



SUBSCRIBE! Aquinas College students play a prank on their hilarious Macroeconomics professor! http://www.aquinas.edu (Grand Rapids, MI) For information or qu…


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  1. State Capital says:

    You guys still have chalk boards?

  2. JB Zipp says:

    Lol I bet the dude that was sleeping was mad as fuck lol

  3. Jo Sparkles says:

    Priceless!!! A must watch!!!

  4. Megan Stockwell says:

    omfg this video… XD

  5. llebmac Fury says:

    They still use chalk in America?! And they call their teachers
    “professor?!” XD

  6. Royal Fool says:

    The prank itself is excellent, but the teacher’s obvious embarrassment
    turning to relief is just so brilliant!

    Good on him for being such a good sport – wish there were more teachers
    like him.

  7. Joshua McAdams says:

    who else here has a total of 6 friends? bunch of losers in this clasa

  8. nark angel says:

    wow so much love in the class ^_^ hhhh another video i sow a black kid
    dropping his teacher to the ground over a phone o.O ( ps : dont u dare
    bring the race card in here (-_-) ) 

  9. Geoff Roach says:

    my dad would of done that, had the phone call continue, then confiscate the
    phone, because his policy was if he caught you with your cell phone out in
    his class, he’d confiscate it, but if it embarrasses you, he would let it
    continue as a way to show you not to use your phone in his class.

  10. Marios Christofi says:

    So wait…he fucked her?

  11. Alllstars says:

    He looks familiar… Like that guy in Mr.Bean (ginger-haired guy)

  12. holly jaye says:

    i did not expect that! i thought that the test results were real OMFG that
    was good.

  13. Teri Caiazzo says:

    That was hysterical lmao

  14. The cormac jimmy rustle and more says:

    I died at “The first name will be april and the middle name will be

  15. DON KEADIK says:

    Typical, apologetic LIBTURD professor.

  16. Colin McClain says:

    Omg my brother He was at math class and he planned that everyone was gonna
    pretend that this one kid froze time so he had the teacher everyone in
    class and some students who would walk in the hall freeze and not move It
    was halirous

  17. Marley McWilliams says:

    What an awesome teacher.

  18. ACS Shap says:

    LOL Very cool

  19. JackCade says:

    It’s even funnyer when you konw about the very intimit relationship betwean
    the girl and the teacher.

  20. hilda reyes says:

    Nices collage teacher

  21. bsklasika says:

    wow, didn’t know that Bill Burr is teaching now. right on, man!

  22. Maddy Games says:

    His is the best teacher my teacher would send the person out of the class
    or to the headmaster depending on the prank

  23. Антон Юрий says:

    He seems like an awesome teacher =D

  24. foxboy72006 says:

    Oh my god! If that would have happened in my school growing up my friends
    and I would have died laughing. I almost pissed my pants just watching this

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