


Whitney Houston Dies: NOT from Crack. Wonderful Voice Inspired Us

We do not own this content. It’s interesting that she is asking Diane Sawyer repeatedly “Do you know?” Whitney Houston said it is a bad photo. I know about bad photos I don’t want posted. Some days I’m bloated from forgetting to consume enough water, and I wouldn’t want to look bloated in a permanent photo. Is Whitney Houston implying that the bones showing are from work utilizing Adobe Photoshop? Not from Crack since ‘crack is cheap’ With over 120 million albums and 50 million singles sold worldwide, Whitney Houston has already established an unparalleled legacy for herself. www.imdb.me/livefearless Transcription of 2002 interview edits with Diane Sawyer: Whitney Houston “I’ve always been a thin girl, I’m not going to be fat ever, let’s get that straight Whitney is never going to be fat, ever, okay” Diane Sawyer: “The Michael Jackson VH-1 Appear…I’m gonna show you the picture” Whitney Houston “That’s a bad shot” Diane Sawyer “Well, it may be a bad shot but this real, I mean, the… the bones, that’s real” Whitney Houston: “Yea my bones, yea, I’m I’m 5’7″ and thin I can understand what you mean.” Diane Sawyer: “But that’s not just thin” Whitney Houston: “No, what is it Diane, tell me… Do you know?” Diane Sawyer: “It’s scary thin” Whitney Houston: “I can believe what you what you feel, I can believe that, but do you really know, do you really know?” Diane Sawyer: “No you know!” Whitney Houston: “Thank you.” Diane Sawyer: “Anorexia” Whitney Houston: “No way.” Diane
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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  1. Millyfan1099 says:

    she was the best singer :(

  2. TheCreativemiracles says:


  3. TheCreativemiracles says:


  4. baggieblackcat says:

    “crack is cheap, lets get one thing straight, we don’t do that, ok, we don’t do that”

    So you spent a fortune & still you dead !!! Should’ve done crack!!!!! After all, it’s cheaper than what killed ya!!!!

  5. TheZamacueca says:

    @22289529 shut up indio

  6. 22289529 says:

    @TheZamacueca no me hagas reir gilipollas mas de 300 años de robos y saqueos de parte de los españoles y tu me dices ladron a mi claro te robe la mujer o tu hermana de todas maneras ladron q roba a ladron tiene 100 años de perdon gilipollas acomplejado jajajajajajajaja

  7. Seba21bezio says:


  8. Susana1027 says:

    I see Diane Sawyer talking to a woman who is in trouble and Diane is trying to help her – to wake her up to what she is doing to herself. To show her that she isn’t fooling anyone.

  9. 2cutthroatterrorist says:

    smokin da rocks outta mah glass dik pype! mmmmh taste lyke candy

  10. calisse245 says:

    @TravellerTTT Don’t you see you’re talking to a Satanist dumbass !!! LOL

  11. calisse245 says:

    Probably another ILLUMINATI victim !!!

  12. sweetypie000 says:

    crack voice, so sad :( What a talent gone.

  13. ovadaheadproductions says:

    Rest in peace .

  14. ifuckednatalietran says:

    she took her denying to her grave

  15. Nomoreidsleft says:

    Too bad, she should have just stuck to cocaine and weed. R.I.P. Whitney.

  16. mobbdeepreppa says:



  17. sylicone221 says:


  18. phamus says:

    Very sad that someone with that much talent a great gift,and given a great career and fame and wealth and now all is gone. The songs and the shame of the waste of talent remain.
    She should have had it all.

  19. bigmcnazzty says:

    I dreamed of smoking crack wit her. R.I.P. to a legend in the crack game. Whitney Houston!

  20. katgoldsby says:

    @zacmako350 and u really think that’s cute or funny…..grow up!….have some respect!

  21. YesHaiti says:

    Wait for the autopsy results, lab results will confirm what was WH premature death. Sad she was a great singer and artist.

  22. broosta40000 says:

    I found this clip whilst looking for poltergeist scenes!!!

  23. katgoldsby says:

    i don’t think posting that video after her passing showed a lack of class at all….and i DIDN’T know about her drug use and don’t care she was a wonderful singer, a strong woman and stood up for herself to diane in that video and that’s all that matters….let this woman rest in peace people and try to remember the good she did and the happiness she brought everyone it doesn’t matter what she chose to do with her free time…it was HER choice and HER life and it’s gone now let her rest…….

  24. TheZamacueca says:


  25. InD3inFac3 says:

    @zacmako350 xD

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