


WR11NDD – Royal Mail close pass and chat

24th April 2013. Not much to say other than to watch the video. Captions say it all. Filmed in 1080p on my Contour Roam.


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  1. Angela Williamson says:

    Omg u r soo sad !

  2. abperson says:

    Yup, on the flip side, I’ve only ever had the “road tax” argument once.

  3. abperson says:

    Google “door zone” and read the wikipedia article.

  4. Teesside Cyclist says:

    haha the usual first response “You were in the middle of the road” Starting to get old now!

  5. abperson says:

    Thanks, it was reported, judging by the responses I’ve had, his mates and work colleagues have found this vid and are now trying to “educate” me on how to cycle.

    Unfortunately, some cretins don’t understand safe road positioning and will most likely knock a cyclist off if they continue to drive like this guy.

    What they don’t realise is, I wouldn’t have stopped if he hadn’t beeped his horn – illegally I might add.

  6. seeul8rwaynekerr says:

    You’re doing exactly the right thing here to stay safe. Simply report this punishment passing cretin to his employers (Royal Fail) post haste please, he needs urgently reeducating. If any of those parked vehicles had of been occupied and had they flung their doors open you were at least out of that danger zone. All the thick haters on here can hate all they want. That’s why they drive vans for a living. Simply they are life unworthy of life. They’ll give any fucktard a licence these days.

  7. abperson says:

    I have one, I’d like to keep it.

  8. Charlie Barry says:

    Get a life mate

  9. Chris Bidgood says:

    Another sad cyclist with nothing better to do. You were in the middle of the road and the van left loads of space. So childish, grow up.

  10. ABNJIM10 says:

    And no it isn’t drivers that need ‘cyclist awareness training’ you lot need to be made to have basic knowledge of the Highway Code and have drivers awareness training… To show the impact of what idiotic riding like this can have.

  11. ABNJIM10 says:

    It’s cyclists like you that do cause accidents, yes you are entitled to be on the road but you lot do have a tendency to take up the whole lane. You seem to demand respect and when you all cycle like that you deserve none. You ride like complete fools, act like you own the road, have the I own the road attitude and try to stitch up a hard working man because you’ve forced him into oncoming traffic! You sir are a specimen like the rest.

  12. djs2219 says:

    you’ve sort of blown your whole argument out of the water there mate you are legaly required to give cyclists and other vunerable road users as much space as you would a car .Also you are only supposed to over take when safe to do so .So if its dangerous to over take you shouldn’t be anyway

  13. djs2219 says:

    ok so someone riding a bike that weighs less than they do and is taking notice of everything around them is just as dangerous as an inconsiderate prick in a couple of tonnes of metal box who usualy has no idea or care of what is going on around grow up you twat

  14. bluebite79 says:

    Sad cyclist! Get a life!!!

  15. Leigh Parsons says:

    fuck cyclists the twats

  16. trevjim123 says:

    Is this a pisstake? The cyclists was needlessly too far away from the kerb and the van passed him safely, would love that cyclist to try and cry about it to me

  17. Young Wolf says:

    You cyclists have no right to take up the middle of the road, it’s dangerous for us drivers to over take you and go into the other lane.

  18. Docadd87 says:

    I think it’s disgusting that you have put this on YouTube. You sound like a bully and to humiliate the guy on the Internet just proves it. Yes he may of misguide you but to be this petty is unbelievable! You should of just called RM instead to putting on YouTube.

  19. abperson says:

    I do drive actually. If there was another cyclist coming the other way, then the driver should have waited. I understand that he’s doing a job, we all have jobs, all I want to do is get home safely, is that really too much to ask?

  20. abperson says:

    I requested cycle awareness training, that’s all I ever want for anyone that has nearly clipped me. Most people simply don’t understand how their actions affect other road users, especially cyclists, and if one person realises that having a little bit of awareness and patience could potentially save a life, then I consider it a success.


    If he had gone further out from you, he would have killed the other cyclist going the other way! 2:30

  22. TrueBlue Terrier says:

    Sorry but as a Postie, cyclist and non driver I cant see that the driver did anything illegal, He was quite polite with someone who was a little rattled and came across on the video as aggressive. He put his point of view across that’s all thats not being a gobshite. I notice as well that there was another cyclist on the other side at the time of the pass, he may have misjudged the distance between you in compensating for passing them safely. At worst a misjudgment not a sacking offence.

  23. abperson says:

    I can tell you don’t cycle, try cycling for a month and then come back and tell me what you think.
    If you’re questioning my road positioning, I suggest you look at British Cycling, CTC or any other cycling organisation, specifically the door zone and primary position.
    I look forward to hearing your comments.

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