


First Netflix DVD!

I got my first netflix dvd in my mailbox 2 days after signing up for the free trial, if you couldn’t tell by the video I was pretty excited :) Blog post – bit.ly My Website – thejustinmurphy.com Follow Me – twitter.com


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  1. 825145chuy says:

    I got mine the next day lol

  2. simonxu1121 says:

    you need extra $2 to buy one

  3. oilerz4eva says:

    how do u get dvds by mail i can only stream movies on my ps3/computer/ipod

  4. jackeyniraula says:

    my first NetFlix movie was “Restrepo”. NetFlix is a good thing. :)

  5. jordanscottanderson says:

    Definitely worth subscribing. Being able to stream movies online, on a gaming console, and even your phone…well worth it.

  6. xRadicalAurax says:

    what’s your xbox gamertag?

  7. Fyooshen says:

    Netflix changed my life.

  8. EmptyGamingHD says:

    BTW, Thats the best movie ever i watched it in history in 10th grade. :P

  9. EmptyGamingHD says:

    I have had netflix for like 6 months. And love it :P I watch a movie every night lol

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