


Peter Joseph | “From Consequences to Solutions”| The Zeitgeist Movement | [LA TownHall - Part 3]

*Please sign up for our Mailing List: www.thezeitgeistmovement.com * Peter Joseph “From Consequences to Solutions” The Zeitgeist Movement | Los Angeles CA “TownHall” | Oct 26 2011 [Part 3 of TownHall Event]
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. KbcBerlin says:

    To follow the path of reason and critical thinking must be the way out of this mess.

  2. KbcBerlin says:

    My youth was the 60s and my culture. These ideas were not so difficult for me. Many who have remained true to the ideals, and thinking of the time are just happy that the madness of the status quo is again being questioned. The last 30-40 years of monetarism has been like a bad dream to me . Watching the world go down a superficial, destructive dead end road.

  3. nathenmorris says:

    attacks are always aganst the messenger dat insecurity really shos when you deliver the facts

  4. misterysylver says:

    every 3.6 seconds someone starves to death on this planet. thats pretty depressing,

  5. IdaSputum says:

    Peter, YOU KNOW Zionist Bankers WANT to END this system, & want to KEEP POWER.
    You KNOW Zionists SERIOUSLY believe that NON-Zionists are GOYIM ‘cattle’ – born ONLY to SLAVE for Zionists.
    You KNOW Zionist Bankers planned a CENTRALLY CONTROLLED chipped slave society to their 1 world bank since 1913 !!
    YOU KNOW Bankers CREATED this ‘crisis’ to get us all BEGGING for a ‘solution’ (THEIRS!) & you KNOW you are working for BANKERS to get help fool people to think it will be all lovely being “TRACKED”!

  6. saultube44 says:

    Constructive critic: you put things in too many words, be concise, you need to vocalize a little better, the volume of your voice downs to an indistinguishable low level sometimes. You slides I think they need to go more with what you speak , not so global ideas I think.

    Pros: very good presentation

  7. jacquard2009 says:

    my whole life i felt that way and went through hell for it i never accepted our system and now that i know people that are like me i’m purely positive let go negativety be informed and set the example best way you can most people brainwashed into a child’s psychology in regards to society and the monetary slave system.

  8. jacquard2009 says:

    trillions of cells co-operate in harmony in a human body an integral system approach. imagine if your blood had to pay a toll to release white bloods cells? or your lungs to take oxegen? the earth is an organism we are the cells we are a autoimmune disease in a monetay system FACT time to wake up it is my responsibility and yours i am your brother

  9. derek8171 says:

    Share this video. Sign up. Donate how much you can. Share your ideas with others. Think.

  10. fryemanduder says:

    Peter Joseph 2012!

  11. nistyboy32 says:

    Breaking the indoctrination and the poison-filled propaganda is the ultimate challenge for most. For me, I sensed society was fucked up from a very young age, except it wasn’t until seeing the Zeitgeist film series that everything became clear. The word Zeitgeist means “the cultural trend of the time”. If you look at all the misery and paralyzing institutions and establishments plaguing the world today…It’s blatantly obvious that radical change in consciousness is absolutely necessary!

  12. adyyb says:

    and only 16000 views (if I post a video of a funny cat or something with sexual connotations I bet I get more than that) … unbelievable… that makes me wonder about how efficient our “modern society” is, and what are the chances that we evolve enough in the next …let’s say… 138 years:) so that we can overcome the present beliefs and fake values…

  13. Josephjoel3 says:

    Wonderful! You have clarified a piece of the puzzle! There is a surplus! However, it is being controlled and distributed unequally and unfairly. Yet, I still remain on the issue of WHY? Why is it that despite the abundance inherent on the planet Earth and the abundance we ourselves have been able to expand upon, do we continue to accept lives of misery and depravity? Why do we allow the handle of the spigot to turn ever so slightly? Do you think this is a neurological problem?

  14. firelightize says:

    protection of surplus and the power it affords. the problem therefore seems to me to be not so much the existence of surplus but the use of it to maintain power. unsaid but assumedly understood, was in step 1.5 man finds a way to utilize surplus to trade and exploit those people without surplus. Control the well, control the water sort of thing. It is this centralization of control over resources that lends itself to corruption and breeds the problems that we see today.

  15. firelightize says:

    here it is in three steps. 1. man develops agriculture, so well in fact that he develops surplus. 2. men raid surpluses, men defend surpluses, nations are built around war and protection of goods (not origin of war but origin of military class) 3. the war based ideologies surrounding commerce and protection of goods (i.e. hoarding/wealth stratification) evolve from military organizations to economic societies with many laws and penalties, all of which revolve around the

  16. Josephjoel3 says:

    The socieital fix or mental fix is only a decorative fix. Peter Joseph wants a sort of reassesment of values. I notice that even when issues such as the one’s Peter Joseph presents are precise and logical, the mind remains intransigent. I want to undertand the fundamental mechanism of this intractability. The reality of man does not align with his/her logic or his ideals. Despite all the religious or humane or logical aspirations man remains bestial. This is strange.

  17. Josephjoel3 says:

    I want to understand how man, ie. me and you is functioning now. I do not agree with you on the issue of problems. The problems of the cave man perists in the the so called modern age, namely, fear and violence. Fear of our neighbors and violence, and if not that then misery and dissatisfaction. The solutions offered over the centuries have only created the problems we have today. The solutions are the problems, so I want to understand the problem and rest in that.

  18. firelightize says:

    you just agreed with me while claiming to do otherwise and piggy backing your point onto mine. the biology of man does not influence mind as much as you claim. otherwise our genetically identical predecessor’s would have been plagued with the same issues, yet these are new to the past millennium or so. the mind is only a function of biology in the sense the eye is a function of biology, however just as sight is a step above the feral controls of genetics, so is society.

  19. Josephjoel3 says:

    The social structure comes from the biology. If not, then what is the source? Mind? Mind is essentially a function of our biology. Mind is the problem, and I am asserting that we should look into our problems at the fundamental level. Society is the warty outgrowth of the thinking capacity of man. So man’s thinking is the problem, which then means man’s biology is somehow defective.

  20. KennyVanLent says:

    Hurt is allowed or not by the way you think… I’m absolutely okay with whatever I do, as long as I stay open-minded, thus allowing myself to change my thoughts without being mad about my previous choices. I’m happy about being able to change thoughts :)
    So now I’m pro RBE / equality for all!
    Ready I am to test drive this dream!

  21. firelightize says:

    quit trying to pimp eugenics in here. it has nothing to do with biology. our biology is great, it’s the influences of the social structure around us which has corrupted our thinking and made all our thoughts flawed from the root. If it weren’t for the “fundamentally altered” society we’ve created and raise our children in, the world would be a completely different place.

  22. EveSansdieu says:

    Clear & concise, with plausible practical solution related to (The scientific Method).
    Nothing but positive possible outcomes.
    Filled & overflowing with open minded emergent ideas & thinking.
    Transparent train of thought seemingly inspired in ”ethics” devoid of power hungry objectives.
    What is so-called ”wrong” with peter’s talk ?
    Almost ”nothing”.
    Peter is not right or wrong, he’s saying obvious ”right things”.
    ”Positive thinking” will be outlawed, if this financial system continues

  23. Josephjoel3 says:

    The source and root problem is the thinking of man. Thought is a biological defect as it is today. There is no hope for mankind today! Peter Joseph is a regular man been exposed to extraordinary facets of knowledge. Unfortunately, he cannot convince anybody. Mankind’s biology has to be fundamentally altered down to the last molecule before anything ‘happens’.

  24. snakeboy471 says:


  25. snakeboy471 says:

    Everything libertarians drive me

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