


The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD – Official Online Edition

This is the original, lower quality version from Google video and has all of the available subtitles attached. As time permits, we’ll update the subtitles fo…
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  1. zby69 says:

    Interesting. And what about Islam ?

  2. Shoot4Nothing says:

    So I guess what Jesus meant when He told His mother at the Marriage at Cana “My hour has not yet come” really ACTUALLY meant: “But I don’t have to piss right now!” What a revelation! LOL!

  3. RomansPwnedJesus says:

    I think you’re confusing quantum mechanics in general with the COPENHAGEN INTERPRETATION of QM. David Deutsch argues that the many worlds interpretation accounts for the counter intuitive findings in QM without any contradictions necessary.

  4. lastfanstanding999 says:

    friggin eat shrooms…
    & drink your own pee :)

  5. caddy1010 says:

    Christians dont read their Bibles, they just get preached too by there parents and then their pastors and are told to have blind faith and when they do read the Bible and have questions they are told “Dont question God” so its no wonder they could care less about History and Science…pathetic.

  6. PalmTrall says:

    Jim Morrison said that, right?

  7. Mr Mr says:

    Hope brings no fright, it’s wanton hope, myth is practiced play. Now this science is just how God did it!

  8. GnosticMedia says:

    Except for the fact that quantum physics is based on Kantian irrationality and has been debunked. I see no end to the New Agers who perpetuate this false philosophy – perpetuating their own inability to discover facts and truth and trust their 5 senses. Quantum physics is the “art of fitting as many contradictions into one space as possible” whereas Logic is “the art of non-contradictory identification”. See David Harriman, for instance, who completely destroys Quantum physics, on my podcast.

  9. Jarrod s says:

    quantum mechanics is the science of “god’ i feel like its the very tip of people starting to find things we have actually known for so long. Things we know through the right brain, but are rediscovering through the left brain lol. Our math and scince has finaly started to touch our instinct. Quantum entanglment, and the double slit experiment are a great place to start your research for anyone who has not heard of this before.

  10. tek180 says:

    … when they were already supposedly immortal? And what’s this comment in Genesis 3:22 where God seems concerned that man has ‘become like one of us’. One of us? I thought there was only one God? Even taking into account the trinity, how could a truly omnipotent God figure ever worry about his creation gaining an equal status with him? Whether you want to admit it or not the god of the bible seems to have some serious insecurities and character flaws.

  11. Cydonia says:

    I am trying to figure out who is more brilliant. The people who figured all this out? Or the ones who made it all up in the first place?!?

  12. Xenocidemetal says:

    Taking that road is no better than following religion/mythology as fact.

    Until you can decisively prove that aliens landed on earth long ago and influenced human culture, please don’t assume. Don’t get me wrong, I’d much rather believe in aliens than Jesus or God.

    But at this time both possibilities are just as likely as each other.

    Science and Critical Thinking, I love you!

  13. UtopiaMinor666 says:

    know the history and you will know the truth, its so simple.

  14. Steve Wynne says:

    bread of lambs-ergot

  15. Brunno henrique says:

    ei algem me fala como colocar man vs wild pra dois com tela dividida e aliais bom

  16. RoboticusMusic says:


  17. Christopher Ruble says:

    Many of the greatest artists take drugs and create music, books, etc. I don’t understand how you could be that ignorant…unless of course you’ve never been on a psychedelic drug…which makes your opinion invalid. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

  18. ThEmIdNiGhTiNtRuDeR says:

    There is another side to the coin.

  19. ThEmIdNiGhTiNtRuDeR says:

    Very nice documentary but the stuff about the Pope is a bit off. My own research has lead me to the understanding that the Vatican is quite clearly the temple of mystery Babylon, and beneath the surface has nothing to do with Christ. The Pope wearing his fish head mitre and carrying the crosier is a blatant representation of fish-god Dagon (AKA Nimrod) who carries a crook / wand. Aside from that, the majority of what is laid out here definitely resonates. Thanks for the upload.

  20. reksub10 says:

    awesome documentary ,if i do say so myself  thank you for this gift cheers

  21. nope L says:

    not getting drunk..but releasing DMT from plant ethogens occuring natrually within all life.
    Hallucinating(actually trancending) u cannot understand unless u experianced .foreal ..its all true. and LOve saves all..GOD

  22. litereader says:


  23. GnosticMedia says:

    I couldn’t possibly disagree more.

  24. blica1 says:

    and also, is just a coincidence that most cultures around the ancient world had their own interpretations for these “mythical” figures? i think the story of ancient Aliens coming to earth and visiting and influencing ancient man, to tell their stories as they saw events take place due to these visitations, is more feasible!…just read the bible or any other “mythological” or Ancient religious texts and you’ll see…Ezekiel’s visions in the new testament are absolutely Alien visitations !

  25. blica1 says:

    I for one am not too convinced that early cultures and ancestors were coherent enough to create prophets, Gods, and messiahs, while in that “inebriated ” state..yes, perhaps they did get drunk and partied like we do today, and were ritualistic in doing so, but have you ever seen any person get to a point where , in their drunken stupor would create such complex figures , with such intricate detail and mythology ?..certainly not me..

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