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  1. Kim Jefferson says:

    Only proves that you are brainwashed, delusional and seen way to much
    movies, good job on that.

  2. hellavadeal says:

    i do not own a gun and i get red stickers. It has more to do with your
    belief system i think. That or IQ. They killed all the intellectuals in
    Cambodia and China when they went to the dark side. I have a high IQ, wear
    glasses and talk about God a lot. 3 things that would have got me killed in
    those countries back then. They wont need to take the guns if you cannot
    get ammo for it. The only led smelting plant in this country is being shut
    down. Now we know why they bought so much ammo.

  3. randomperson63758 says:

    I’ve never heard of this before…..

    But now i’m afraid to go out and check my mailbox. ;__;

  4. Chris AA says:

    With GPS and probably even far more advanced tracking technology available
    to them, I doubt that a major government operation would rely on colored
    stickers. That would be a stone age method of identification. 

  5. Eliyahu Prophet says:

    Uhhh, I think those stickers are so the paper boy knows which paper to
    deliver (weekend/all week/none). Our neighborhood has all kinds of colors,
    maybe ten – so there must be ten + the three you mention. Kind of silly, I
    think… though I do NOT believe that we have a benevolent loving
    government, either.

  6. Ben Shaw says:

    Why the fuck make this a joke? I bet it’ll still be a joke when they raid
    your home and blast your kids brains all over your wifes face, and it will
    fucking happen, you sad sad bastard..

  7. nutbagbrew102 says:

    nonsense – 

  8. aDinoSupremacist says:

    Is this video a parody? I honestly can’t tell.

  9. SuppaviLLin SuPpAvIlLiN says:

    Thank my lucky stars!! I just bought a whole bag full of rainbow stickers!
    Rainbow stickers mean that they must send the 5 hottest asses they have to
    my house at 4am and give me rainbow dick blow jobs. Yaaaaay!!!!

  10. Tenchu Power says:

    All of you keep mentioning stuff about newspapers… well, I haven’t EVER
    received a newspaper or subscribed to one and about 2 weeks ago i went
    outside to my mailbox and found a red sticker on it and i am a current
    activist exposing the Illuminati daily. Why would i get a sticker like this
    when there hasn’t ever been a newspaper subscription at his residence.

  11. Michael Black says:

    All the predictions? Who’s making these predictions? Do we drink the
    koolaid and get taken up in a ufo to escape? Haha:) Just kiddin buddy:)

  12. Gonken88 says:

    they would never have to use force on a population so dumb only 2/5 can
    find their country on a world map. I see a lot of people shouting “NWO”
    just because the gun laws are getting more narrow. in most countries it’s
    common sense that the military and law enforcement are the only ones with
    guns, except for hunting rifles. it’s about time america got a wellfare
    system and the public got disarmed. maybe they’re just expecting a lot of
    riots on account of that.

  13. Jeff Murray says:

    What if an e.m.p (pinch) goes off disabling electronic devices ? Then the
    cor code is not so dumb after all ,plus if i could figure out how to post a
    vid on this site ,any jelp would be fine

  14. Matt Haynes says:

    I guess I am safe since I have a Post Office Box… Come on people. We have
    computers these days and GPS, so why would we need stickers? Time to focus
    on real threats to the constitution instead of dreaming up fuel for the
    fear fire.

  15. greu lucian says:

    why the americans are so idiots?

  16. ThePatriotMuckraker says:

    Stupid bullshit. The governemnt is not going to put a sticker on your
    mailbox that anyone can take off, or replace. For all we know fear mongers
    like this guy could be working for the governemnt spreading di-sinfo and

  17. Onebadpowerstroke says:

    Used mainly by the news paper companies so when they deliver in the dark
    they know what houses get the paper and on what days. Like blue may only
    get sat and sun paper while yellow is seven days a week.

  18. Tim Farley says:

    good greif!!! it is just a code so the person delivering the paper can tell
    if you have paid.or if you haven’t,or if you get the paper only on sunday.

  19. 6C6os6Bearer333 says:

    Luckily, I have found zero stickers on my mailbox so far.

  20. Cesar H Montalbo says:


  21. Jerry Butler says:

    Anyone who believes this stand on your head!

  22. j powers says:

    I think those markers are to note which news papers you receive…

  23. DesertRider250r says:

    Mark of the beast lol.

  24. phoneguy5655 says:

    Love paranoid idiots.

  25. Mike GPSMA says:

    Stupid video

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