be positive as in elections. In the US, it’s more common to check a square box with a cross. In some countries (like Finland and Sweden), the tick indicates ‘no’ rather than ‘yes’. When the ancient Romans kept checklists, they marked items with a V; for the Latin word ‘veritas’ (truth). According to another theory, it comes from using fountain pens. The ink would not always start flowing without some initial action. The downstroke of the nib was enough to get the ink flowing and then it was available for the upstroke.

What’s the basis of international currency conversion rates?

Foreign exchange markets, where different currencies are exchanged at rates determined by demand and supply for the respective currencies, determine international currency conversion rates for most currencies. Since such conversion rates are determined by market forces, the exchange •rates keep fluctuating continuously Therefore, currencies traded in international foreign exchange markets are called free floating currencies. Sometimes, the central bank of a country intervenes to control the exchange rate of its currency if the rate is going out of’ bounds. The demand for a currency depends on several economic factors.

Why are the people of netherlands called the dutch?

English-speaking people call people from Holland Dutch only. This word is the English counterpart of the Dutch words ‘diets’ and ‘duits’. ‘Duits’ means German since the Germans call themselves ‘Deutsche’. Around 1290 in the northern and eastern part of the Netherlands, the word was ‘duutsc’ and as the Frisian people (living in the North) spoke a language much more like English. The English adapted Dutch from Frisian Duutsc. Later, ‘duutsc’ became the Dutch word for their eastern neighbours Duits (German).

Does dracula’s castle really exist?

Although Count Dracula was fictional, loosely based on the mediaeval tyrant Vlad Tepes of Wallachia, Dracula’s castle, surprisingly, does exist and is known as the Bran castle. That’s because Bram Stoker, who authored Dracula, based his fictional vampire’s castle on this one, located near Brasov in Romania- Though, there is no proof that Vlad Tepes ever lived there, historical accounts suggest that he was imprisoned in its dungeon for two days by the Turks who had captured the area.

Which country produces the most number of bicycles?

India is the country, which produces the most number of bicycles. The Hero Group sells more than 10 crore bicycles. It has even found a place in the Guiness Book of World Records. It produces 18,500 cycles per day.

What became of jack the ripper?

Truth be told, no one knows what became of the person who was dubbed Jack the Ripper by the British media in the late 19th century Speculation was rife about the real identity of the serial killer who murdered several prostitutes by cutting their throats and then mutilating their bodies. Some believe the Ripper was a surgeon, others theorised that the Whitechapel murders weren’t committed by one but by several people independently More than a century after the Whitechapel murders, Jack the Ripper is back in the news because of a similar series of murders in Ipswich, north-east of London.

What does ’till the rising of court’ refer to in the indian legal system?

It refers to a nominal sentence the lasts for only few seconds. The sentence is pronounced as follows: “You are sentenced till rising of court and for that purpose the court has now risen.” In India, there was a case involving former UP chief minister Kalyan Singh. Though the apex court found him to be guilty it sentenced him ’till the rising of the court’.

What is the meaning of basel 2?

Basel 2 is the new capital accord signed in June 2004 at Bank for International Settlement located at Basel, Switzerland. It is an improvement over Basel 1 which had certain deficiencies which have now been removed. Basel 2 is based on three pillars: capital adequacy, supervisory review and market discipline. It is basically concerned with financial health of the banks worldwide. The focus in Basel 2 is the risk determination and quantification of credit risk, market risk and operational risk faced by banks. Reserve Bank of India has accepted the accord and issued guidelines to ensure compliance with the norms by March 31,2008. Other scheduled commercial banks are required to implement Basel 2 by March 31,2009.

Who designed rashtrapati bhavan?

The Rashtrapafi Bhavan was designed by Edwin Lutyens and built in 1931 to be the central point of British power in Delhi. Originally called the Viceroy’s House, the Rashtrapati Bhavan covers an area of 4.5 acres of land. It has 340 rooms, 37 salons, 74 lobbies and loggias, 18 staircases and 37 fountains.

How many grammys have the doors won?

Although The Doors created hit singles like Light My Fire, Roadhouse Blues and Break on Through to the Other Side, and its front man Jim Morrison was a legend in his own right, the band hasn’t won a single Grammy award till date. However, in 2007, The Doors will be given the Lifetime Achievement Grammy, a gesture, which critics say, is coming too late.

What is spectra frame?

Specta frame is used when your customer is away from your product but through its video interactive system it can provide knowledgeable sales presence and consistent messages, right at the moment when the sale is about to happen.

What’s the origin of the word ballet?

Domenico da Piacenza (1390-1470) is credited with the first use of the term ballo (in De Arte Saltandi et Choreas Ducendi) instead of danza (dance) for his baletti or balli. Some scholars view this as the origin of ballet. The first ballet produced and shown was Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx’s Ballet Comique de la Reyne (1581), which was a ballet comique (ballet drama).

What are small cap, mid cap and large cap shares?

Cap is short for capitalization which is a measure by which we can classify a company’s size. Big/large caps are companies, which have a market cap between 10-200 billion dollars. Mid caps range from 2 billion to 10 billion dollars. These might not be industry leaders but are well on their way to becoming one. Small caps are typically new or relatively young companies and have a market cap between 300 million to 2 billion dollars. Although their track record won’t be as lengthy as that of the mid to mega caps, small caps do present the possibility of greater capital appreciation, but at the cost of greater risk.

How did the phrase ‘ladies first’ come into existence?

According to Judaism and the Torah, the ‘ladies first’ rule is a very old tradition. The story goes that when Moses was instructed to inform the people of Israel about the Torah, he was told to “speak to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel.” Since the house of Jacob appears first in the instructions, and it refers to women, the theory follows that Moses had to speak first with the ladies. Probably this is the origin of the phrase ‘ladies first’.

Who is known as the napoleon of india?

Samudragupta (335-375 AD) of the Gupta dynasty is known as the Napoleon of India. Historian A V Smith called him so because of his great military conquests known from the ‘PrayagPrashati’ written by his courtier and poet Harisena, who also describes him as the hero of a hundred battles. But some leading Indian historians criticize Smith and feel that Samudragupta was a far greater warrior than Napoleon, as the former never lost any battle.

Who is the patron saint of dance?

Saint Vitus (pronounced Vits) is the patron saint of dancers and of people with nerve afflictions. The nerve disease Saint Vitus Dance, or chorea, is named after him. Legend has it that Vitus, the only son of a senator in Sicily, become a Christian at 12. He is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, a collective cult of saints which originated in 14th-century Rhineland, believed to intercede effectively against various diseases. In Germany it was believed in the 16th century that good health for a year could be secured by anyone who danced before the statue of St. Vitus on his feast day. This dancing developed almost into a mania, and came to be confused with chorea, which was subsequently known as St. Vitus’ dance.

What’s the origin of the term ‘widow’s peak’?

A widow’s peak is a descending V-shaped point in the middle of the hairline, above the forehead. The trait is inherited genetically The term comes from English folklore, where it was believed that this formation was a sign of a woman who’d outlive her husband. The peak refers to the beak or bill of a headdress, particularly a widow’s hood, making people think a woman was being given a mourning hood for her husband’s imminent death. It’s also believed to be a sign of sexual prowess in folklore. Men with male pattern baldness develop what appears to be a large widow’s peak.

Why is a proper meal called a ‘square meal’?

A ‘square meal’ dates to 1868, although it did not become common until around 1880. Of American origin, it comes from the adjectival use of square to mean sturdy or substantial. There are older, related senses of the adjective square. In the 17th century, square was could eat and drink copious amounts: The style of eating, dubbed square meal, where eating utensils must be moved at right angles and is a derivative of the common usage, not the origin.

Where did cajun cuisine originate?

Cajun cooking styles originated in Louisiana from a group of people who had their roots in France but were immigrants to Canada. They were exiled from Canada and eventually settled in the swamps and bayous of southern Louisiana. They are known as Acadians and are a unique cultural group with their own language. Ingredients for Cajun cooking came from the swamps and bayous, and include wild game, seafood, wild vegetation and herbs. It is cooked in a single black iron pot. The Native American and German neighbours of the Acadians also influenced Cajun food.

Why is a shoestring budget called so?

On a shoestring suggests that one’s resources are limited to the laces of one’s shoe. The expression may have come from faro (a gambling game), but it isn’t recorded until 1904, although shoestring gambler for a ‘petty, tinhorn gambler,’ is recorded 10 years or so earlier.

What’s the origin of the term —cockpit’?

A cockpit was a pit used for cock fighting, where owners would pit fighting birds against each other for gambling. In the 16th century, it was used to mean a place of entertainment or frenzied activity. William Shakespeare used the term in ‘Henry V to specifically mean the area around the stage of a theatre. Cockpit also came to be used for any small enclosed area. Cockpit as a term for the pilot’s compartment in an aircraft first appeared in 1914 and from about 1935 cockpit also came to be used informally to refer to the driver’s seat of a car, especially a high performance one, and this is the official terminology in Formula One.

Who vtas marquis de lafayette?

Marie –Joseph- Paul- Yves- RochGilbert Du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette was a French soldier and later became a diplomat. He participated in the American and French Revolutions and that’s why he is considered a hero in both the US and France. The . Americans have honoured him by naming places like Lafayette, Fayette and Fayetteville after him. Three US naval vessels have also been named in his honour. Despite considerable anti-French sentiment in the US at the time, Congress granted him honorary citizenship on August 6, 2002. During World War II, the US flag was draped on his grave, even though it was in Nazi-occupied territory. Portraits of Washington and Lafayette hang in the chamber of the US House of Representatives.

When was ‘jana-gana mana’ first sung as our national anthem?

After Independence, ‘God Save the King’ was abandoned. But Indian delegates to the United Nations were asked for India’s own national anthem to be played on occasions. In a quick decision, a record of ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was handed over and played by the UN orchestra. As the tune was highly appreciated by all, the Constituent Assembly of India as the National Anthem adopted it on January 24, 1950. However, the first stanza of the five stanza poem, ‘Bharat Vidhata’ (published in Tattvabodhini Patrika in 1911) was first sung on the second day of the Calcutta session of the Indian National Con- gress on December 27,1911.

Why is the plus sign used for addition and the minus sign for subtraction?

In early 15th century Europe, the letters P and M were generally used for addition and subtraction. The earliest print appearance of the modern signs seems to come from a book on ‘Behende und hupscheenung auff alien Kauffman- schafft’ or Mercantile Arithmetic by Johannes Widmann in 1489, used to indicate surpluses and deficits. The ‘+’ sign is a simplification of the Latin ‘et’ (comparable to the ampersand &). The’-’ sign may have been derived from a tilde written over m when used to indicate subtraction; or it may have come from a shorthand version of the letter ‘m’ itself. According to the website on Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols, a book published by Henricus Grammateus in 1518 is the earliest found to use ‘+• for addition and ‘-’ for subtraction.

When did beijing become the capital of china?

Beijing, earlier known as Peking and Peiping, was founded by Zhou around 700 B.C. Kublai Khan made it the capital of his Khanbalik Empire, from 1264 to 1267. The Ming emperors made it their capital in 1421 and it remained China’s capital till 1912 when the Manchu Empire fell and SunYat Sen turned China into a republic. In 1949, the Communists captured the city and made it their capital, which it has remained to this day.

When was james bond created?

The fictional spy was created by lan Fleming in 1952. He first made his appearance in pop culture in the novel Casino Royale. But when the character made his jump to big screen, first portrayed by Sean Connery and later by many others, this suave and sophisticated spy managed to acquire a charming and enduring appeal. The book that first unleashed this character was recently made into a movie with Daniel Craig playing bond.

What is a group of clowns known as?

A group of clowns working for a circus company, or any professional organisation of clowns, is known as clown alley. Originally, the term was used informally in a circus to the area behind the stage, used by the clowns as their makeup area. Over the years, the term got formalised and has come to mean not only the above area but also the group of clowns using it.

Did sidney sheldon ever win an oscar?

Actually, he did. The best-selling novelist who recently passed away was a screenplay writer before he began writing his popular pageturners. He won an Oscar in 1948 for the screenplay of ‘The Bachelor & the Bobby-Soxer’ which starred Shirley Temple and Cary Grant.

What are the basic tenets of shintoism?

Developed in prehistoric times, Shinto is the true expression of what it means to be Japanese. Though Shinto has no absolute commandments for its adherents aside from living “a simple and harmonious life with nature and people”, there are four affirmations of the Shinto spirit. The family is seen as the main mechanism through which tradition is preserved. Their main celebrations relate to birth and marriage. Nature is sacred. Natural objects are worshipped as containing sacred spirits. Physical cleanliness is emphasised. Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse their mouth often. ‘Matsuri’ refers to festivals dedicated to the Kami or God.

What is the string theory?

String Theory provides a unified description of the fundamental particles and forces in nature including gravity. This quantum gravity theory is at present the best hope for concrete computable answers to fundamental questions such as the underlying symmetries of nature, the quantum behaviour of black holes, the existence and breaking of supersymmetry, and the quantum treatment of singularities. It might also shed light on larger issues such as the nature of quantum mechanics and space and time. In String Theory, all forces and particles emerge in an ele- gant geometrical way, realising Einstein’s dream of building everything from the geometry of space-time.

Where does the light go after it is reflected from the earth?

IT is radiated back into space.

What is the meaning of ip and usp written on drugs in the market?

THEY are abbreviations of the words Indian Pharmocopeia and United States Pharmacopeia. Pharmacopeia is the standard bookfor the manufacture of drugs and medicines. If IP is written, it means the drug meets the requirements as laid down in Indian Pharcopeia.

How did man measure time in ancient times?

ONE of me oldest ways of measuring time was the sundial. A simple sundial consisted of a vertical stick or a pillar which cast a shadow. The length of the shadow would keep on changing depending on the position of the sun in the sky. A day (from sunrise to sunset was divided into twelve hours by the Babylonians. They would mark these hours at the various positions of the shadows. India, too, had sundials. But in India, a day was divided into 8

prahars. Each prahar was equal to three hours. Another very common way of measuring time was to make a small hole in a vessel and let it float in water. The hole was made of such a size that when the vessel sank, it would be one ghatika or a unit of time. Ghatika is derived from the word, ghat or a vessel. Yet another common way of measuring time was sand glasses. In the sand glass, sand would run from the upper part of the sand glass to the lower part. The passage between the upper and lower parts used to be narrow. During the 16th century, sand glasses were used for measuring short intervals of time like 15 minutes and 20 minutes.

What is a differential gear?

Whenever an automobile turns left, the left wheel travels less distance compared to the right. This implies that the left wheel moves at a much higher speed. This is facilitated by an arrangement of gears, a ‘differential gear’, which allows two or more shafts to move at appropriate speed. In modern cars, the differential gears are attached to the rear wheels.

What is a ‘dirty snowball’?

An American astronomer, Fred Whipple, developed the model of comet composition. Acceding to this model the nucleus of a comet consists of frozen mass and dust resembling a dirty snowball.

Who invented the transistor?

The transistor is a small solid-state device that controls electrical current. Walter Brattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley in Bell Laboratory invented it. The transistor replaced vacuum tubes in several devices. Today, the chips or integrated circuits consist of millions of transistors an area of a few square mm.

What is the big bang?

The Big Bang is the explosion that triggered the creation of the universe. Most cosmologists believe that after the explosion, the universe cooled down by expansion. Latest astrophysical observations conform that the universe is still expanding. There is a competing theory of the origin of the universe: the steady state theory. According to this, the universe does not undergo any cataclysmic transitions. The scientists belonging to this school are a miniscule minority.

What is ascii?

ASCII stands of American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is the universal language understood by all computers in which a unique number represents every alphanumeric character.

Who holds the world record for having the most number of children?

The world record for having the most number of children officially recorded is 69 by the first of two wives of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782), a peasant from Shuya, 150 miles east of Moscow. In 27 confinements, she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets. The children were born between 1725-1765.

Why is an aaa battery called so ?

AAA is the standard designation for R03 battery with Carbon Zinc System. The AAA standard has been given by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and R03 also represents the I same battery as designated by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The R denotes roundness. The diameter of the cell is 10.5 mm and height 44.5 mm. The AA/R6, D/R20 is commonly called as penlight batteries and -radio/torch batteries respectively.

Why is TV known as the idiot box?

This term has been used to refer to a TV set in a derogatory way since the late 1950s. The name stuck for two reasons. TV has been a non-interactive device, and the term ‘idiot box’ highlights the fact that it is non-responsive. According to some studies, a child addicted to TV might suffer from slow metabolism, obesity, myopia, and might develop into a moron or an idiot. Thus, the adjective idiot in the above term applies both to the device in question and to its users.

If i have positive thinking, i am told, i can do better and achieve more and even conquer illness. Is there any relationship between the state of mind and the well being of the body?

OF COURSE, there is. If you are in a happy mood, the body will secrete chemicals called endorphins feyhich help you to relax. When people meet and laugh loudly as in laughter clubs, it raises the level of endorphins in the body. When the endorphin levels are high, you feel relaxed and you can sleep well, so say the physiologists. This explains the popularity of laughter clubs. On the other hand, when you have feelings like anger, fear or worry, the Hypothalamus gland sends messages to the various glands and organs in the body and activates them. It is as if the. Hypothalamus says, “On your guard! Get ready to protect this organism. The Hypothalamus activates the adrenal glands and more adrenaline and nor adrenaline (hormones) are secreted. More glycogen is converted into glucose, particniariv in the muscles. This provides you energy to fight With the person or run away from the person or situation which gave you feelings of anger, fear, etc. But in modern society you are unlikely to hit the person in front or run away from him, exhibiting your fear. As a result the extra glucose, and the hormones circulate in the body, making you restless. You will not be in a state of harmony. This affects health. It is therefore, important to learn to relax. And you can learn this without joining laughter clubs.

Why do the colours of clothes fade when exposed to sunlight?

YOU must have noticed that you feel, warm if you bask in the sun and objects kept in bright sunshine get heated. Heating is a chemical reaction. All chemical reactions have their own effects. Some colours fade faster than others.

Is there any truth in the statement that the state of the mind influences the body?

THERE is no doubt whatsoever that the mind does influence the functioning of the various human organs, particularly glands that secrete hormones. For example, the moment you perceive a threat and as a result of this perceived threat you get angry or frightened, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline and noradrenaline. Glycogen in the muscles is converted to glucose to help you meet the threat. But if you do not run away from the threat and if you do not fight with the object or person that poses the threat, the extra glucose and hormones will circulate in the blood. That is said to harm you. When you are tense, even the salivary glands will not function properly and will not secrete enough ptyalin to help di,g0St the carbohydrates in the food that you chew. The gastric Juice secreted tin the stomach will have a higher percentage of hydrochloric acid. This will give rise to acidity. Even the peristalsis movement of the stomach and intestines will be affected and therefore, what you eat is unlikely to be digested well. Experiments, conducted at Stanford Institute, California and by Herbert Benson suggest that most people suffering from high blood pressure show remarkable improvement by doing meditation; even by repeating mantra riiythmically and continuously for 10-20 minutes, twice a day.

Who invented the first folding umbrella?

Even though the use of the umbrella for protection from rain or sun or as a parasol dates back to days back in history, the first folding umbrella was invented in 1851. The inventor was (perhaps that was to be expected) an Englishman by the name of Holland; .who was a resident of Birmingham.

What is fifo?

FIFO stands for First In – First Out. This is a method of storing contents in a computer memory. FIFO retrieves the item stored for the longest time. This is in contrast to FILO (First In – Last Out). Computer engineers share a private joke: GIGO (Garbage In – Garbage Out).

What is cartesian geometry?

Rene DesCartes, the French philosopher, mercenary and mathematician, used algebraic equations to describe geometry. The branch of Mathematics is called coordinate or simply Cartesian Geometry, after its inventor.

Who designed the lego bricks?

Ole Kirk Christiansen of Denmark designed the Lego bricks in 1949. Lego is a Latin word meaning ‘I put together’. LEGO is the name of a line of toys featuring colourful plastic bricks, gears, minifigures, and other pieces that can be assembled to create models of cars, planes, trains, buildings, castles, sculptures, ships etc. Like traditional wooden blocks, they can be stacked on one another and also locked together. They have several round studs on top, and a hollow rectangular bottom. They stick together, but can also be pulled apart easily.

Where was the first metro rail constructed?

The first metro rail became operational in London on January 10, 1863. The Metropolitan Railway, as it was known then, was run between Paddington and Farringdon. Over the years, this underground and overground railway system has carried millions of passengers. It’s fondly called ‘the Underground’ or ‘theTube’.

How is a bullet train able to move at high speed?

Bullet trains run largely on conventional steel rails mounted on concrete sleepers, but the fastest services use dedicated tracks. Every part is aerodynamically shaped to reduce drag. The motors are very powerful. The key to reach high speeds is the power of the fraction device. Each carriage has four motor sets to power the axles. If there are 16 carriages, then there are 64 motors. Each motor is rated at 185kW totalling to ll, 840kW. Extensive soundproofing reduces the noise level. Bullet trains also use magnetic levitation in which the rails and the train don’t touch each other.

What is special about the donana national park?

Donana National Park is situated on the right bank of the Guadalquivir river in Andalusia, Spain. It is notable for the great diversity of its biotopes, especially lagoons, marsh lands, fixed and mobile dunes and scrub woodlands. It is home to five threatened bird species. For many migratory birds, Donana is the meeting ground between Europe and Africa.

Who found the wreck of the titanic?

The remains of the Titanic were found in 1985 by Robert Ballard, an oceanographer and marine biologist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. When he located the Titanic, he saw that, as some survivors reported, the ship had broken apart. He believed the weight of the water-filled bow raised the stern out of the water and snapped the ship in two just before it sank. Debris falling out of the ship was strewn over a large distance across the sea floor. The bow and the stern were found nearly 2,000 ft apart.

What is a chinese whisper?

It’s a game in which information is passed from one party to another (usually verbally) and the facts and theme often get distorted. Common examples are rumours and neighbourhood gossip. Likewise, information forwarded by e-mail is often altered, as is overheard information. Safety warnings can turn into scares, jokes into facts and dramas into crises.

Why is the pieremachocheltochtunique?

The Pieremachocheltocht is a parade of all kinds of boats through the canals of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It’s a canal cruise with everything that stays on the water. Participation is open and one can see the funniest and weirdest constructions. Prizes are handed out for the most beautiful, the most original. The word ‘pieremachocheP is an old term for either a very fat woman or a rowboat.

How do we calculate purchasing power parity?

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is a theory which states that the exchange rates between two currencies are in equilibrium when their purchasing power is the same in both countries. This means that the exchange rate between two countries should equal the ratio of the two countries’ price level of a fixed quantity of identical type of goods and services. When a country’s domestic price level is increasing, that country’s exchange rate must be depreciated in order to return to Purchasing Power Parity The PPP exchange rates are used to compare standards of living.

What does “sdnbhd” stand for?

Sdn Bhd is the short form for Sendirian Berhad. The most common company structure in Malaysia is a company limited by shares. They may be either private (Sendirian Berhad or Sdn.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma, M.A.(History); Certificate in Taxidermy(Madras); Certifate in Library Science (TOPPER-ML Sukhadia Uni. Udaipur,(Rajasthan) INDIA. Hobby: Cricket; Postal Stamp Collection and Collection of Quotations since 1981.

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