Please check my bands fb page out, we havn’t got much on there but soon there will be plenty so “like” to stay tuned! Guitar cover of Motley’s wild side. I played the riff one too many times at one point but pretend you didnt hear it. This song is played Drop D full step down DGCFAD. You dont have to play it in this tuning but mick does.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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cabitothekid says:
September 21, 2012 at 6:43 am (UTC 0)
bro tune that guitar : there is 2 strings that r out of tune …no hating …cool cover though..u need to practice a little more…
webaster919 says:
September 21, 2012 at 7:05 am (UTC 0)
awsome playing perfect timing
fbc187yo says:
September 21, 2012 at 7:42 am (UTC 0)
drop D is DADGBe…
rockerkai1100 says:
September 21, 2012 at 7:50 am (UTC 0)
amen take a ride on the wide side 5/5 dude mick mars would be proud
trinzeon says:
September 21, 2012 at 8:13 am (UTC 0)
717021 says:
September 21, 2012 at 8:19 am (UTC 0)
dizzyizzy24 says:
September 21, 2012 at 8:39 am (UTC 0)
2 things,
what pickups?
and what distortion pedal?
M1F2R3 says:
September 21, 2012 at 8:59 am (UTC 0)
nicely done.
jacoblroark says:
September 21, 2012 at 9:29 am (UTC 0)
great job dude 5/5 and subbed