


Child Custody Q&a

Child Custody Q&a

By World Famous Ph.D. Custody Experts-1200+ Pages-The Biggest And The Best For 7 Years!

A woman told me I fathered a child and I found out 12 years later it was not mine can I sue for custody?
…My family financiallly supported the child for 12 years , but I didn’t. Can I sue for custody. I am married and have… emotionally invested in the child – do you see it as your son/daughter? More…they see you as their father? Why do you want custody now anyway? Sorry once again I have more…

A written signed document by both parents and signed by a notarize about child custody hold up in court?
…or fight about the visitations and custody rights. If we have a typed… exposure when dealing with custody of a child the only thing that ever matters…

Abdicating custody can a father abdicate custody, and still have rights to a child in the future & what about?
child support would the father still have to pay even after abdicating, and would the father still have the right to see the child. up his parental rights to the child then he has no rights as…

About Child Support and Custody!?
…old together and expecting our third child now. We seperated in 2007 for 3 months…

About child custody and my ex…..?
…and got my child. I got …I want is my child what do I do????? … Sounds he is playing with your motion… you have to stop him by not showing any reaction…

About child custody…?
Who is responsible for the transportation? The mother or the father? My son lives with me, He goes with… You should drop the child off, than he does the same thing on Sunday, or you…

About how much on average does it cost for a child custody lawyer? my son’s dad is in jail…?
He is probably going to be there a long time…and he is a total peice of sh*t… has a big… Depends on where you are. In California 2k to 5k sounds about right.

About how much would a child custody case cost?
There is allegation of abuse and my child is 15 years old. We have… It honestly depends on how long it last. Most of the time the initial consultation is free. This is…

According to Utah law, how many days does a parent need to have custody of a child to claim child support?
I am about to get custody of my kids during the school year…it up so that he doesn’t have to pay me child support. How many days are…

According to the new law in GA, concerning child custody, what is the age that a child can choose?


It was 14, what is it now? And will the fact that my husband is on probation have any factor?

Adopt????Can a relative with permanent custody adopt the child?
Can a relative with permanent custody adopt the child? … if the parents give up their parental rights

Advice about my child custody situation?
… going to try to fight us for custody when he turns 12. Any advice for me… you up, treat it as non-chalant as what a child craves more then anything is…

Advice for pursuing child custody. Even though the order said if Fa. violates child would be definitely turn?
My situation is I have a daughter and the father has been violating the order for quite… good then go back in and file a custody dispute. If you can prove your good then you…

Advice on Child Custody?
…every Wed. I feel like I’m sharing custody with them and not my son’s dad…to be there during his visitation that the child remain with me. Is this possible? Any… It’s the “or” in the court document that allows him to do this without your having a choice in the matter. Since…

Advice on child custody visitation and on what my rights are as a non custodial parent.?
I can not afford a attorney. Can I represent myself? Does anyone know of any sites where I can do my own research… can bleed you dry with state enforced child support, but the state won’t life a…

Advice on child custody..read below please!?
…27yrs old) She is collecting child support and welfare. Is there something…know about this and he can fight for full custody?! please help! living off of welfare and child support. If the house she lives in…

Advice?? Child custody right, privilege or can do with out?
…old boy as result.Have 2 take father 2 court 4 child support because he refused to pay a… Start with supervised visitation and see how it goes, if it is an issue, then move for no visitation…

Advise on child custody case?
…with his county to petition the court for joint custody-so that she can live with him and i … What really matters, its that you two be able to give to your daughter the best conditions, so that she may…

Affidavits for child custody modification Texas?
… seeking to modify the current custody of my daughter to be changed to her… Custody? It’s a form of access or custody where the children stay in the former family residence and…

Affordable lawyer for child support and possible custody battle from it?
…w/ kids. We have shared custody and volunteered child support from him. He is no … the OCSE typically will not represent you in a custody fight. They only handle the child support aspect. I’d find a local attorney and…

Affordable legal aid for child custody modifcation?
…this changed to full legal and physical custody as I have evidence he is using… like? Some men will sign over custody without a court battle if they know they…will fight the hardest for your children. I found out the hard way…

After a child has been adopted in2003 can the biological mother regain custody?
after adoption procedures … The Biological mother or father (if he is known) have only 6 month’s to change their mind’s(1 yr max in some…

After a divorce and the mother is granted full custody of a child, can the mother leave the state?
She wants to move to Pennsylvania from Arizona. Can she leave with their child. to maintain residence in a certain state. Your custody order will have to be revised so that you can perhaps get the child longer for summer, christmas and such…

After a divorce, can a parent re-open custody and ask DNA tests, even on children not his?
…prove it, and therefore he can petition to drop child support all together *He only pays for… mentioned in our divorce and custody agreement. Can he do that? Get a court to require…

After divorce in Islam, custody of children?
…the couple get divorced and the children are both say 5 years old… Yeah that’s what they say in Islam. I think the reasoning is something to do with the mother not being…

After marriage, what rights does a stepmother have of joint custody children?
…Stepmother have to be watching the children instead of my girlfriend, the Biological Mother… the father be gone? Does the child custody agreement have a “right of first refusal” in…

After the divorce in iran,when father have right to have custody of the children?
… Contact the British Embassy and stay in contact with the Children. They need to know you care.

Age in Michigan when a child can choose who has custody?
… and my mother received full custody of both me and my sister. Fast-forward ten…to do this — he’s never missed a child support check and has gone… factor considered by the court to be relevant to a particular child custody dispute …

More Child Custody FAQ please visit : http://www.morefaq.com/reference/child-custody/


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