


DVD Rental Vs Video Shop War

DVD Rental Vs Video Shop War

There is battle going on in the entertainment world. With the new online rental services taking on traditional video shop services in a war that the online players are winning.

How are online service winning the wars and how to they really stack up against your local video store?

Let’s look at some of a key battles:

DVD Rental Selection

If you’re a casual renter that’s just after the latest releases, then a broad Online DVD rental selection may not be a big deal. But if you are a big movie fan access to large online collections of TV Shows, foreign films, independent films, anime and documentaries.

Established online DVD rental services, like Netflix and Blockbuster Online, offer right around 90,000+ DVD titles. I don’t know about you, but last time I visited my local DVD rental store, the selection was nowhere near 60,000.

In terms of range, internet-based dvd rental companies win hands down.

DVD Rental Convenience

When the mood hits you and you decide that it’s a movie night, you probably go through some version of the following:

First, there’s getting into your car, which can be more than simple in the wintertime and then drive several minutes to your local video store. Upon arrival, you find the New Release section and perform the side-step shuffle, scanning shelves of the same movies you stared at on the last visit. After moving from A to Z, you either make your selections, rescan, or start over in a new section. And let’s not forget the fun of maneuvering around other people and their noisy kids, the long check-out line and the drive back home.

With online DVD rental services, your journey begins with the click of a button and the hum of your home computer. After signing in, you can search for movies by title, actor or director or sort choices by genre, or even more, by subgenre.

Online you’ll find both new and old releases for thousands of movies your local rental store has never even seen. After picking some winners and you’ll know they’re winners after checking out convenient online reviews you add them to your movie queue (which is a fancy word for holding pattern) and maybe shuffle around your movie priority list. And as far as watching, no sweat, you already have three movies waiting by your TV that arrived five days ago. And keep in mind; this is all without going further than your computer or mailbox.


For convenience, DVD rental by mail order wins hands down.

DVD Rental Fees

The amount you pay for a movie rental depends on where you rent. Some places charge a few bucks a piece but require you to return the movies by the next business day. Others charge much more, but let you keep the movies longer. One thing all rental stores have in common, you’ll get charged even more if you’re late returning movies to the designated drop box.

Online DVD rental services usually charge a flat rate that gradually increases depending on how many DVDs you want to rent at a time. But you are never tied to due dates and never charged late fees.

Why? The faster you watch and return movies, the more movies they mail you back and the more value you get for your money.

So whether your hot button is great selection, simple convenience or incredible value, online DVD rental services make sitting down to a good movie just that much better.

Take a look around this site and you can also get months of FREE movie rentals by taking the rental companies up on their free trial offers…


For spur of the moment decisions or if you simply must have a particular title, then you can not beat off line movie rental stores. However, if you are more flexible in your movie choices then you can save a fortune in rental charges by renting from an internet-based movie rental club. In addition, you will benefit from a much wider range of titles and with the added convenience of having them delivered straight to your door with no due dates and no late fees.

Rent dvd online rather than your local video shop. Try our best editors choice services below:

Online DVD Rental UK
Online DVD Rental USA

Harpreet Parmar

Staff Writer

Compare online rental services at www.freedvdtrials.com

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