


The Lawyer Synanon Tried to Kill – Legally Speaking

Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Los Angeles attorney Paul Morantz has devoted his professional life to fighting cults. But in the late 1970s that life almost ca…
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  1. Michael Keating says:

    Amazon says the book is out of print, although the entire book seems to be
    available under their ‘preview’ feature. I’d love to get the book. A
    Kindle version would be perfect :) Anyway, thank you, Paul Morantz, for
    all the good work you’ve done fighting and exposing destructive cults. 

  2. modusjoe69 says:

    Mr. Morantz is a hero and an inspiration. He started work that needs to be
    continued. Unfortunately, the spectre of Synanon survives in the form of
    abusive treatment centers across the country, to this day.

  3. dutchjim66 says:

    Synanon “…like Nazis.” A great tale about which more needs to be told.
    Congrats to Paul Morantz.

  4. annasandra chellton says:

    thank you paul morantz

  5. airolg23 says:

    looking forward to reading his book. what an interesting career/life

  6. gian paolo Puglisi says:

    Thanks !

  7. annasandra chellton says:

    in college i went to square games they laughed at us .and said you think
    you are hip?? “you nothin’ but hippies”.sandiego state 1964-5…..more.
    then kairos…. then reading yablonsky’s “the tunnel bank” the book read
    very well, i never met dietrich i know a saying attributed to him ,meaning
    he said it all the time i heard,”power corrupts absolute power corrupts

  8. annasandra chellton says:

    who wrote “the true believer”?? eric hoffer??

  9. annasandra chellton says:

    very true. the oeople i knew are suicides . i am alive ho.

  10. TheSebastian5978 says:

    I went to a Synanon type place in NYC about 10yrs ago. It was intense! But
    it did in many ways save my life.

  11. Ruby Edwards says:

    There old be no dark without the light & Paul is the light – will surely
    read his book – thanks for the video – only if soldiers were fighting the
    same war – lithe world would surely be a better place! Peace

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