


Las Vegas Marketing: Is Direct Mail Dead?

Las Vegas Marketing: Is Direct Mail Dead?

E-mail and web communication is a major force in Las Vegas marketing, but the internet hasn’t yet killed off the Pony Express. Direct mail is still being used quite effectively in Las Vegas marketing and Las Vegas advertising for small and large Las Vegas businesses alike.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to diversify your Las Vegas marketing. Direct mail is a great, low-cost Las Vegas advertising medium for a wide variety of businesses. You may have noticed casinos using one-to-one direct mail promotions quite effectively… but us little guys can use direct mail just as easily.

To get the most out of your direct mail and Las Vegas marketing campaign, consider some of the following benefits. The internet has brought about many changes to Las Vegas marketing and the way campaigns are designed and distributed, but the effectiveness can still be measured quite effectively.

Direct mail campaigns are targeted toward a specific sector of the population. It is important to target your Las Vegas marketing campaign because the people who receive your direct mail should be prescreened as potential or previous customers. You want recipients of your Las Vegas advertising to have a predisposed interest in your products and services. Mailing blind is a waste of time, resources and money.

Creating a direct mail Las Vegas marketing campaign is pretty straight-forward. With a mix of compelling content, catchy and memorable graphic design and solid Las Vegas marketing fundamentals, you’ll hit a homerun with Las Vegas advertising that can’t be refused.

The advantages of sending a direct mail Las Vegas marketing campaign are many; including:

• You decide the size of the campaign.
• You decide the content of your Las Vegas advertising.
• You decide who will be targeted.
• You decide when the Las Vegas marketing campaign will be sent.
• You have total control of the Las Vegas marketing campaign.

It is always good practice to split-test your mailings using multiple versions of your Las Vegas advertising to test and track campaign results.  Mailings that continually score higher with increased response rates should naturally replace poorly performing marketing materials. As you produce successful direct mail, scale up your Las Vegas marketing campaign to include larger mailings lists and expanded markets.

The content of your Las Vegas marketing campaign is critical to your success. Writing a great sales letter, killer brochure or explosive postcard takes effort. Work with your Las Vegas marketing firm or ad agency to help identify key metrics and guide you in producing a blockbuster campaign for your Las Vegas business.

Once your campaign is done and sent, it is vital you track response rates (volume of people who call, visit your website, or otherwise contact you) as well as sales information. The only way you’ll know if your direct mail was successful is if you can determine gross profit produced by the campaign and leads generated.

Whether you’re mailing a postcard, a flyer or a brochure to help generate new business for your Las Vegas business, direct mail is still an important tool in your Las Vegas marketing toolbox. The internet is certainly changing the playing field, but direct mail can still be used quite effectively and at low cost to get results for your Las Vegas business.

Copyright 2011 Formulis, LLC.  All rights reserved.

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Formulis, LLC is a Las Vegas marketing and Las Vegas web design firm founded in 2003. Visit Las Vegas Marketing for internet, SEO and traditional marketing solutions. Check out Formulis to see what we’ve done for clients in Las Vegas and across the country. Not sure how to market your Las Vegas company? Read our Las Vegas Marketing Blog.

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