finally after all the court days AND THE DRIVING BACK AND FOURTH OVER A 1700 MILES ,his decision is..SHUT THAT WEB SITE DOWN PAY BOBBY WHAT YOU OWE HIM …….
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finally after all the court days AND THE DRIVING BACK AND FOURTH OVER A 1700 MILES ,his decision is..SHUT THAT WEB SITE DOWN PAY BOBBY WHAT YOU OWE HIM …….
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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September 5, 2013 at 5:38 am (UTC 0)
grun thanks very much appreciated partly my fault i usually believe a man when he shakes my hand this time i wasn’t as sharp as i thought but i know i i can’t just stop trusting people so i just chalk it up to a great deal learned from a simple mistake something new always follows something lost