


Fayette County Courthouse 20110809

Here is an excerpt of the August 9, 2011, video surveillance tape footage of the front entryway of the Fayette County (PA) Courthouse obtained via a Right-To-Know law request to then-Fayette County Open Records Officer Tammy Boyle on September 8, 2011. The time period is August 9, 2011, from 4:10 pm to 4:19 pm In the video, PA State Rep. Timothy S. Mahoney (D-51st) is shown entering the Fayette County Courthouse (4:10 pm) with 48 altered Affidavits of Circulator which he subsequently (during the 9-minutes in this video) has notarized by the Fayette County Prothonotary’s Office. The end of this video shows Rep. Mahoney exiting (4:19 pm) the courthouse. He then heads to the Fayette County Election Bureau to file his altered, notarized Affidavits of Circulator which he signed as the sole affiant. The Affidavits of Circulator are Bureau time-and-date-stamped from 4:25 pm to 4:27 pm The problem is that the PA Election Code requires that Affidavits of Circulator must be appended to the petitions to which they attest “when offered for filing.” Rep. Mahoney’s 42 referendum petitions were filed between 4:04 pm and 4:07 pm, with the last of the time-and-date-stamped petitions being stamped as filed some three minutes before he is seen entering the courthouse at 4:10 pm to get 48 altered Affidavits of Circulator notarized. The referendum petitions filed 4:04 – 4:07 pm had no dates set opposite the names of signers, as required by law and should have, by law, been rejected upon

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