


Forward or reply to emails without exposing your entire contact list

www.CallOutUSA.com Learn how to forward, reply or even send a new email without exposing your contacts. You wil reduce the amount of spam, junk mail even reduce your chance of virouses. How many times have you received emails where you see a whole lot of email contact list and you have to try and figure what is the email about. What you will learn here is where you need to put your contact list and how to edit the email to be forward o replyed to. First you mail the emil to yourself. Second put all your contacts in the feild BCC NOT CC. BCC means blind carbon copy so your contacts are hidden. Then you need to clean up the email by deleting all the excess stuff on the email to forwared. So whats left is the actual mail itself.
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  1. Nicolas Vivien says:

    Great Video and teach dummies about the risk of forwarding emails, demonstrate Cc vs BCc by sending a mail to yourself.

    Thanks dude

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