Do You Have a Problem with Anonymous Spam Blogging?
Regardless of the malicious motives of the unidentified individual that maliciously distorts and intentionally confuses the reader of a posting like that of a blogging site, with misinformation. Users like those of the professional network refer to information provided by a professional entity, entirely unrelated to and in no way associated with any of the organizations they are indicated to serve, as posted on LinkedIn. An individual, when serving as a consultant for multiple organizations, makes a reference to a specific announcement, it is done so independently as part of ones professional knowledge and expertise. There is no way of making it in specific reference to any of the organizations posted on LinkedIn that the consultant, that he has been an Advisor towards, be they educational, manufacturing, biopharmaceutical, technical or sevices oriented.
An announcement posted by a consultant, reflects professional services offered by other organizations that may be of interest to qualified projects, and had nothing to do with any of the organizations that the consultant is identified as an Advisor on a network like LinkedIn, Any reference therefore by this anonymous web poster of a blogger like p1n5p4n7h3r of a blogging site, to a specific company by its name in reference to the above mentioned professional services, they do so maliciously to intentionally cause harm to the consultant and other individuals as well as entities for some personal gain. The person identified of a blogging site like LinkVaark who has posted this misinformation has maliciously done so bending the truth and fabricating false conclusions and is misleading the public regarding independent services offered by third parties. This party of that has anonymously posted this slanderous misinformation has done so knowingly and intentionally by ignoring the thruthful facts that it was never the basis or intention of the message sent by a consultant to identify any of the organizations he has served as an Advisor for, in the communications that was sent to several of his professional contacts.
We completely disagree with the fact that the blogger attempts to do on blogging sites in total anonymity. We see that you have hidden your “WHO IS” information. This is not a smart move for someone not wanting anyone to know who you are. However, from our point of view, you are acting like a coward.
If a blogger is going to take pot shots at people, they have the right to know WHO is taking the shots. SHOW YOUR COMPLETE IDENTITY – INCLUDING YOUR PROFESSIONAL PROFILE
These bloggers’ website has no truth behind the companies it writes about. The writer say companies are a Ponzi that really aren’t. Do they at LinkVaark know what a Ponzi Scheme is? They are writting about companies so their website gets indexed. Speak the truth and don’t slander. People like you give the industry bad press!
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Dean Bouridis has extensive experience in corporate governance and enterprise management.