


Zeitgeist Day 2013: Ben McLeish | “Public Health” [Part 9 of 12]

This is the ninth talk from The Zeitgeist Movement’s flagship, 5th Annual “Zeitgeist Day”, 2013 Main Event, held in Los Angeles CA on March 17th. This sold o…


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  1. TheLamelyNamed says:

    Here’s a fucking scary thought: What if the pharmaceutical and medical industry are actually deliberately delaying the research for cures of various deadly diseases because they can make more profit from symptomatic treatments of diseases?

    Remember how they killed the electric car? This is how they kill PEOPLE for profit.

  2. Dane Custance says:

    Good stuff.

  3. rbc13183 says:


  4. hypernation2007 says:

    Excellent I learnt a new thing today. You might like PDQ Bach. Really funny take on all the Bach family members.

  5. markusboyd3 says:

    @hypernation2007 You dare insult the master? Just kidding, yes, JC Bach.

  6. hypernation2007 says:

    Johann Sebastian surely! Or is it his lesser known brother ;-)

  7. james deroc says:

    funny guy

  8. Mike Burnett says:

    BE AWARE! Watch and see what ZEITGEIST Movement is REALLY about:


    20:00 Peter Joseph denies the existence of a controlling “elite”,NWO,illuminate,1% or whatever u want to call’em

    29:32–31:27 Technology is the saviour of Humanity?

    29:42 Is he supporting water FLUORIDATION?

    33:20 Again, supporting the elite

    34:00 Support to Bill Gates’ mass vaccination campaign and to the “elite, again!

    39:40 Peter Joseph gives more support to the power elite

    50:50 “Pro Bono” support

  9. Dave Hall says:

    brilliant!..brilliant!..thank you!

  10. Dave Hall says:

    absolutely great Ben!..just F**cking awesome!

  11. markusboyd3 says:

    Watching this with Johann Christian Bach playing in the background ;D

  12. markusboyd3 says:

    You are stereotyping…! Who doesn’t love American people?? ;)

  13. aurora7207 says:

    I want to say, I have never seen someone put an hour speech into a 20 minute presentation before, but, you do it better than anyone else sir.

  14. moto2kx2 says:

    I sent out about 100 comments to 5 different categories which I hope someone will take the bull by the horns. It was sent to many Anon vids, gcelente, Max Keiser, Zeitgeist, TYT, radchick re: ichicax4, breakingtheset, fabian4liberty.

    And HongPong who has incredible computer related skills. Send him a shout to see if you could team up.

    All the above no doubt have massive archives and personal knowledge of these corruptions.


  15. Hemi2050 says:

    Why does Ben McLeish sound so similar to Peter Joseph? Logic unites us.

  16. llusty78 says:

    “Freedom from violent attack by psychosocially wounded individuals driven to dissonance with their society through unmet needs and value distortions.” Fanfuckingtastic!

  17. su suuc says:

    im working on my own personal dictionary/catalogue, that does just that.

  18. moto2kx2 says:

    We live in the Information Age. WE KNOW these webs of corruption exist but information is hard to come by with many odd ball sites.
    A SINGLE REPUTABLE SITE (non-aligned site) does not exist even though we are swimming in the knowledge it’s hard to effectively grasp.
    THINK what it could do when it comes to the Education of People and Elections.
    It could get the ball rolling faster
    To start only needs to cover the main Issues, people, companies, foods, politicians, etc. & continually be updated.

  19. tr75out says:

    Great event! good idea having a series of short, concise lectures covering a variety of subjects and perspectives for newcomers with perhaps shorter attention spans for this material.. great job !

  20. Orf says:

    If u could use a cam op for another event pls let me know

  21. moto2kx2 says:


    Make a website showing EVERY SINGLE CONNECTION, revolving door connections & ALL the Corporations,Politicians,Spons­ors,Lobbyists,Bankster,Food,Dr­ugs,chemicals,War connections,Laws using all the above as main headings you can click on.

    Type in a Company See all the connections
    Type in a Politician See connections, how they voted, who they worked for in time line fashion, contribution dates, date voted on bills that rewarded donors etc

    Type in- a food, drug, chemical etc

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