


Police Used to Discourage Free Speech & Freedom of Religion

We now live in a Police State! The first amendment is dead, police are now rounding up citizens that pass out anti Obama literature or promote religion. Last…
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  1. Dennis Hobbs says:

    Seem two year old but yes it is a police state, but the good news Jesus will be back soon

  2. DanceRooster says:

    If you are active duty military. You buy a gun/ammo ahead of a ban. Your against gun/ammo registration. Your for The US Supreme Courts Heller decision. If you defend the constitution, are Christian, Refuse to identify yourself at random checks, Ask why you have been stopped. Make references to the US Constitution, Claim that driving is a right or you police the cops, believe in animal rights, are a right to lifer, or an NRA member, the US government considers you a possible terrorist.

  3. Balzy73 says:

    Great vid. Yeah Alex Jones has a video where Homeland Security are “training” cops. On the under cover video there telling cops that our founding fathers were terrorists . And that anyone who is against the Government is a potential terrorist too. Anyone who votes for Ron Paul or people with American flag bumper stickers. The police are Civil Servants. How is this allowed to go on in our country?

  4. centrino105 says:

    I am not into religion and would not be interested in talking to the ladies about the bible however they have every right to pass out literature all they want. The cops have no business whatsoever hassling them at all. In point of fact the cops violated the constitution if they detained them in any way. The constitution dear officers is the highest law of the land so don’t violate the law. Instead officers become Oath Keepers and keep the oath you swore to protect the constitution.

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