


How To Make An E-mail Server

This video shows how to host your own e-mail service using your home computer. Related tutorials: www.tinkernut.com www.tinkernut.com Links used in this video: www.wampserver.com http www.squirrelmail.org


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  1. matthewsmeets says:

    What do i do if i whant to host from a NAS???

  2. nettsam says:

    Wrong sir

  3. Hayden7White says:

    Believe so. But you could try something else.

  4. Priceisrightman75 says:

    Does if have to end with .local?

  5. ResourceGaming says:

    Seriously? Java is the easiest programming language ever next to JavaScript being that .JS is an script language and not as secured than its competitor PHP. However, if you know how to use Java have the original document covered and you need a compiler than compiles pages into single document so that what your seeing something a mirror of the original. So that a script kiddies cannot just say “oh i’m going to hack” without breaking getting into the compiler with password protected / firewalls. 

  6. somejarhead says:

    lol what kinda java u talking about advanced java like that is hard as fuck to learn

  7. Hayden7White says:

    If you mean have a email server on without the computer being on is technically impossible. Since the server requires to be run and because the computer shutdown and closes all programs, this will not be possible.

  8. ResourceGaming says:

    If you really want to create your own email server look up James Apache his been working on an email server for years way back in 2005. However, he uses Java, don’t worry about it Java is a very easy programming language to learn.

  9. icrvchalam says:

    superb video. if we setup this type of email server at home we need to be online throughout the day. will this work if we are not always online and emails were sent now and then to our address?

  10. orirnda says:

    I love this guy.

  11. mineaks says:

    cant send email to gmail and hotmail contacts

  12. hojiamin92 says:

    @Snowkakegubbe click “start”, find notepad and right click run as admin, ctrl+A to copy all data from hosts file into new untitled file, edit the file and save it where the hosts file sit; replace it

  13. Snowkakegubbe says:

    i can’t seem to save my editing in the “hosts” file

  14. warnlive says:

    You go too fast. you need to slow down and go step by step. I can’t find the windows EXE file on the website it’s lunix os. You don’t give the viewer enough time to see what you are doing

  15. bradglynne says:

    Also what are the ports i need to forward?

  16. bradglynne says:

    how do you make it so it comes from admin@yourdomain.co.uk instead of admin@test.local?

    Please help?

  17. linuxpowerification says:

    “The requested URL /mail/index.php was not found on this server.” i dont get it

  18. ShadowRazoe says:

    For thos getting the IMAP error when u try to log into squirlmail, go back to the config and instead of using something like “abcdedssda.local” for ur $imapServerAddress, use ‘localhost’;

    $imapServerAddress = ‘localhost’;

  19. ShadowRazoe says:

    If your localhost/mail/index.php isnt working, its probably cause of case sensitivity……if u used a Capital M when making the alias, u need to use a capital M in the address bar….

  20. Webkinzman2000 says:

    no offense but your voice just drones on and on and on… but a very good tutorial, if i say so myself.

  21. sulmann26 says:

    Can i send mail to my hotmail?

  22. OTSSandman1 says:

    When i try to connect it says ERROR: Config file “config/config.php” not found. You need to configure SquirrelMail before you can use it.

  23. islamichp says:

    localhost/mail/index.php is not wroking. how can i let it work?
    please answer me quickly,thank you!!!!!!!!

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