


Port Forwarding with Asus RT-N66U Router – Wow Private Server Website

Hey all, this may not work for everyone as said in the video, Not everyone has the same router and most people won’t have my exact router, but the method is …
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  1. kronixusa says:

    I don’t think that’s possible as a TP-LINK is the same thing as a N66U, both of them are wireless routers in a sense. I’m not a networking professional. Only an enthusiasts that does simple websites and world of warcraft private servers.

  2. rusty5100 says:

    my AP cannot connect with my N66U. I’m trying to set up the TP-LINK 700N as a AP CLIENT with N66U. They cannot seem to connect with each other. What can I do?

  3. kronixusa says:

    Local port is optional in my opinion. The manual says not to leave it blank when not ranging but I’ve not noticed any faults in not filling it in.,

    I’ve not used any type of network storage so I’m not sure what you’d need to do to get that working. But if you have the manual on hand you should give it a good read through. Since you’re ranging 5000:5001, you can leave local port blank.

    Either read your manual or view examples over at portforward(dot)com

  4. Basile Despond says:

    Why do you leave all the “local ports” open? What are they for anyway?
    I have a synology NAS and I’m wondering what I should do with that.
    So far, when i for example port foward 5000:5001 to the NAS, then I write 5000 as the local port.. is that correct? Again, do you know when we would need to fill that “local port”?
    Thanks a lot!
    Great video

  5. kronixusa says:

    I’m sorry but you’ll have to look elsewhere. I do not have wireless cameras in my household, still using some ancient stuff that’s wired and hooks up to an analog recording device.. Anyway. I came across


    And it seems to be pretty much on point if you know how to port forward in a general sense already. Goodluck. :D

  6. Brian Rotenberger says:

    I have the same router and I’m trying to set up an ip camera. Can you post a tutorial on that?

  7. kronixusa says:

    It was, but it no longer exists, the creators have abandoned the project and have started a new one, which may not be free. There’s always Azer CMS 3.0 which can be found on ac-web in the Releases>Websites Section. I’ve never used it but I’ve heard from many that its really good and is updated every so often and most of all It’s FREE… so goodluck.. I no long bother with WoW/Websites/etc.

  8. dennissk8910 says:

    Is the website for free ?

  9. kronixusa says:

    xD.. take it you have a similar router?

  10. Killa Konnections says:

    Great Vid thanks didnt know had to hit add kept hitting apply and thinking wtf

  11. kronixusa says:

    I have no idea. we have different routers and manufacturers I’m sure.

  12. CasualGamers1337 says:

    my router stuff load EXTREMELY slow. is there a way to fix that? i’m hard wired into my router..

  13. kronixusa says:

    Thankyou and thanks for dropping by and commenting. :D . 

  14. zauii89 says:

    Thanks man, great tutorial.

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