


US Postal Service to drop Saturday delivery?

The US Postal Service traces its roots back to 1775. Since then, the USPS has been delivering America’s stuff, rain or shine. The USPS does not charge rural …
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  1. Der Lindwurm says:

    Cutting Saturday delivery will significantly hasten the demise of the USPS
    when its remaining customers flee to UPS in droves.

  2. FirstPistolSammy says:


  3. Raycheetah says:

    @derlindwurm UPS Saturday Delivery carries a high premium. =’[.]‘=

  4. matman125 says:

    You’d think cutting off stupid birthday cards would actually make the USPS
    service more efficient now that we have e-mail to do that. But, I still
    need my dildos and fleshlights ASAP.

  5. TheAbsintheReviewNet says:

    @aimbotjesus You are 100% right. We’re in a financial crisis. We have to
    start cutting somewhere.

  6. arnudo says:

    In France, there is no delivery at all on the Saturday, you were lucky :p

  7. unorthodoxJ says:

    Please keep USPS going UPS and FedEx charge way too much for small shipments

  8. spar420 says:

    @kenonifty Same here, I live in Canada, and we don’t get mail on Saturdays

  9. passdg says:

    poor dog I always see that mutt in their videos weird

  10. Diaznator says:

    Damn you first!!

  11. espada9 says:

    Social Security, Fannie Mae, Medicare and Medicaid, Freddie Mac, AMTRACK
    all government managed and all BROKE! The U.S. Postal Service was
    established in 1775. These corrupt morons have had 234 years to get it
    right and it is broke. And some of you idiots want to give the government
    MORE control of your money?

  12. gotham61 says:

    @kenonifty When I lived in England in the 1970s there were two post
    deliveries a day!

  13. ejpbaylon says:

    The UPS in my area does a great job so I’m not worried.

  14. Raycheetah says:

    USPS needs to start charging MORE for all the junk mail it delivers (which
    is 95% of what shows up in my mailbox). I’m tired of my taxes essentially
    subsidizing paper spam, which enjoys a much cheaper, bulk rate, than 1st
    class mail. =’[.]‘=

  15. gotham61 says:

    @espada9 How the hell do you figure the USPS is corrupt? They will deliver
    your letter coast to coast for 44 cents. The best you can do using a
    private carrier like FedEx is about $12., or 27 times the price of the
    USPS. They are being killed because people don’t send letters anymore
    because of email. They need to double the letter rate, it would still be a
    massive bargain compared to the best the “private sector” can manage.

  16. jason santana says:

    this makes no sense to me whatsoever. No matter what post office I go to it
    is usually full on tyhe weekdays. Where is all this money going to.
    Everyone uses the post office. The USPS will never go away despite what
    people say. Fedex or UPS are not doing any better either.

  17. OrszakPwnz says:

    I would have to disagree with this move. Things like this can only make it
    worse. If one crack starts in a pot it only grows until it breaks. What I
    mean is that if they cancel one thing they are going to lead it to cutting
    or removing other things. But for now what do I care about Saturday mail I’
    am Jewish! HELL YA!!!

  18. Papon Nakornchai says:


  19. kenonifty says:

    I live in Australia. I did not even know that postal services anywhere
    delivered on a Saturday……

  20. JesusOn Wheels says:

    This cut seems fine. You can’t have your cake and eat it too America,
    especally with your deficit.

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