


Options For Receiving Mail in the Philippines

http://www.lifebeyondthesea.com – You may do some bouncing around from address to address when you first arrive, or you may want to send mail either out of o…


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  1. LifeBeyondTheSea - Philippines says:

    That is an awesome service!

  2. Tukarama says:

    There are numerous mail forwarding services also. I use Traveling Mailbox – they scan the envelopes and post them online. You can have them scan the contents and send a pdf, forward the mail, or shred it, they even deposit checks for you.

  3. Terry Tiger says:

    you might consider earthclassmail

    They’ll scan your mail in a secure setting, so you would only need to have packages forwarded.

  4. LifeBeyondTheSea - Philippines says:

    Yes, I get about 4 months of mail sent to me from my physical address in CA in one shot to here and it’s about 10 days. I like that DHL provides online tracking. USPS doesn’t track anything once it leaves the US. DHL is available at most Pack’n'Mail, postal shops across the country. Meanwhile.. the balikbayan send-off points are usually at the Asian Food markets run by Filipinos. In Las Vegas there’s a big Filipino presence and they have lots of Balikbayan shipment points there.

  5. John Blanco says:

    Thanks for answering my questions about the mail service in this video. There are a couple important documents I need each year to receive as physical mail. Otherwise, I could do without it. It sounds like I could get by with the mail box in Tag if we’re living in Bohol? Is it still about 10 days delivery time from the west coast of U.S.?

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