


Rise of The Antichrist

On the Friday, March 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Katherine Albrecht details a proposal put forward by a Berkeley, California councilman to t…


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  1. Otherz stuffz says:

    post office socialist anti christ !

    This guy is beyond a joke.

  2. uktooter says:

    Haha, “America, beacon of freedom in the world.”
    That’s a good joke, Katherine Albrecht, or whatever your name is.

  3. BeautyHealthZoneBlog says:

    Besides, I doubt most people would take much notice if the messiah or anti-christ really showed up.

    Too much doubt.

  4. BeautyHealthZoneBlog says:

    Who is the anti-christ?

    Everyone seems to label someone they don’t like as the anti-christ.

    Just remember that Eugenists have your DNA profile and are sterilising people in order to prevent the messiah from coming to save you from tyranny.

  5. BeautyHealthZoneBlog says:

    What is the nightmare?

  6. Patrick McCarthy says:

    Obama is the AntiChrist

  7. udanbug says:

    Sounds like you should read 2Thess 2:3-4.
    The antichrist will be revealed before the rapture.

  8. lorral333 says:

    I wish people would really read AND study their Bibles better instead of spouting off about ” the rise of the antichrist” no one knows or will know who he is until after the Church is gone!

  9. tbird90sc says:

    “the Post Office and U.S. Mail, is an independent agency of the United States government” – Wikipedia

    It is an independent agency meaning it’s authorized by the constitution but operates independently and generates its own revenue.

    You sir seem to be a very angry person, it’s best to just cool off and take a deep breath or two and think things through before responding. Take it from a former hothead, going postal will get you nowhere, pun intended.

  10. nycullaSUCKS says:

    Okay – I can see you are not very familiar with the subject of Antichrist.

    The spirit of the Antichrist is not of human origin.

    “The beast that thou sawest is, is not, and yet is, and shall ascend from out of the bottomless pit. Even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”

    In other words – he is not coming here to get laid.

  11. jbaz77777 says:

    says the gay 3rd world prostitute.

  12. jbaz77777 says:

    hey dog banger…yes WHO NEEDS THE POSTAL system? Go to a socialist country if you need the government dick to suck off of to live.

    And go fuck yourself.

  13. Dvtto bartol says:

    OMG nevermind :D . Just because someone can think he is a God doesnt mean he wont have a time to have a sexual feeling. But ok I respect your view maybe its true.

  14. Oswald Spengler says:

    floundering postal system, yea who needs a postal system anyway ? What lunatics these libertarians are.Back to the stoneage then right ?

  15. sturmluger says:

    antichrist is jews, jews have taken over our gov watch ZIONIST MATRIX OF POWER

  16. nycullaSUCKS says:

    You seem to have a very limited notion of what celibacy is.

    There are all kinds of reasons why certain people practise celibacy. Some people are born with no sex drive whatsoever. They have no interest in sex. That may strange to you and me, but their hormones are messed up genetically.

    Antichrist’s celibacy is explained in the scriptures – “For he shall magnify himself above all…”

    In other words – the sexual act is beneath him, and not fit for a “god”.

  17. Dvtto bartol says:

    celibacy doesn’t mean no desire for women!!! It’s not human nature not have a desire, celibate people do desire the opposite sex just they suppress the desire for religious purpose.

  18. Michael Menendez says:

    I don’t understand how indoctrination can work even with terrible phrasing. Wouldn’t the story of that girl who refused the RFID badge and got expelled cause a lot of people to get pissed? Even one of my brothers said he doesn’t care about how often we’ve being surveilled, because of the fact that our photos are taken through ever intersection, banks, gas stations, schools, court houses, airports, and other places that require security. Things were once used for good. Now they’re used for evil.

  19. franzgrabe1 says:

    I think, you should start thinking!

  20. LivinWorstNightmare says:

    Right on brother!

  21. nycullaSUCKS says:

    How can Antichrist be an Atheist, when the scriptures says “a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor…”?

    The scripture you quoted refers to him not regarding any god recognized by the people of the world (take your pick). He shall disregard all know “gods”, except the one who gives him his power.

    Also “the desire of women” verse does not equate to him being a homo. It equates to him being celibate. He HAS no desire for women – ala ROMAN CATHOLIC priest.

  22. Valentine Day says:

    As far as those that want to slam ‘religion’ or faith in God. Let me just be real with you. God will always be at the center of everything, your ridiculous little ideologies will pass as quickly as a fart in the wind. You view yourselves as intelligent but overtime your stupidity becomes the annoying hemiroidal ‘world view’ that irritates the rest of us.

  23. Valentine Day says:

    Many think we have been down this road before, and in ideology that is true, however in capability we are living in Stalin, Hitler, and Mao’s dream. As far as Bible prophecy this is exact,..it could have never happened before because as the Bible predicted Israel would have to become a Country again after being scattered all over the nations, Israel would have to relearn their forgotten language, and become the center of international affairs. Before 47′ no one would have believed it possible.

  24. smujismuj says:

    Religion is institutionalized hear/say.

  25. xelbaga1987 says:

    i think for the “nor the desire of women” part doesn’t necessarily mean homosexual but more like saying that he won’t be a regular man with regular needs he won’t be subdued by nor be interested in worldly pleasures but he’ll have his own unique objectives & agenda,he’ll be a Jew yes.. “not regarding THE god of his fathers” means he’ll recognize THE god of his fathers but he’ll rebel against him ,more like Satan if u think about it

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