


Postal Regifting for Fun

Tired of all the junk mail from credit card companies and other predatory lending institutions? Now you can have fun while returning their unsolicited trash …
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  1. OoYesIKnowOoYesIKnow says:

    TheHarvestBand 4 years ago

    Did you know that you can also attach the envelope to the outside of a box and it will cost them even more? As long as the box weighs 42 lbs or less, it’s completely legal.
    I’ve sent old tires, Glad Bags full of dirt, and even some shredded paper from my shredder.
    Most of the time, I simply do what you do, and swap contents and mail it back out…

    You are awful … but I like you !


  2. OoYesIKnowOoYesIKnow says:

    don’t use your tongue use a wet sponge; more hygenic, you won’t taste the captial one poison gum.

  3. NonSequiturMedia says:

    USPS is going to make so much money because of you

  4. ChaseTerrier says:

    I just got junk mail from Strayer University, a for profit “educational” institution. Since most for profit “educational” instituions are a scam, I decided to mail the business reply evelope back to Strayer University with jokes about colleges in them (ex. 50 things to do on your first day of school).

  5. epohnopulse says:

    Did you know that they use paper that picks up your fingerprints easier if you choose to remove your personal information from the contents they send you? True fact: Credit card companies have their own forensic departments equiped with labs.
    Doesn’t stop me! :D

  6. kfinnguy says:

    You must of run out of saliva! LoL

  7. Kennedale01 says:

    I wish I had the restraint to collect all the BRM envelopes I have received over the years. But as I get them, I fill it (similar to what you do) and send back the next day. Someone like yourself could probably save 50 or 100 of them and sell them on eBay; there are scores of people out there who love mailing BRM back to the sender with who-knows-what inside.

  8. ChaseTerrier says:

    I just mailed some of the envelopes back filled with jokes. I hope the people that work at the junk mail companies will have a good laugh at the jokes I mailed them.

  9. ChaseTerrier says:

    That is why I only mail them pack stuff that fits into the envelope (blank pieces of paper, jokes I printed out, est.).

  10. ticks4ticks4 says:

    Not anymore—they’ve abolished since 1982. Now the Post office simply discards the item. Waste of time for USPS staff and huge convenience. Refer to DMM (Domestic Mailer Manual) under the Business Reply Mail section (that states that they may be regarded as waste).
    However, maybe some do go through the system, and some post offices are unaware. I think it’s neat that it can still go through–esp. if USPS profits!

  11. ticks4ticks4 says:

    How entertaining! “THumbs up!”

  12. TheVideoStank says:

    Thanks for the comment, Tiger. I like to do what I can (like keeping Postal Workers employed) while also having fun.
    My son and I shot the video as complete improv one morning during the Christmas break. Fun for the whole family.

  13. TheVideoStank says:

    As long as they keep innundating me with their junk and paying the postage, I’ll keep having my fun as shown in the video!

  14. ChaseTerrier says:

    So do you still do this?

  15. ChaseTerrier says:

    One thing I like to do is if somebody e-mails me a joke that I like, instead of forwarding it to people in my e-mail address, I print the joke out in mail it back to the company useing the business reply envelope. I hope I made the people that work at the companies have a good laugh.

  16. TheHarvestBand says:

    Did you know that you can also attach the envelope to the outside of a box and it will cost them even more? As long as the box weighs 42 lbs or less, it’s completely legal.

    I’ve sent old tires, Glad Bags full of dirt, and even some shredded paper from my shredder.

    Most of the time, I simply do what you do, and swap contents and mail it back out…


  17. tbear2500 says:

    CLASSIC!!! Nicely done VideoStank.

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