


My CRTC internet download usage limit petition E-Mail as read aloud by NeoSpeech Paul

— EXPAND FOR MORE INFORMATION — Hey now all, Please forgive me for spamming, but for once this is kinda important. If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’ve heard that the CRTC has approved a decision to allow large internet service providers like Bell to charge a much higher rate to smaller internet service providers in order to invoke consumer pricing similar to what they currently charge their individual residential clients. What this does is in essence eliminates all competition, all while raising the fees for internet and essentially giving megalocorporations like Bell the possibility to charge whatever the hell they please for internet usage. Once again: if this is allowed to happen, essentially we will all become further and further limited in our internet usage while our fees will become higher and higher. The new “pricing” was supposed to come into effect March 1st, but thanks to 400000 Canadians already having added their names to a petition to stop such an injustice, the decision has been postponed 60 further days for consideration. At this point, any further support can only help the cause and ensure that we all have access to fairly priced internet without limits on our use. Please, if you haven’t done so already, please sign the electronic petition at: StopTheMeter.ca And if you wouldn’t terribly mind forwarding this message to any and all like-minded individuals in your E-Mail address book, I would consider it to be a personal favour to me if you

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