


RAP NEWS 5: News World Order – the war on journalism (feat. Julian Assange)

thejuicemedia.com Rap News Episode 5 Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O’Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance. **************************************************************************************** USEFUL LINKS: Find out more about: Wikileaks: wikileaks.org Julian Assange www.youtube.com Bill O’Reilly at his finest: www.youtube.com UN Human Rights Commissioner calls for inquiry into US/IRAQ after seeing Wikileaks evidence: www.ohchr.org Full clip of Barak Obama’s words on Government transparency (2008 election campaign): www.youtube.com ************************************* SUPPORT Rap News so we can keep broadcasting rhyme and reason on the only remaining free frequency: thejuicemedia.com Download MP3 and Lyrics and


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  1. gerrybrendayoutubful says:

    OMG how wonderful : )

  2. TheAnonMessage says:


  3. selvmordspilot says:

    love the lyrics!

  4. bokocrew says:

    I simply love the juice media :)

  5. PtAltmVansanTarr says:

    Going to 1 million views,nice….

  6. Sir4Paco says:

    epic shit :)

  7. EmperorScroob says:

    @PtAltmVansanTarr Yes, I stumbled upon it a few days ago. Very well done, and exceptionally clearly explaining what’s happening with us and our money..

  8. notrandom2 says:

    That was a sweat surprise, great view point, keep it up.

  9. weirdalyank1 says:

    this is a great video

  10. PtAltmVansanTarr says:

    Have Rap News fans checked out this cartoon “The American Dream Film-Full Length”?It’s a smart little cartoon that explains the current situation with the financial industry and big banks- it features a man time traveling in the Back to the Future Dolorian to explain the situation.
    I think this cartoon would be a great basic explanation to help go viral-it’s willingness to be humorous makes it a great viral video. Can we get the view count to 1 million?

  11. RailoX says:

    Stingray 1 Irwin 0 =D

  12. arga400 says:

    Assange was definitely a sweet surprise

  13. Paul0Massarde says:

    @minttur2005 is getting there ;)

  14. accd1d says:

    good job guys

  15. BrainWashingSociety says:

    3:46 hahah that was great

  16. thekeithchannel says:

    I used to despise rap

  17. PrometheusBenElohim says:


  18. MurgasonYage says:

    you’re awesome !

  19. asynkronos says:

    I’m heading for D.C. today to join the occupation. Thanks, Rap News. This is live streaming video of what’s going on there right now. We know the corporate media will censor the facts. What else is new? We can sit on our butts and let the scum of the earth own us or take action!


  20. quantum023 says:

    This is art at its best.

  21. Rente666 says:

    Feels like Eminem. Expcept from the ghetto! This ist intelligent!

  22. goodkarme says:

    @minttur2005 o trust me all the juice media rap news episodes has hit 1 mil youtube conceals the truth for governments all over the world!

  23. Doombuggie41 says:


  24. Detrucci says:

    lol when i first watched this it had 32,000 views. Whats better is i still love this, its on my ipod :D along with all the other ones. Love the message and lvoe the beats and the light comedy on a serious topic

  25. WeAreChangePortugal says:

    I like the way JuiceMedia plays all along but alas, let’s not forget that Mr.Julian Assange made quite a statement regarding 9/11 Truth Movement; quoting:
    “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” (twe.ly slash assange911)
    Yeah right, you’re the “real” deal, Assange…

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