


Motorhome Club Membership – Worth The Effort?

Motorhome Club Membership – Worth The Effort?

Travelling or living in a motorhome offers a unique perspective on life, not without its challenges for those new to it.

As a result, membership of a motorhome club offers a great opportunity to meet with and interact with other kindred spirits.

Some motorhome clubs require membership fees, but this annual fee usually goes towards emergency medical benefits, newsletters, and other benefits that help make life on the road easier.

This can include guides to those towns in your region that are most motorhome friendly and offer free water and sewage hook-ups, or sites to dispose of waste.
As anyone who has been out there knows, in more remote locations this can serve as extremely valuable information.

These clubs also serve as an outlet to trade information about your motorhomes with others who have the same model, or can tip you off to the best sites for repairs and accessories for an upgrade.

Many times, dealerships and repair sites will become affiliated with a certain motorhome club and offer discounts based on this, in exchange for referrals.
Clubs provide an opportunity to be part of a community of kindreds, so you’ll never feel isolated.

A mail forwarding service can help you keep in touch with what’s going on at home, and there are usually internet friendly sites for members.
A motorhome club can also be quite informal and simply serve as a meeting ground for whoever wants to turn up, to trade stories of the road and engage in a little bit of socializing before heading back out there.

These meet-ups will generally not require any fees and are there just for the sole companionship and advice of others.

Providing up to date information about road conditions and other hazards can also be potentially life-saving, so it’s best to look into the possibility of sitting in on club meetings from time to time.

Those with motorhomes are usually generous and open to sharing what they know.

Jeff Gardner operates http://www.motorhomes.com.au where you can buy, sell or hire, new and used motorhomes, campervans, caravans, trailers and RVs.

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