


Crazy Disconnected Number 1-954-587-6813

Has anyone gotten a phone call from this number 954-587-6813, its a telemarketer calling from a disconnected number but how is that possible they called from fort lauderdale florida asking if we wanted cable and if you have a look here whocallsme.com this number was used to call ppl for other services have a look on the site and read what other people have to say about this number, when you call this number it rings 3 times and then it plays a disconnected number recording and the recording is of a woman speaking in a southern accent and imitates the disconnected number recording,and the recording plays twice then it disconnects as you’ll hear in the video. NOTICE: This video does not contain content from the artist Number.
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  1. thecooldude9999 says:

    caller id spoofing. (illegal)

  2. rhesusmonkeyboy says:

    coondog is 100% correct, both cell and land numbers get re-used after a little bit. I think it’s about 6 months last I checked, which was years ago, so it could’ve decreased.

  3. Rachel70611 says:

    LOL…Good idea. But for some reason they stopped calling me after the new year. I don’t know. Maybe they went out of business or something. I sure hope so.

  4. er10b says:

    I’d try and plug the line in to a 56k modem then tell the modem to handshake – the squawking it produces should shut them up

  5. bandanalove1 says:

    Omg it works!!!!

  6. allygater56 says:

    haha awesome

  7. ridgerunner721601 says:

    After doing a bit of online research I found out this number among others are being used by some lousy vitamin company to sell their product. They called me again the other evening and I started squawking, whistling and screaming like a parrot. So far they haven’t called back. Apparently they don’t like talking to parrots…LOL.

  8. allygater56 says:

    i heard a weird voice when i called it

  9. SonicChild1 says:

    Try Jessica Rabbit’s phone number :P

  10. emdiid says:

    We get these all the time. They’re usually bill collectors or people trying to sell drugs. The reason why the number isn’t working is because they don’t even live in this country. They put fake caller id’s so it doesn’t look so suspicious. No need to freak out about it.

  11. ridgerunner721601 says:

    Thanks for the info Rozpalm. I’m gonna try it.

  12. rozpalm says:

    I use to work in the telecom business. Play the three tones in the above recording and it will force their auto-dialer to remove you from their list. The number that appears on your phone when someone calls you is really nothing more then a text field in the signal code that is populated by the owner of the switch initiating the call. If they own their own switch (chances are they do) they can put what ever they want in that field.

  13. ridgerunner721601 says:

    I’ve tried calling them back but I keep on getting a message that the number has been disconnected. That’s what’s so crazy about the whole thing. I even looked up the number on an online reverse phone directory. It’s listed as somebody’s landline number in Arizona. I’m about ready to take your advice and go to the police though. Kind of wondering if it’s some kind of identity theft scam thing.

  14. coondogtheman1234 says:

    Call them back and if someone answers get their info and then tell them to stop calling you or you’ll call the police on them and give the police the telemarketer’s info.

  15. ridgerunner721601 says:

    I don’t know. But some S.O.B. keeps on calling me from (480)892-5113. When I answer nobody says anything. And when I call the number back I get the same message about the number being disconnected. They call my cell phone at least 10 times a day. I don’t even bother answering anymore.

  16. Yppiti says:

    It wouldn’t ring twice. Usually the ring is interrupted by the recording after 1 ring.

  17. thecooldude9999 says:

    a voice-mail trick or caller id spoofing.

  18. DJMC5ive says:

    Its a trap! (lol) put a message like this on your voicemail, or home answering machine, and the telemarketers will stop calling!

  19. CONKER17 says:

    This is a trick….its an answering machine with this message to fool people into thinking its a disconnected number

  20. charlietherealcat says:

    I think you need to spell first!

  21. moneybelt22 says:


  22. blackavenger97 says:

    your supposed to put a “1″ in front of the number duh!

  23. desenagrator says:

    They just spoofed the number to a disconnected number!

  24. northernchicken says:

    I think it’s scammers. The number is probably a clean number but is forwarded after three rings to a dud. That way they see the call display and choose which calls to answer. so when ya call back to complain because your credit card was maxed out they appear to be out of business.

  25. issues462 says:

    when social securety calls you, and you try to call back, it will do that

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