


How to Configure Your XAMPP Server

http://www.vitamincm.com/how-to-set-up-a-testing-server-on-your-pc If you have a website or do any type of web development you have probably needed a server …
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Alexander Woitalla says:

    Nothing explained here. There is just a guy going through the vanilla-localhost-pages and showing what you can do there, while not doing anything at all.

  2. Melisa Howey says:

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  3. Todd Hainnu says:

    Horrible video I recommend you change the title and description how to listen to a guy talk for too long and not configure a fucking thing and waste my time. yes I took the time to write this comment.]

  4. Aaron Nijsse says:

    Or, to go with VitaminCM’s response, if you have had port forwarding set up properly before, but just stopped working, just reset the settings on your router an re-setup your port forwarding. I’ve had problems like that before, and a good, swift reset has always worked before. Good Luck!

  5. spacemanshan says:

    um vitamin youre a fag, this doesnt show anything about configuring, this just shows a few features of xampp. theres SOOOOOO much more to it than what you showed. you leave so many questions for ppl. and you didnt show any configuration, except how to make folders in the htdocs folder lol duh we know that!!!!

  6. TaggBeast911 says:

    John Chubberfield = John CHUBBYfield.

  7. joseph chrzempiec says:

    hello i need help I’m trying to setup a site that says it requires the Path of the xampp where it’s at i have it in the htdoc but the folder is called Webif and i don’t how to point it to that can someone please help thank you.

  8. Gloria Dela Cruz says:

    this much interesting….

  9. rambutantx says:

    thank you MAMP

  10. xFlRSTx says:

    …ppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhPAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA CUM!

  11. VitaminCM says:


  12. John chubberfield says:

    vitamincm = vitaminCUM

  13. TheSteaua109 says:


  14. bloggy9000 says:

    @VitaminCM I am still not sure what the problem was, but I fixed it by turnin off the router for a minute or so, effectively changing my external IP address (It’s static). The reason I was baffled by this is because everything was port forwarded correctly. I tried pinging my external IP, but it didn’t respond – which is why I tried updating it, which has worked. Thanks anyway for yor reply

  15. VitaminCM says:

    The issue is probably in your router’s Port Forwarding settings, not any of your server settings.
    You should probably Google “Port Forwarding YOUR ROUTER NAME” and dig around for tips/issues.
    Good luck

  16. bloggy9000 says:

    Hello there! I really need some help right now. I have had around 5 servers (XAMPP, 3 HFS servers and a game server) running fine for over 4 months now. They were all properly port forwarded and everyone could access them – however, now they cannot. I can access them as my router redirects attempts to connect to my external IP to my LAN network, but nobody else can. My IPv4 address, IPv6 address, external address and port numbers have stayed exactly the same. No settings have changed. Any ideas?

  17. VitaminCM says:

    Try using your Mac’s password for the FTP password. That’s what the forum’s said.

  18. 57373732 says:

    IP Address

    port 2010

    could you Flood and ddos this IP for bad website  to voilence children

    plzzzzz crash it

  19. deadlock82 says:

    which better, xampp or apache 2triad ???

  20. VitaminCM says:


  21. Nathan Palmer says:

    Awesome… I’m new to XAMPP so this is pretty helpful. =]

  22. VitaminCM says:

    Thanks, glad you liked it.

  23. WebsiteToSell says:

    Very good tutorial, excellent tool.

  24. VitaminCM says:

    Thanks a lot for the tip. I will give it a shot.

  25. latlov says:

    As for “collation” i recommend to use/choose utf-8_general_ci Since it’s worked best for me when looking for information by comparing characters.
    Also, this collation works all right for other languages such as Spanish.

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