


AC3-Impossible pivot glitch (NY window pivot Kappa). NEEDS A PATCH!

Assassin’s Creed III- I have an issue with the pivot Kappa. It is inside a house which is a ‘shortcut’ for escaping guards (a window in NY), so the entire r…


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  1. 1dollarleft says:

    0:53 to 0:54 – So faggot pastry there.

  2. Darsh D says:

    Yeah, it’s a very unfortunate glitch which made me go pessimistic towards gaming and the trophy system. Also, it has killed the AC fanboy inside me. Had to give up on this game. Never played it again after Nov 2013. Thinking of not installing it on my new PS3 either >:(

  3. TheUnknownmonkey26 says:

    For what is worth, the problem is still there. Also, I’m having the same issue on an Xbox 360, so its not limited to PS3 users having this problem.

  4. ApeAnimations says:

    Use other pivots

  5. Nick Watts says:

    I hade the same problem so i set back a couple days and tryed it again and it was in a diffrent location idk if someone got it or if ubisoft fixed it for me try doing it in a diffrent outfit it might woork

  6. Dragos V says:

    I have the same problem… It really s*cks :|

  7. Mike Hunt says:

    I’m missing omicron. It’s located in the frontier. It shows it located in a shed that I can’t get into. There is no place around that it could be in, no caves, nothing. I need help on what I need to do to be able to reset it or something so I can get it.

  8. mx179860 says:

    yea when you first load the game it will still be there do some exploring get desyncronize collect stuff do some side missions travel to some other place (boston or frontier) then comeback and it will reset somewhere else :)

  9. Carlo LaMonica says:

    No the latest patch (2.01) did not “fix” the pivot. Pivot Kappa is still stationary in the chase breaker window in NY for some, and it is still impossible to collect. The patch prevents any pivots from being placed in chase breakers from this point forward. They only did half a job here. Since the pivots are linked to our PSN account, it wouldn’t matter if we deleted the save data and played all the way through again. Ubi and Sony need to collaborate and get this fixed.

  10. Moh Murad says:

    are you playing fucking outside lol

  11. mx179860 says:

    latest patch (2.01) fixed the pivot

  12. Darsh D says:

    Thank you so much for the comments, Magnus. I will inform you if I get it moved as well. I’m very happy for the players who got theirs reset!

  13. Darsh D says:

    Thank you so much for the comment. I will try doing that. Connecting and disconnecting may work. Congratulations on earning the platinum and thank you so much for the kinds words and the support. I hope to get mine too :) I will inform you once I get mine! Have a great weekend, Andre.

  14. André Plumari says:

    I solved my problem. I had not planted all pivots, then I did it. I went to New York but the Kappa still there, disconect/connect and the Kappa moved.
    I get my platinum, i holpe you take your.

  15. magus1724 says:

    OK, good luck with it m8 and just keep checking in. I’m sure you’ll eventually get it reset as well.

  16. Darsh D says:

    Yeah, your problem is similar. The only thing we can do is to keep posting the Ubisoft forums and telling them to fix it.
    Some people got their pivot moved but mine is still there. When I ask them, they say that it’s random. So, if you’re are lucky, you may have it moved later :) Mine is still there for 10 weeks.

  17. Josue Camberos says:

    On Ps3 my last pivot is glitched underground on a cliff, when I go into the cave directly under it I see the pivot beams coming out of the cave’s ceiling.

  18. Darsh D says:

    It was last week. I have all the patches and I wasn’t prompted to install any new patches. The last patch is the thanksgiving patch which I have since it was released. I think you got lucky and the patch randomly fixed it. A guy has suggested me to delete and install the patch multiple times but I’m not sure if that will work. I will try doing that though.

  19. magus1724 says:

    When’s the last time you jumped on the game Darsh D? I went on a little over a week ago after not going on in months and there was a 30MB update. then i went into my pivot map and noticed mine moved to Boston. dunno if i just got lucky and somehow reset, or if that update fixed it.

  20. Darsh D says:

    They haven’t released a patch since Thanksgiving :( I wonder what they are doing :/

  21. Darsh D says:

    Once your account gets one assigned, they remain there forever till another person picks them up. If a person picks one up, it will change it’s location to give you a newer challenge but since this pivot is glitched and nobody can reach it, it will remain there forever unless Ubisoft resets every pivot with a patch or gives us an option to make a pivot change it’s location randomly if it’s been inactive for MONTHS :(

  22. Darsh D says:

    It’s still there for me & Kaswa :(

  23. magus1724 says:

    Nah, everyone gets 12 random pivots from the large pool of them placed by previous players. But once your account gets assigned a pivot you’re stuck with that specific one. I know for a fact since I had the same one for over a month and it hadn’t changed, until it recently reset (maybe a fix from UBI?).

  24. ShinobiGarth says:

    i thought the pivots were supposed to change location every so often? i got all of them and never saw this one

  25. magus1724 says:

    Hey Guys,

    So i jumped on the game today for the first time in over a month and there was a 30 MB update… so i decided to see if the pivot situation had changed and mine changed to a pivot in Boston! I previously had 11/12 pivots and my final one was the one in this video, but today it happened to have changed to another one. so I suggest you jump on and see if yours was reset as well.

    2 more trophies for Platinum! :D

    Cheers Guys.

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