


Glock 50 Round Drum Magazine – Thank You Midway USA

http://www.midwayusa.com/ . Thank you Mr. Potterfield for providing great service and fair pricing. I look forward to buying from you in the future. Since…


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  1. Seamus Hall says:

    Oh Noes! That black polymer stick looks awfully dangerous! We should ban
    it, it looks evil.

  2. OilThe Gun says:

    They are great. I usually receive gear from them in 3 days.

  3. Ryan Sample says:

    Say this. “There is a high murder rate in California. The state has strict
    gun control. Connect the dots.”.

  4. sharkinfested says:

    That would be awesome for a Kel Tec Sub 2000

  5. David Breckenridge says:

    Hahahaha! One can but hope.

  6. OilThe Gun says:


  7. OilThe Gun says:

    Karma police will get u every time.

  8. Zoro zetazeta says:

    Midway rocks

  9. OilThe Gun says:

    Sarco has them for $129.99, or they did.

  10. OilThe Gun says:

    They Glock.

  11. Armedlegally says:

    This is exactly one of the reasons I support Midway USA, they ship when
    they tell you everything comes well boxed up and they have decent and
    competitive prices!

  12. rdsii64 says:

    dummy, at 69.00 a piece you should have bought 3

  13. huffster777 says:

    lol…thats gotta be heavy as hell when fully loaded. soo awesome tho

  14. GunGlutton says:

    @GunGlutton lol they just lowered price 100 so its back to 200

  15. OilThe Gun says:

    Relax kid and don’t take everything you hear so seriously.

  16. ToddDubya says:

    That looks tough to conceal. I can’t wait for some range footage!

  17. OilThe Gun says:

    Last week, 4 days.

  18. LandBender says:

    Enjoy your videos!… I detect an accent…where are you from???

  19. JimmyCricket61258 says:

    They are a great company. They helped me with my backorders too and kept
    their price fair. They are my #1 go-to gun supply company, followed by
    Brownells. Enjoy your purchase :O)

  20. TheShermandale says:

    Yep, they are good guys. I just put a Glock mag on backorder at a very
    reasonable price.

  21. gunna2cool says:

    So not fair… wish Midway would ship to RSA… luckily Brownells does and
    also did not do any price gouging :D

  22. OilThe Gun says:

    Will do.

  23. Greenthumb Patriot says:

    MidWay is an awesome company! love the patriotic background music, and i
    wish these were legal in CA. what kind of Militia are we with a bunch of 10
    round Mags and Mag release buttons!!! i already wrote Feinstein like 3
    letters… all very disappointing responses from the Traitor.

  24. OilThe Gun says:

    Nice. I hope to try IDPA with you this year. Just need to find some 9mm.

  25. TheMultiGunMan says:

    ★★★★★ Very cool.

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