


DavetheUsher’s Mailbox Opening: Number 5 – Chocolate!

Thanks again John and Ralph. I really appreciate it. Ship all types of items from you or websites to my UPS Mailbox at the following address: D.F. 868 W Stre…
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  1. jkrupkin26 says:

    Halva is sesame and usually a chocolate swirl sometimes fruit , vanilla,or
    marble flavor. Better halva can actually be expensive but is common enough
    to find at Jewish/kosher delis by the pound

  2. Meyer Nam says:

    Merry Christmas Dave. Hope to see another batch of replays in 2013

  3. danish4games says:

    Yep :P

  4. mastermegatron says:

    Yes he does!

  5. MALEMization says:

    By ‘IT’ I mean the bread!

  6. yowza3416 says:

    If all you do is turn the camera on during that train ride and ask random
    people ‘what do you think about that’ then that’ll be all we need from you
    during your trip. Maybe it can be a literal desert bus travels with dave

  7. MrJohn Dee says:

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all your friends and family Dave!

  8. REDMOKILL says:

    Cool man you deserve every thing you get one day I’m sending you lion meat
    because YOU SIR are a fuckin beast. This was a great year for me and Its
    great that yours was to. Truly man you are the coolest dude on youtube and
    I hope you can provide endless entertainment for many more years to come.
    May the schwortz be with you.

  9. do0rkn0b says:


  10. Scisanietun YT says:

    Hope ur having an amazing Christmas dave! :)

  11. Charok1 says:

    You didn’t get horrible diarrhea after eating the last batch of shipped
    food. Good stuff.

  12. EmoSith51 says:

    hey Dave, have you ever tried marshmallow fulff? its a spreadable version
    (like peanut butter) except with marshmallow

  13. XxChRoNiCfAtExX says:

    hey dave you’ll never have to go grocery shopping again hahahaha

  14. sapphireorb29 says:

    Chocolate bar looks freakin decadent!

  15. Emikeb says:

    Merry Christmas Dave, you’re a brave human being lol.

  16. LancerD1984 says:

    Baconaise? Chocolate bacon? Call me crazy but that sounds awesome to me!

  17. Charok1 says:

    Bailey: Bacon Bacon Bacon Where? Is it in that can? I can’t read!

  18. TsSRGF says:

    Merry Christmas Dave its me Ralph there was a note in there but i guess you
    missed it anyway hope you liked the baiconaise and i wanted to ask you a
    question do you play pc at all?

  19. Torchit says:

    Merry Christmas Dave! Good stuff!! Greetings from Italy!

  20. Super360Mario says:

    Merry Chistmas DAVE! :D

  21. Brian Worth says:

    I saw your wii u

  22. p1xelh4m says:

    The answer is yes.

  23. Fortaz107 says:

    My sister is actually taking the Amrtak from LA to New Jersey right now.
    Traveling by airplane is boring. You just go from point A to point B
    without seeing anything in the middle. You’ll have fun man!

  24. KITT171 says:

    Merry Christmas Dave!

  25. Steven Khong says:

    Marry Christmas and a happy new year

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