


ABJEEZ DemoKracy

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  1. afara2000 says:

    @kiaaan420 I agree with your point about oil. Also, the fact that Gaddaffi was trying to replace Perto-Dollar with Petro-Dinar that cost him his dictatorship. Same thing happened to Saddam when he proposed Euro to replace petro-dollar. Iranian Mullahs haven’t done this but by trying to gain SCO membership (of china) may cost their dictatorship too. Sometimes superpowers evil acts can benefit helpless people under cruel dictatorships e.g., Afghanistan and Iraq.

  2. afara2000 says:

    @kiaaan420 Me neither, I don’t think anybody likes civil war and insecurity. I think people are more afraid and insecure now than any time in Iranian history. Just look at how they hang people like a circus on the street. Offcourse liberty, freedom and secularism wont come free. But as long as Islam rules in people’s mind, freedom will not prevail.

  3. kiaaan420 says:

    @afara2000 I am wishing for a secular democracy in time like the rest of Iranians ,,
    but i dont want civil war /insecurity and possible division of Iran on top of all the issues you mentioned.

  4. kiaaan420 says:

    Respond to this video…  Freedom is the BAIT My dear Iranian.dont be naive
    Iran will change from with in

  5. kiaaan420 says:

    @TheSasss1 go and look up Abdelhakim Belhadj, the newly appointed commander of the Tripoli … Belhadj is also a former Emir of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group … Malaysian security officials had arrested him on March 3, 2004 and handed him over to the CIA

  6. kiaaan420 says:

    @TheSasss1 NATO USED ALQAEADA ,,,and religious extremist to get rid of Ghaddaffi ,,,not because they love sharia law ,,,they dont care one way or the other , not for human rights , not for democracy ,,,JUST OIL, dont be so naive.
    secular ghaddaffi would not let girls cover their face and attend schools, so the extremist were after ghadaffi .
    NATO used them and alqaeada members to get rid of ghadaffi ,,,now they gonna Sharia law ,,,you happy ???
    do you support Sharia law just like NATO???

  7. TheSasss1 says:

    What a hypocritical and naive video. Let the dictators, despots, and dictatorial animals stay in power in continuing to genocide and massacre innocent people by the will? It is sometimes for the international community to speak up as one voice and say “enough is enough” and to help liberate nations. As an Iranian-American, I am proud of the fact that we have enlisted in this endeavor in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, and hope to soon see my homeland of Iran liberated and have a chance for freedom

  8. afara2000 says:

    @kiaaan420 No it’s not easy for me to see every day Iranians suffering or being jailed, etc. But it seems you are enjoying current life/security in Iran i.e., paying 9000 tomans for 12 eggs, 1200 tomans for a piece of bread, 20000 tomans for a kilogram of beef! Btw, I didn’t tell Iranians to destroy their country. They already know how to destroy what is already destroying them.

  9. kiaaan420 says:

    @afara2000 It’s easy for you sitting in the comfort and safety of your home in the west to tell Iranian to destroy their country and way of life/security they are used to hoping to get rid of the Mullahs. also risk CIVIL WAR

  10. franzfaramir says:

    @afara2000 Hehehe… so easy to tell if someone does or doesn’t live in iran. How long have you been living in LA pesare golam?

  11. afara2000 says:

    what’s the point here? No war? Whether you like it or not, West is about to wage war against mullahs in Iran. Yes, it will kill some bad or good people but let’s face the truth, thousands of innocent Iranian people are being tortured, jailed, raped and finally killed these days by Mullahs and ABJEES doesn’t give a damn!

  12. GoldenChantarelle says:

    آبجیز rocks säger jag bara

  13. downyourtube says:

    God’s Eye (i) ran (I) ran) I r a n ) out Creation. God left His watermark of the Garden of Eden at its true location in Iran. Something to be proud of Iran. Everything started in your country. Take a look at my videos and see the real Garden of Eden in the Northwest section of Iran.

  14. saharcasa says:


  15. kokoth says:

    And a republic can’t be democratic?

  16. fewoifhiu3hfklew says:

    Not to sound pedantic, but it seems the abjeez have ripped off the melody for this song from Baris Manco’s Domates Biber Patlican. Is it plagerism when you don’t credit the original authors?

  17. LovePahlavi says:

    I love this – very impressive….

  18. Lothol says:

    @suzannegente Yeah, you must have done really well in school…

  19. Seiketsuuu says:

    I wish I could understand Farsi… anyway the song is great!

  20. 22MRMafia says:

    this gives me the chills!!! fricken sickk

  21. SpiritualEagle says:

    Well done, i like it !

  22. LetArtsLive says:

    @suzannegente a republic??more like socialist

  23. suzannegente says:

    too bad the girl singing this song, doesn’t know what she is talking about. if you think america is a democracy, you are wrong, we are a REPUBLIC!


  24. nuriisya says:

    if you pay attention to the ending.. its the best part of the whole movie. watch now at Free Movie Zone . n e t

  25. JesusRealTV says:

    @oOoMRLoOo how to get that studio background?

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