


Kent DUI Attorney | Kent, Ohio DUI lawyer

Kent DUI Attorney If you live in or near Kent in Ohio, you know that local law enforcement is always actively pursuing drivers who are driving while intoxica…
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  1. Dewayne Broadwater says:

    Good tips on choosing DUI attorney.

  2. BobEnMike says:

    awesome video +fav

  3. sangmt001 says:

    When will you be uploading more videos

  4. Jax Atts says:

    A wealthy information.

  5. easycashcode0 says:

    this is really cool!

  6. Tontatious says:

    Made my day!!

  7. habbodude12 says:

    i sooooooooooo loved the video :) :) :)

  8. maxsnoddy says:

    Respect . nice work ;)

  9. lkmgalgmklalmglkamlk says:

    u look great in this video.

  10. ValenciaJCramer says:

    You. are. my. hero. nuff said.

  11. Zulynami says:

    how i met your mother is gay if you are not good ^^^

  12. ThatISPANTHER says:

    Gheez off the chain fam

  13. Quicc savo says:


  14. Muhamad Izdhar says:


  15. chungddevntel says:

    haha!!!!! good stuff make more?

  16. jcasteaa says:

    ROFL i? just crapped my pants cuz this was so funny!!!!!

  17. maxsnoddy says:

    (Holy SH1T it is friCKINg awSOMe )

  18. qn1983 says:


  19. Thetom463 says:

    Youtube should give him a medal or two for his effort. His uploading only
    working stuff.

  20. Trung Hieu says:

    Youre steadily improving! Keep it up

  21. Thanh Nguyen says:

    Deadly! Thats excellent, keep up the good work!

  22. luisa miller says:

    Cant even come up with a cool comment for this!

  23. lablierm says:

    More like this and im sure your subs will skyrocket!

  24. herzkissen12 says:

    this video never gets old , i? say HOLY SHIT ! every time .

  25. nickpapanick100 says:

    you have some talent

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