


US Postal Service SUCKS!!!

Ever been screwed over by the US Post Office? Yeah me too. ( Special Note: The US Postal Service has been notified of this ad and I’m currently waiting on th…


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  1. FoothillsofWyoming says:

    yeah they really suck. They can’t get my mail correct and can’t read a simple label.

  2. brotherbosco says:

    First of all, the USPS isn’t going anywhere. Secondly, on the extremely remote chance that were to happen, we wouldn’t be selling hamburgers and fries. We’d get our pensions, or get a buyout. So your job at McDonald’s will be safe

  3. brotherbosco says:

    First of all, the USPS isn’t going anywhere. Secondly, on the extremely remote chance that were to happen, we wouldn’t be selling hamburgers and fries. We’d get our pensions, or get a buyout. So your job at McDonald’s will be safe

  4. douhnutz says:

    You sir are hilarious. Just PURE stupidity into one person.

  5. back2backband1 says:

    Last august I sent a $300.00 Jackson (usa) RR1 custom shop guitar high prioirty and fully insured to someone in england through ebay, Well it left new jersey and never made it too england (employee stole it) or they sent it straight to acustion (they are going broke) they have been playing games for almost a year they are incompetent and very unprofressional I STRONGLY URGE YOU ALL …… DO NOT USE U.S POST OFFICE!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!

  6. ApolloEight Genesis says:

    Two years ago my neighbour moved out and USPS ,by mistake stopped delivering MY mails for more than a month, because they mixed everything up.I had to pay over a $100 in late fees on my bills because of them.Just last week,they said they delivered the package to me and I have not received a thing.Right now I am waiting for another package that is sitting somewhere in a Pa office for over a week now.They suck,avoid them!!!

  7. BiggBrotha says:

    He wasn’t talking about weed and you know that , where did you come talking about weed ? Was that a USPS package you were waiting which never came to you ? Is that why you hate the post office? i Hate to burst your bubble (gungadin36) but i think the feds took it, so that why you soo angry , i understand now. Anyway , im not mad at you . Just stop making up stories

  8. BiggBrotha says:

    Wow! you’re very angry, it seems that you’re the one going postal, i dont know anything about work site shootings or whatever , maybe that was all by where you live. Look , if you are so perfect then apply for a position in one of the companies you hate so much and work your way up the top ladder and fix everything , dont whine and complain and make up stories, thats really tacky.

  9. BiggBrotha says:

    Nope, i wont be working at McD anytime soon , im good. And i think you need to open your eyes because once again i think you’re making up stories. if you really did alot of business with USPS you would of known that USPS is cheaper and faster that UPS, even a UPS driver admitted this to me on my route one day, UPS get more customer complaints then USPS and USPS deliveries UPS packages so what are you talking about ? anyway, stop talking nonsense

  10. tttrat says:

    yea and your service sucks bigtime, and we must remember that you clowns are the one who started the “going postal” era with your worksite shootings, the USPS and DHL and Fedex with their smartpost option blows – if you can’t see that then you are totally lost my man.

  11. tttrat says:

    - fukex, good one:)

  12. tttrat says:

    I couldn’t have said it better:) Thumbs up gunga:)

  13. tttrat says:

    - another government employee in denial – the AK he was talking about is a strain of weed – get with it man – and I agree with the others in this thread – the postal service sucks balls – I don’t mail much but when I do they always seem to fuck it up – and I never bother to pay for delivery confirmation because the jackasses at the other end never scan it’s arrival – it’s UPS for me man – time for you guys to shut the doors – your system sucks!

  14. BiggBrotha says:

    Yeah , im a employee., you seem like an angry person , i dont think the post office is the problem here maybe you need a vacation of something. Breath! Relax! Maybe you have an AK and you threaten people and delivery people with it or maybe you just making up that whole story up or exaggerating you situation, which is typical of a lot of customers who have nothing else better to do but whatever . Good luck in the future

  15. BiggBrotha says:

    hey , no service is perfect . Fedex , Ups, Dhl , or USPS

  16. BiggBrotha says:

    you postal situation sound like the management in your district want you carriers to get back to the postal station ant a certain time and trust me, management don’t care if the carrier has a package for you or not, he better back back at the station at 3:30pm or it his job, the workers in your area are under alot of pressure now, i wouldn’t be surprise if the carriers boss told him to leave you a slip.Work something out with that carrier next time

  17. BiggBrotha says:

    that your postal station in your area not the USPS, some Station dont have enough people or trucks to do pick up services.

  18. BiggBrotha says:

    Ups is also known for losing packages , ask amazon.com. if i order something, and it goes missing , i would call amazon who would track it and they always tell me that they ups is always a problem. All services have there up and down ,no one is perfect and also if want to mail a letter with ups, its almost 11 dollars compare to 44 cent in which the post office would charge you, think about that.


    I Hate the USPS I live in santa clarita california and they sent it from newhall california thats VERY CLOSE and yet its gonna take thme fking 12 days for the damn pakage to get to my house -.- WTF You cant get 1 day shipping through them either AND there package tracking system sucks also I hate it UPS UPS UPS is the best. they should take up mailing letting also -.-lol get rid of the USPS and just let UPS do everything.

  20. lsmfa says:

    wow not a good idea to mail money (use your computer) if you do mail anything of value insure its a few bucks, the usps goes thru milllions of pieces of mail a day sometimes the machines that sort them rip or even explode the piece, it just happens. just common sense sorry for your loss due to your stupidity haha. if you privatize it will be the same, what private delivery agency delivers extreme high volumes of letter mail to every address in the country for extreme low prices? doesnt exist.

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