


What’s going on? Watch & Decide for yourself.

Walter Burien CAFR1 – To download and view several CAFRs and Federal Audit reports on the IRS; Federal Reserve; Bank Derivative / Mortgage Holdings, go here – CAFR1.com Representative David Price gave a Town Hall Meeting at the Cary Town Hall on Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I was able to ask him a question about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Walter Burien has dedicated his life to exposing this slight of hand cash exchange. Please visit his website www.CAFR1.com and do some research on your own local, state and federal CAFRs. My question to Rep. Price – Every year the government proposes a spending budget for the taxes collected from you and me. And every year there is always a budget shortfall, or deficit, which means the government spent more than it collected in taxes. Well, most folks dont know that every government agency, local, state and federal have two sets of books – the budget and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The budget details how the taxes collected from you and me are spent by that government agency. And the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR for short, contains the numbers in the budget as well as ALL other forms of government revenue and expenses. According to the governments own CAFR reports, the government doesnt just make money though tax collection, it also makes billions of dollars though private investments. Why isnt the money from these private investments used to cover the budget deficit and perhaps eventually
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  1. tomjunk1965 says:

    nice job brother…. calm, composed and clear…..

    This video should show folks that you don’t have to be the most masculine macho man in town to confront your local corporate criminals…you only need some facts and a working set of balls. ;-)

  2. cdimmm says:

    They won’t talk about the 24/7 military chemtrail operations either. Great video Edward

  3. ednraleigh says:

    @MrEddiecochran Yes

  4. MrEddiecochran says:

    Just out of curiosity, are you gay? Because you do talk in a weird fashion.

  5. williamwagener says:

    30,000-1 and they have time to answer you
    720,000-1 is absolute tyranny. Is there a reason the BankGangsters lobbied to
    freeze the number of House Reps. at 435 a century ago.

    Go See: “williamwagener, update #4 Michael Warnken”

    They are ALSO NOT talking about the correct RATIo of 30,000-1 House Rep.

  6. freeenterpriseworks4 says:

    Join The Free Enterprise Nation in combating this type of wasteful government spending!

  7. freeenterpriseworks4 says:

    In 2001 the General Assembly gave a 50 percent increase in pensions for most state legislators. Taxpayers currently shell out about $617 million via property taxes and state budget money for the pension systems, but by the end of FY 2012 taxpayers will be on the hook for $4.2 billion per year. This number will slowly climb up to reach a peak of $6.4 billion by 2032.

  8. SOCRATES012 says:

    Thank you Sir. You are a true patriot and honorable gentleman. We need more good people to stand up against injustices and the expose the FRAUD that has been carried out for too many generations now…

    It can get worse people so start thinking, talking and changing for a better future

  9. NiteAngel says:

    your video streams very slow stops and starts lol youtube is putting the gebash on your video

  10. room4myfist says:


    this is awesome. Here we see the sheep questioning the shearers.

    “one day they’ll pull back the curtains and turn up the house lights, revealing the cold stark concrete walls of the prison” – Frank Zappa

  11. ednraleigh says:

    Here are some examples of 2008 NC CAFR surpluses:

    In 2008, NC Total Govt Funds assets were $15.1 billion, liabilities were $9.4 billion ending in a $5.6 billion surplus. page 60

    2008 NC Component Units assets were $27.9 billion, liabilities were $11.3 billion ending in a $16.5 billion surplus. page 157

    2008 Non Major Enterprise Funds assets were 163.9 million, liabilities were $64.7 million ending in a $99.1 million surplus. page 180

    Bing “2008 nc cafr” to get the report.

  12. hubristime says:

    Thank you for clarifying that. Noting this it would then be useful to have a judge as a friend, which isn’t too hard to do. Thanks, again.

  13. MRMAY1965 says:

    A notary, though commissioned by a judge, unless he is a clerk of the court is not a court officer. Simply not responding to a notary does not warrant a contempt charge unless a writ is taken before a judge and the judge orders the response. Or orders a subpena for the congressman to appear before the court. Failure to appear would the be ground for contempt.

  14. davidedgerly says:

    lastly, the state hires management investment firms to handle all the money… the state legislation over see’s their management … what you need to do is find out which financial houses in your state have those revenues and investments… within that information you can track who know what within your state …. and also make a connection to how wealth within the ranks of your state legislators seems to track to these very investments..cool lttle deal they have going on ..with the public dime.

  15. davidedgerly says:

    Price is briefed when he takes office on the CAFR’s .. because its part of his duties… to over see those investments and distributions for liabilities… they have a budget meetings behind closed doors here in Ma. on those investments.. But you can verify he is lying because here in Ma. we have CMR’s Code of Mass Regulations… which are public .. they tell who is in control of the CAFR’s and how they are budgeted by the state legislation and what oversight the legislators have over them…

  16. davidedgerly says:

    Price is lying thru his teeth and keeps referring to the federal gov & SS when he know exactly what the cafr is on the state level.and you make a excellent point and nailed him completely.i tried doing that same thing in my state and of course i got the same silent treatment.. I’m in Ma.and Ma has over 1.8 trillion in surplus revenue from private investments after costs.payouts for retirement and so forth. and of course Ma. claims revenue short falls every yr and they just raised the tax again!

  17. ngonea says:

    uncutpp72002 -Social Security Corp., Depart. Of Health , Edu, & Welfare “FOR PROFIT “General Delaware Coproration Incorporation date. 11/13/89 File No. 2213135

  18. curiousEGM says:

    Scary to listen to because these worms have been voted in office carrying the responsiblility transferred to them by a political system that always works to establish decency and true representation but it is visible that another “force” is in place and we may never reach decency again, not with these dolts taking the oath. A shame we can’t pulverize them quickly enough to establish new people in office.

  19. ngonea says:

    curiousEGM – and not to mention BC bonds,Bid bonds, Block Grants, Oh! it’s our time now, they have got to go! class action law suits,
    They are finished and the whole world knows of this robbery,see – worldreports/dot/org

  20. CAFR1 says:

    “halfasheep (16 hours ago)
    Ratings: 82 Views: 11,549″

    It appears the views are being clipped it is now showing 11,736.. at 6 PM AZ Time

    There are three different high volume sites referring views to this video. Just from one (1) site the refers were over 3,200 over the last 24 hours. Rense[dot]com has this video featured for the week. Shame on you YouTube!

  21. halfasheep says:

    Ratings: 82 Views: 11,549.

    Vote your way out of this 1. Not a chance.
    Two parties, one racket.

  22. AlexFate101 says:

    Godd video – well done. :-)

  23. hubristime says:

    If you sumitted a notarized letter to the congressman requesting a response within 30 days, and he doesn’t you can ask the NOTARY to charge the congressman with CONTEMPT of court for ignoring an officer of the court: the NOTARY.

  24. stanbent says:

    I am called loony, for the very reason that I am one of the apparent few that can make sense of all of this. The swine flu and banking holiday are deemed expedient. A huge death toll and incalculable losses are a quick and easy fix for the miscreants behind the scenes. WE ARE ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. We aren’t impotent. We can change things, though we need move yesterday on these bastards! This autumn/winter will be the test of our humanity. The future looks great if we shoulder responsibility

  25. curiousEGM says:

    btw that congressman responds in a cryptic manner. He was not asked about Social security and Medicare or Treasury bonds. Might this be the smoking gun in his own….(response-confession?) Scary stuff to listen to.

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