


Free Stuff

My Amazon Points got me all this free stuff.
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  1. uncledave10 says:

    Thank you Alex on both points although I haven’t been unwell in a long time but for my knees . :o )

  2. Alex St-Georges says:

    Hi, Dave, glad you feel better. Those are cool stuffs, I love ‘em!

  3. uncledave10 says:

    Yeah they got the money on the front end lol and since then I have bought a cooling platform for the XPS and two watches so their is a method to the madness . :o )

  4. uncledave10 says:

    Love free stuff Dianne , Wasnt a bad 4th I ate to much lol Hope yours went well .Thanks for stopping to comment :o )

  5. mommarox2 says:

    that is some real cool free toys you got there Dave. can beat that. the web cam looks great. and that keyboard is real cool
    hope you had a great 4th of July

  6. uncledave10 says:

    Hey Chris , I didnt even know they sent me an E mail I had like 200 bucks of points , I hope your vacation went well , Im looking forward to seeing some vids . Thanks for watching , Happy 4th of July my friend :o )

  7. MoviesMusicNature says:

    Great free stuff Dave! Can’t beat that…. I love the Amazon points you get for using your credit card.. I usually use mine on new Blu’s to add to my collection of movies! Been on vacation to South Dakota for a week so I’m trying to catch up with everything posted LOL! lots of neat things I filmed out that way… Happy 4th of July my Friend!

  8. uncledave10 says:

    Sure is Bear :o )

  9. uncledave10 says:

    Thank You very much for your good wishes , Have a nice Holiday :o )

  10. coman4ero says:

    Hi,hi,hi !
    Funny man !
    Wanna see you everyday ! – like this one !
    Let There & Everywhere Be LIGHT !
    Peace, Love, Music & Rainbows !
    Lot of SUN, Joy & Happiness !
    Upon uncle Dave ! To All others, Now, Ever & Forever !
    & Better ! ( : – )

  11. uncledave10 says:

    Me Too Michael , Yeah a little because I have it set up in 1200 Something for the bigger picture , Have a nice 4th :o )

  12. uncledave10 says:

    @RustleFL Didnt even know they were there Russ and like 200 dollars worth , The key board is nuts All the crap you dont use is not on it , Just big Keys in a small format , The Camera is great too I have it on like 1200 something for a real big screen , Have a nice Holiday :o )

  13. uncledave10 says:

    Nothing beats free Shawn , Have a good Holiday :o )

  14. DrakIems says:

    Free shit rocks!

  15. J. Michael Haithcock says:

    i love free stuff. the web cam is good, the audio is off, but looks good.

  16. uncledave10 says:

    Have a great weekend Jane , Love this key board and Camera and what beats free , Well they got there money at Xmass . Thanks for commenting :o )

  17. Cameragirl803 says:

    Happy Weekend to you Dave!! COOL that you got the free stuff!! Man, you must have had a lot of points…LOL…digging the keyboard!! Enjoy the movie!! *****

  18. uncledave10 says:

    Thanks :o )

  19. Alex St-Georges says:

    I love those stuffs!

  20. uncledave10 says:

    Hi Dorte Im lovin this keyboard and what beats free . Have a good one , Im quite the singer lol :o )

  21. hysonly says:

    Hi Dave, that is alot of great and cool new things you have got there.
    Have a great Friday and weekend..and yeah see ya on tubeeeeeeeee lol :)

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