




Statute of limitations in Florida on Fraud?
What Is The Statute of limitations in Florida with criminals that commited fraud on others? If you wish to know how the statute of limitations applies to a specific situation, you should verify the statutory time period and its relevance to your situation with a qualified Florida lawyer. Fraud: 4 years -.

Suicide or lawyer?
i seriously need an attorney for a brain injury that is causing me some legal troubles in my eveyday life.i live in michigan right on the border of wisconsin.i am having legal trouble in wisconsin and michigan.legal trouble meaning,contempt of court,bill collectors,missing important appointments.i have no sences of time or planning.and many other medical issues from.

Summons response late because of post office?
i had my response to my divorce summons all ready to go. i go to the post office. pay for certified, next day service guarenteed by 3:00pm the next day. i send one packet to the lawyer and one to the court. i just got the certified receipts today in the mail..

The defendant’s lawyer wants an adjournment(new trial date). Why should I give it to him?
I’m suing a used car dealership. The trial is in 2 weeks. The lawyer says he is new to the case and they want to ‘change their defense’. I don’t know that YOU can give him one, unless you’re the judge presiding over the.

The DVD I brought a few days ago stopped working! I want to replace it but..?
I want to replace it but the salesperson is not co-operating. Should I take the assistance of legal experts? Which section will it come under consumer protection law? You should contact a lawyer. It will come under ??onsumer fraud??onsumer fraud exists when.

The lawyer and parents of American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh ask Bush to commute term.?
How long do you think he will live if set free,before a patriot caps him? That man is a traitor, he hates the United States, he hates Christians, Jews and anyone who is not Muslim. Why the American taxpayer has to support him.

The ‘someone’ is actually my mother, my husband is his father?
The lawyer is representing my son in a disorderly conduct and battery charge for physically attacking my husband and I. He was in a juvenile hall for a few days, during that time my mother wrote the court stating that she wanted him to come live with her..

Their is a policeman in our area and a few of this community?
police officers who are upsettting alot of famiies, a social worker said he is a glory seeker and that i should get together with other families to do something about this, we are but who do we make the complaints too The district attorney, a lawyer,.

To become a lawyer will Clark Atlanta have the best classes?
Can you get back to me about the majores of law and public saftey and how to become a lawyer. Clark Atlanta does not offer a Law program. http://www.cau.edu/default.html.lawyer Clark Atlanta Public Administration Program: http://www.cau.edu/acad_prog/default.htm. Clark Atlanta Criminal Justice: http://www.cau.edu/acad_prog/default.html

Today a lawyer told me she could not represent me what are all reasons why she could not?
Is she representing the other party or could it have been that she spoke with the other party and one or the other decided not to use that attorney or not to represent? Also, please if she is representing him since.

Trial transcript?
How can I obtain a copy of the legal transcript of a jury trial that was held in Virginia in 2006? Can the defendent do so? A lawyer? Anyone? Thanks! Since the trial transcript is a public record, anyone who wants one can get one. However, you have to pay a per page transcription cost and if.


True or False: Legislative intent may help you determine whether a statute was violated?
Thanks for you help. I’m a lawyer, but licensed in only one state and unable to offer any real legal advice outside of that state. However, there are a few basic legal realities that will apply in any jurisdiction. You can present an argument concerning.

Umm I got COURT for drinking underage, and possation of alcahol.?
I got court in 2 weeks. What will happen and do i need a lawyer. I am 18, so I don?? need parents. But will i get community serves? Any lawyers here? If this is NOT traffic involved, and you have no priors, you can plead guilty and.

Waht are the specific laws regarding found treasure on one’s private property?
What happens if someone finds a Civil War cache, gold bars, Native American artifacts, dinosaur bones, whatever? (Serious question for a savvy lawyer please.) are you in America and no other person has legal claims to it? (like relative(s) or owner-in-fact of stolen or lost property,insured item.

Wanted: short (textable) Lawyer jokes?
New boyfriend is a law student. I am looking for short/clean lawyer jokes to text him. ‘What do lawyers eat for lunch?’ ‘I don’t know, they don’t itemize — mine just bills me for the total!’ What’s black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A Rottweiler. Why don’t sharks attack lawyers? Professional.

Ways that lawyer may remove prospective juror from consideration?
does anyone know the ways that a lawyer may remove a prospective juror from consideration? thanks, look for this question for a while now It would seem, from the previous answer, that a lawyer may remove a juror either for a reason or for no reason. Therefore, a clarification is.

We have an insurance claim, and we think that our lawyer is being unfair w/ us.?

Well it finally happened.The ex boyfriend gave up.?
Went to court.He did not have a lawyer.He requested to sighn off his parental rights to my twins.The Judge did everything right there in the court room and the gaveland was slammed that now he will be a complete stanger to these babies.Because of Violence it was the only alternative.If I.

What are legal dispersements?
First it’s called a disBursement Secondly the first answer to your question is absolute rubbish. I wish people would not answer questions as if they know the answer when they know NOTHING. Thirdly a disbursement is a cost that the lawyer has to pay on your behalf. Such as court fees or barristers fees.

Do they teach ethics and morals to lawyers in lawyer school?
It has been know for ages that’s the job of the lawyer is to win the case. And all I see is lawyers fighting to win even if he knew his client was wrong (I mean even Saddam has a lawyer). And whe all know what kind of.

Do we use a family lawyer to defend our son?
Our son has pleaded not guilty on an altercation at school. He received a ticket and now we go to court. Another student had kicked him in the private area and slapped him and he pushed the person off of him. He said they were going to kick him.

Do you have any lawyer jokes? best joke gets the points?
Example. How To Tell If You Have a BAD Lawyer 1. During your initial consultation he tries to sell you Amway. 2. He tells you that his last good case was a ‘Budweiser.’ 3. When the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high-five each other. 4. He.

Do you need a Bachelors Degree to go to Law school, or become a Lawyer?
I don’t have any college, but I want to be a lawyer, do I have to do 4 years in University before I even try to become one?!? A college degree is not a prerequisite for a JD, however without a college degree you.

Do you need a lawyer to have last will and testament done? Can it be notarize?
You can have a DIY will, but REMEMBER: Wills are controlled by state law. These laws vary from state to state; what is legally binding in one state (like a handwritten will) may not be in another. This same warning applies to.

Do you think a video game based on Vice Pres Cheney shooting a lawyer rather than a quail would be a good game
Why or why not a good game? There is one floating on the web! I think its great it show the lawyer running in front of quail flying around. There are different levels based on how.

What are the minimu requirements for a DNR order,do not resucitate, to be legal?
The requirements vary from state to state. In order to have a DNR order, you need to have an ‘advance health care directive’ or ‘living will’ — recently, both documents have been combined in Pennsylvania by some attorneys. You can have a lawyer prepare.

What are the steps to being a Real Estate lawyer or attorney?
It’s not so difficult. First you complete your B.A. or B.S. Then you go to law school. It helps if you take some courses in law school that focus on real estate, for example: Real Estate Transactions, Land Use, Real Estate Litigation. Do your best in.

What branch of law does a confidentiality agreement fall under?
I’m currently searching for a lawyer to draft a non-disclosure / confidentiality agreement for an idea of mine, but I’m not sure what type of lawyer I need to find. There are so many specialties (Criminal, Traffic, Litigation, Estate Planning, etc.), that I’m not sure which category to look.

What can a judge do in response to an objection by a lawyer?
a judge can do two things in response to an objection by a lawyer? could anyone tell me what they are? A judge will either sustain or overrule an objection. In some cases, the attorney who is overruled may request that the record note that he.

What can I do about my lawyer who is not closing my mothers estate and for the most part ignoring me?
My mother’s estate has for some time now been able to close (so my lawyer says) but he has not done so. He is always busy off doing something else. There were many bills that had to be.

What can I do if my lawyer was paid but did not perform his duty?
I am in the middle of a divorce process. I paid my lawyer 00 for him to settle the case with my ex spouse. But the lawyer has not done that yet and keep sending me more bills.?€What should I do to push the.

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