



IMM 742 Stamps Not Affixed http://pe.usps.com/text/imm/immc7_011.htm 742.1 Marking Some items of foreign origin do not bear postage stamps, but instead are m…
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  1. m Day says:

    Is there by chance a Part 2? Are there other teachings?

  2. Luis pina says:

    go here and get postal remedy http://www.Matrixx.VPweb.com great Dvds while their
    read the Matrixx truth !

  3. Nawang Denpa Dharmache says:

    I did this a multitude of times now. It works all the time!!!

  4. Black matrix says:

    Awesome information where can I find part 2

  5. griffinsd says:

    In reply to goddess
    The Taxe Percue DOES work in California. I’ve been sending mail for several
    months by both Registered and Certified mail. Everything has been
    delivered. I would try sending from a different post office if possible.

  6. OutlandishOutlander says:

    No. Your offer of contract is refused as the source of this knowledge is
    within manuals that you had nothing to do with, therefore it is PUBLIC. And
    if you can’t handle that, or disagree with that, or want to argue about
    that, then too bad! Your greedy FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE loving azz looses! I
    don’t give a $-hit about your private contracts. The politicians use the
    same excuse to hide from performing their duties for the benefit of the
    public too. If you don’t like it, then stop living.

  7. mitch craig says:

    i would request that you pull my video off the web for it was designed to
    be a private communication and was shared with people that chose to honor
    that contract. thank you for your honor and cooperation, neo

  8. losregni says:

    Okay, you peaked some interest. Now what. the rest of webinar, part 2 or
    this is really bullshit?

  9. Amelia Saenz says:

    I am so happy that you have presented this information… I live in the san
    fernando valley, and i have had a difficult time with sending registered
    and certified. ..I need some help getting this to the postmaster here in
    this location, is not very nice, and is giving me a difficult time. is
    there anyway you can help me? my email is amelia.saenz.fnp@gmail.com

  10. goddess says:

    This texe percue not working in california, even after contacting customer

  11. Miro K says:

    Hello, on minute 44:15 2 “unrecognased states” yours explanation by my
    experiance is incorect. UNRECOGNISE state mean…THAT ONE WHO DID NOT
    recognised his own state WILL OFTEN FIND IT HARD TO exercise full powers.
    Make it sense? :)

  12. Amelia Saenz says:

    can please, please send your contact info to my email..

  13. Amelia Saenz says:

    how may i reach you? please reach out to me.. thank you.

  14. OutlandishOutlander says:

    Exactly! Who is this, “mitch craig?” No doubt if he is who he claims to be
    and did do this video, then the TRUE motive for wanting this kind of
    information to be pulled is because he didn’t get PAID ANY FEDERAL RESERVE
    NOTES to satisfy his GREED! The motivation of the cheap azz-bastards. Oh,
    the I’ve got a contract-$hit is pathetic too! If you do have a contract,
    then produce the contract and stop making claims without proving your
    claims, cuz until then, YOU’RE A LIAR!

  15. Gary Sarmiento says:

    Amelia Saenz Sfhs?

  16. Gary Sarmiento says:

    Pacoima girl.

  17. Amelia Saenz says:

    who is mitch craig? and what contract are you referring too. I am not aware
    of a contract. however would like to have more information

  18. OutlandishOutlander says:

    One of the reasons why JFK was assassinated was because he warned the
    people about “secret groups.” There is NOTHING HIDDEN that will not be
    revealed! This information does NOT belong to anyone single
    individual/person/group, whatever! The more knowledge like this becomes
    public, the better the world will be. Now, if they want money, then let
    them choke on their god! The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil, and
    withholding knowledge for money, praises that god and is pure evil!

  19. losregni says:

    When was this webinar and what else was presented? Are there other

  20. Rasi Caprice says:

    I absolutely love this video and the knowledge which it contains…I share
    the same notion and sentiment as @Amelia_Saenz…PLZZZZZ EMAIL ME more info
    about your group so that I may begin correspondence with the right contact
    person concerning how I may work with your group (possibly becoming a
    member) so that I too can enlighten my path…it is rasicaprice@gmail.com
    Thank you for sharing!

  21. losregni says:

    How do we join the group?

  22. nygnukka2002 says:

    mitch is the guy who made this video hes the man that you hear
    speaking,,this is saposed to be a private CIC video not for the public,,

  23. ThyCollective Orignal says:

    You got to know what your dealing with before going in BLIND!!

  24. OutlandishOutlander says:

    @larry luvox, THANKS FOR UPLOADING THIS! I dunno who the dweeb “mitch
    craig” is, but he’s one very selfish bastard to make the request for you to
    No knowledge is exclusive to anyone . . . ANYONE! Especially to mitch
    craig! Oh, and mitch, since you claim you OWN this video, prove your claim
    with facts, or shut your F-ing-HELL-up! Your request is pure evidence of
    your GREED! You didn’t get any MONEY, or your god for this.

  25. Subliminal Writer says:

    very cool respect bro!

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