


#Anon #NewZ Monsanto_ The End of Life As We Know It. Video Clip.See info Below.

#Anon #NewZ Monsanto_ The End of Life As We Know It. Video Clip.See info Below. Anonymous released personal information and documents stolen from agricultural chemical and biotechnology company Monsanto as the Senate discusses a committee to address cyber-security issues. Last Anonymous Mass Attack Recorded Dec 2011 Just One Of Many More Too Come. The hacking group Anonymous has struck again, this time releasing documents it said it stole from the network of giant biotechnology and agricultural seed company Monsanto in retribution for alleged corporate misconduct. The hacking collective posted information it stole last month on 2500 Monsanto employees and associates, the group announced July 13. Anonymous also launched a distributed denial-of-service attack on Monsanto’s international Websites, forcing the company to shut down the sites for approximately three days. The group claimed it spent two months attacking the Monsanto network to access hundreds of pages of documents that it contends reveal “Monsanto’s corrupt, unethical, and downright evil business practices.” In the process, the group accessed three mail servers and released sensitive personal information, including full names, addresses, phone numbers “and exactly where they work,” Anonymous wrote on text-sharing site Pastebin. The list also included contact details for media outlets as well as other agricultural companies. The group also promised to post a wiki providing all the information, including articles
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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