


Government Killing The Birds?

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  1. kareemwill says:


  2. AweSomo84 says:

    @MrAlexbradley thats the whole point , they put up so much evidence that it does sound like a conspiracy and they hope people like you will think like that , easier to swallow than face the truth isn”t

  3. AweSomo84 says:

    @916matthewbrown but hes trying to do something here you are trashing other people congratz

  4. AweSomo84 says:

    @TheYoungshyne what about all the people with resperory(dont know how to write that word) disease?
    Up in the sky , manipulation of the weather/ haarp / making tornado”s / depopulation

  5. 916matthewbrown says:

    This guy is a tool…

  6. MrAlexbradley says:

    still sounds looney to me!

  7. kbforme says:

    yankton ftw

  8. Freedomcall82 says:

    It’s the New World Order folks wake up and smell the coffee the end is near Jesus is coming back one day and the one world government will end its terrible reign.
    its also in the bible and about the fish and the birds dieing its in the old testiment. the governments are messing with the frogs too. the whole thing is RFID Microchip tagging. its not fireworks. that is a cover up. they are trying to control the animals next are the humans.

  9. Angel2991112 says:

    @seanlaca – You’re right they’re probably poisoning the birds as test subjects to kill people. It makes no sense they would kill birds just because farmers don’t like them.

  10. mitchcapone says:

    I like the project name :)

  11. hoosierhiver says:

    @hilg2654 they also will invade bluebird houses and peck the eyes out of the bluebirds.

  12. Eternalsummersong says:

    @TheYoungshyne: And sometimes Algae can take over and steal the oxygen from the fish. Too much algae not enough oxygen and also It has been the coldest it has been in 25 years and because of that fish can become stressed and die. Also their are many diseases that fish can get. Fish and birds both die very easy. I hope this helps. ^_^

  13. Eternalsummersong says:

    @TheYoungshyne: The cows died from weather exposure they were left out in a snow storm as you can see many cows were kind of buried in the snow. The same thing happened where I lived 500 cows died 2 bulls and 7calfs. The fish well that’s simple the Gulf oil spill plus Corexit EC9500A and Corexit EC9527A was being dumped into our ocean as well and it is toxic! If you think the oil and Pollutant they used to stop the oil is going to vanish…it doesn’t.

  14. drksyde72 says:

    The birds were dying all over the WORLD, not just the country. And that still leaves the question of the Millions of fish all over the world, and the billions of bees. I agree that it very well could be the government but i think the motives are much more sinister than to stop birds from crapping on cows.

  15. ytgv3fc7 says:

    @dopeclown253 no, I think you misread me. I was saying the changing of weather is VERY possible and the earthquakes are very much not so. Sorry if I wasn’t clear. Count #2 you were wrong on was the sub communications. It doesn’t work the way you say it does.

  16. SweetCordie says:

    People can’t grow their own food without the birds and bees…Only GMO’S and lab made food.. Oh wait.. thats all we eat already

  17. SweetCordie says:

    People can’t grow their own food without the birds and bees…Only GMO’S and lab made food.. Oh wait.. thats all we eat already

  18. Moneymyke357 says:


  19. hilg2654 says:

    The European starlings are not native to this country and are a pest that puts the ecosystem out of balance because they don’t have the natural predators that they had in Europe. That is why the government allows the killing of starlings. It’s actually a good thing.

  20. dopeclown253 says:

    @ytgv3fc7 are you serious? to change weather is easy using the heat radiation they could cause tsunamis which in turn trigger other disasters..are you telling me this is impossible?

  21. iamLI3 says:

    @ytgv3fc7 search it for yourself , it seemed to cover a little about everything , talked about the ionosphere weather control earthquakes brain wave stuff , idk what i should think about it but what i do know is i’ve got the more important thing to do of spreading TZM to get some good happening finally….

  22. dopeclown253 says:

    @dopeclown253 m entirely interested in where you have found this source of information…because Im pretty sure the American people (not the leaders who represent the American people) are fully aware and understanding of the types of things going on….and we agree we need to do something about but unfortunately there are not to many people of power that would like to represent us on this subject so it will hard to collectively gather everyone and rally unless there was a massive trigger affect.

  23. ytgv3fc7 says:

    @dopeclown253 “head out of your ass because anyone with half a brain knows global warming does exist”
    You might want to explain that to the giant mass of Americans trying to tell the entire world global warming is a hoax. It’s really pissing everyone off and the influence on the public is ensuring we all suffer and die by refusing to make permanent changes to waste & consumption that people WILL NOT DO for a problem that “does not exist”.

  24. ytgv3fc7 says:

    @dopeclown253 if you take a quick look at how electromotive force works you’ll see that things shaped like wires & loops are what moves. Things shaped like antenna tend not to BUT if you incorporated enough loops they could, after using a wide swath of area to get the signal. HOWEVER, it takes a lot of loops and a lot of power to do this – no matter the frequencies used. There’s no way to cheat nature: if it takes 2 billion Newtons of force, it TAKES THAT MUCH. You can’t transmit less & move it

  25. ytgv3fc7 says:

    @dopeclown253 “also they Say they use this to penetrate water to communicate with deep submarines. so yes it can penetrate water and yes it can cause earthquakes”
    Wrong on both counts. There’s no electromotive force, no kinetic force, no earthquake. The push = 0 Newtons of force at all frequencies. You’d need a continent sized man-made antenna just to get started and it might move a foot. ONE foot. Maybe one inch.

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