



Learn more @ http://www.jessiewheeler.com STARTING A BUSINESS (Part 2) So lets talk about some things that will make your new business look well-established …
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  1. Jessie Wheeler says:

    Gumpy, Yeah until squareup does that (I believe they don’t so they avoid
    the hassles of setting you and I up from a restriction standpoint with the
    credit card companies) you should use paypal. They don’t charge anything
    extra to give you buttons and cart online. You just pay their % (usually
    under 3.25%) and a transaction fee (.25 cents-.50 cents) depending on how
    much volume your doing. You do have to be a little techy but it’s fairly
    simple to use.

  2. Gumpys E-CigSauce says:

    Jessie, I want to thank you for the information on setting up a new
    business. I was checking out the square up you recommended and think that
    it will work great for my new business. One thing I wanted to know though
    was what if you have a shopping cart on your website? I didn’t see or hear
    anything about using the square with a shopping cart. What do you recommend
    for that? Thanks again for all the great tips.

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