


The Alternative Investment Market AIM Frauds

Making Billions Out of Virtual Companies – Pedophile Networks in the UK Parliament – Insider Trading – Asset Stripping – Children Will Bear the Debt http://www.abeldanger.net/2014/07/the-alternat…
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  1. John Paterson says:

    Princess Diana and Jemima Khan were sisters. ‘revelation’ in New Idea
    magazine this week that both women were fathered by swashbuckling tycoon
    Sir James Goldsmith.

    Read more:

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  2. the-real-institute.com Max Bliss says:

    Be interesting how the High degree Freemasonic police chiefs act or not as
    more wake up to the criminal elites….wish there would be mass arrests.

  3. maddog202034 says:
  4. John Paterson says:

    Abel Danger

  5. PinkCookie62 says:

    Wow it shut down for me when they started talking ’bout the Rothschilds.

  6. dclarke14 says:
  7. tony shaw says:
  8. Abel Danger says:
  9. Jennifer Collins says:
  10. Jennifer Collins says:
  11. pale horse says:

    The Alternative Investment Market AIM Frauds: http://youtu.be/ZPRQaJJsyUA

  12. tazzym1 says:
  13. Albert Metcalf says:

    you two are brilliant ,and thank you for all you are doing

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